The Real Difference Between A Diet And A Cleanse

In the modern era, there always seems to be a new weight-loss trend arising. Between detoxes, cleanses, fasting, and diets, weight loss industries are always coming up with something new to entice people not only across the U.S. but also across the world. According to Grand View Research, the detox product industry alone is predicted to hit a value of $51 billion worldwide. 

With all of these popular options, it's easy to get confused and overwhelmed with which to choose. Nevertheless, diets and cleanses are the two most common weight loss methods. Since these two methods are very similar, they're often confused with each other. However, there are key differences between the two that could make one better for you than the other. 

Both methods have pros and cons that can affect your health and merit further research before beginning them. When done correctly, though, they can help aid a healthy lifestyle. Whether you choose a diet or a cleanse, it's crucial to be certain that it's the best option for you personally.

What you need to know about diets

The biggest misconception about diets is that they restrict what you can eat. However, according to nutritionist Lahana Vigliano, a well-structured and healthy diet should be everyone's end goal. A healthy diet considers what you're putting into your body and the food habits that you obtain and maintain. Diets that constrict eating and fixate on your food habits, on the other hand, are more harmful than beneficial. As dietician Sherry Roberts agrees, restrictive dieting leads to weight gain, overeating, and even eating disorders (via The Zoe Report).

According to The New York Times, the possible results from dieting may also vary depending on your genetics. Since not everybody will respond the same to each diet, some may find that a certain diet is simply not optimal for them. A healthy diet is a long-term way to weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. It isn't designed to show results overnight, and any diet promising to do so is most likely not a healthy diet to follow.

What is a cleanse?

A cleanse, on the other hand, is a short-term action that can help with bloating and inflammation. Cleanses can take the form of either juices or foods, and they're defined by you consuming just one type for a determined amount of time. A popular cleanse you may have heard of is the celery juice cleanse. Generally, the goal for cleanses is to rid the body of toxins, leaving it as healthy as possible. According to the MD Anderson Center, cleanses are not entirely necessary. The body's liver and kidneys are natural cleansers and typically don't need extra help. While a cleanse can help you initially feel better and lose weight, it's not a long-term solution to weight loss.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, although juice cleanses can help add extra vegetables to your diet, they aren't a source of protein, which we all need on a daily basis. This means that they don't have all of the necessary nutrients that we need to survive. In general, though, cleanses can help you identify a reaction you may be having to a specific food. However, cleanses are not recommended and are not deemed necessary for weight loss.
