How To Save Money By Becoming A More Mindful Shopper

Lots of people can admit to having trouble when it comes to saving money. This struggle is nothing to be ashamed of, though; it's just something to work on. According to Bankrate, 21% of people in the United States don't save any of their yearly income, so if your savings aren't where you want them to be, you're not alone. We understand how hard it can be to save up and how tempting it is to spend money, especially with so many exciting clothing trends and beauty products everywhere. From at-home pore vacuums to styling leather pants like a pro, there always seems to be a new beauty or fashion trend popping up, which doesn't make saving up any easier. Plus, inflation has been rising.

One relatable movie centered around a fashion-obsessed young woman whose inability to save and temptation to spend leads her into trouble is called "Confessions of a Shopaholic." Like how the protagonist of this iconic film could've avoided her situation by improving her shopping habits, many people can start learning to save by becoming more mindful shoppers.

Think before you spend

If you love to shop, you might feel like you need to buy every trendy new nail polish color or beauty product, and we understand this urge. However, before you purchase these items, you should ask yourself if you really need them; when becoming a more mindful shopper, being able to identify a want vs. a need is crucial (via The Balance). For instance, some things that you really need to be able to continue living and being healthy include paying for your shelter and utilities, healthcare, medicine, food, and transportation.

On the other hand, some things that you might think are needs are actually wants, such as going out to eat, traveling for fun rather than work, TV, trendy or expensive clothes, and accessories (via The Balance). As much as you may feel like you need these privileges, you ultimately can live without them, which makes them wants, not needs. If you're trying to save up, limit how many of your wants you choose to spend money on per month, and you'll likely be surprised by how much more money you have in your account in the end.

Furthermore, one way for fashion lovers to become more mindful shoppers is to start secondhand shopping. According to TheThirty, consignment shops and thrift stores have plenty of excellent pieces. Plus, since these items were usually owned by someone else before, they're often much more affordable than they'd be anywhere else. 

All of this is not to say that all financial struggles are the result of frilly spending habits, though. Between inflation and low wages, money across the world has been harder to come by or maintain. For now, we are all doing our best.
