Is Olive Oil The Skincare Product Your Routine Is Missing?

Cosmetics, which range from appearance-enhancing makeup to personal care items, play a significant role in the lives of almost all modern women. For ages, pop culture trends have led many people to believe that the brand name or price of a product reflects its quality. When it comes to skincare, however, these factors should not serve as the ultimate benchmark. Olive oil, a product you can get from Walmart for less than $10, is all the rage with avid skincare fans. 

According to Yahoo! Life, numerous celebrities, including Julia Roberts and Emma Stone, have been using olive oil for radiant skin. Rich in omega-3, vitamins A, D, E, and K, olive oil works great as a moisturizer on top of being a pantry staple, per Verywell Health. And oils aren't new in skincare, either. Coconut oil, for instance, has been used in both cooking and skincare just like olive oil. 

So, is olive oil ultimately the key to your quest for an affordable yet effective DYI skincare routine?

Olive oil can hydrate your skin, treat scars, and break down makeup

According to Medical News Today, olive oil contains moisturizing, anti-aging, and antibacterial properties that can soften the skin, heal wounds, and reduce pigmentation. Meanwhile, a 2000 study on mice published in Carcinogenesis: Integrative Cancer Research suggested that olive oil's antioxidant properties can treat sunburns and prevent UVB-induced skin tumors. Olive oil can also be used to remove oil-based makeup such as foundation, eye shadow, and mascara.

"Olive oil is an excellent skin moisturizer, especially when applied to wet skin when the pores are open," dermatologist Neda Mehr, M.D., told via Real Simple, adding that its ability to retain the skin's elasticity can act as a "second skin barrier" for dry skin in the winter. To enjoy maximum benefits from natural olives for your skin, according to Skin Spa New York, you should choose a cold-pressed and unrefined extra virgin olive oil.

As versatile as olive oil is, it's not for everyone. For those with existing acne problems, it can be a nightmare.

Olive oil might not fare well for people with acne-prone skin

If you have acne-prone skin, use olive oil with caution because its oleic acid can clog up your pores and aggravate acne. The fatty acids in olive oil serve as "the very food source for acne-causing bacteria," explains cosmetic chemist Ee Ting Ng (via Byrdie).

In case you have oily skin, you'd better steer clear of oil facials. Because many people with sensitive skin have reported acne and rosacea breakouts after using olive oil for facials at home, cosmetic dermatologist Stefanie Williams told Get the Gloss.

Everyone has a different skin type. For some people, olive oil works wonders for their complexion. But for others, it makes their skin condition worse. For those with acne problems, you should consult your dermatologist before using olive oil. Who knows? Perhaps its pore-clogging potential can be avoided if combined with other skincare ingredients.
