Editorial Policies

Ownership, Funding Info and Advertising Policy

Gliz is owned and operated by Alb Media Inc., a Delaware corporation. Alb Media was founded in 2024 and is backed by AlbMedia. For more information visit: www.albmedia.app. Alb Media investors do not influence our editorial coverage decisions.

The vast majority of revenue that Alb Media generates is from programmatic advertising through respected ad platforms such as Google. As such, the Alb Media editorial staff are not influenced by direct sales opportunities with brands or advertisers. The editorial staff are also not involved in operating the programmatic advertising business, making them independent of significant revenue-generating activity. As our editorial staff is not involved in the ad experience, these ads do not reflect the views of Alb Media and do not impact our coverage. However, our operations team is keenly focused on maintaining a high standard of quality.

In the event our sales team closes an advertising campaign, affiliate link or sponsorship, the posts will include a prominent disclosure statement.

The Alb Media editorial team has existing relationships with major studios, networks, streaming platforms and other partners which can result in exclusive content and interviews. Our staff follows a thorough ethics policy which governs our objectivity and limits any influence.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to inform and inspire our audience by tapping into women's lifestyle topics from multiple perspectives. We strive to curate a well-rounded experience for every reader whether they're here for fashion advice or wellness tips.

Reviews Policy Guidelines

For a comprehensive overview of our policies around reviews, click here.

Fact Checking Policy

Accuracy in reporting

Whenever we publish an article, we work very hard to ensure that everything we write is accurate and up to date. Whenever we discover that we've made an error, we make sure to correct those mistakes as quickly as possible.

When we revisit older articles, we review each to ensure they're up to date and accurate for our readers always have the best news and information available.

Sourcing and quotations

We take our commitment to facts very seriously. We take great pains to make sure we trace facts and information back to their original sources as often as possible, and include links to those primary and (if necessary) secondary sources for full transparency. If we can't support an assertion, we don't publish it. That extends to our team of experts, who we've carefully vetted to ensure the quality of their insights.

The best way to tell a person's story or share their opinion is to ensure we're using their own words. To that end, we include direct quotes from the subjects of our articles as often as possible. We never want to put words in someone's mouth, so we are diligent in using our subjects' quotes in fair and accurate ways.

Ethics Policy

It isn't enough to simply make sure that our articles are accurate; we also consider the greater context of the world we live in. Our editorial staff stresses fairness in our stories. Beyond simply reporting events, we also put them in context to faithfully relay the big picture to our readers. We always think about how our content could be read by someone with a different perspective.

Conflicts of interest

We strive to avoid all conflicts of interest in our coverage, whether real or perceived. When we receive free products or conduct exclusive interviews, we disclose this to our readers in relevant articles. Editorial staff are instructed to remain impartial in their coverage.

Types of content

When an article contains our own editorial opinions, such as in a product review, it will be clearly identified as such. We also use a prominent disclosure statement to transparently inform readers when articles include affiliate links or other sponsorships.

Public figures

When we cover people or events, we make sure to limit our focus to those who are in the public eye. We often cover celebrities and other public figures, but draw the line at invading the privacy of those who never asked for publicity or attention.


We strive to have a diverse group of writers and editors to represent a variety of opinions and perspectives on the topics we cover. We also have guidelines and trainings for diversity, equity, and inclusion to ensure we're celebrating all cultures and making all readers feel welcomed, seen, and understood.

Corrections Policy

Whenever we find an error, we make prompt corrections to prevent the spread of misinformation. We take accuracy very seriously and strive to ensure our articles are up to date and factual.

An updated timestamp is placed at the top of each article whenever we make changes. We also add a dated explanatory note to articles when significant corrections are necessary.

If you have a correction for an article, please call or email us at (256) 567-7130‬ or .