Psychotherapist Walks Us Through 'Pursed Lip' Breathing To Combat Anxiety

If you're grappling with stress, the idea of breathing techniques probably isn't new to you. With famous iterations like the 4-7-8 breathing technique and the low-key stress relief of box breathing, there are plenty of quick and easy options to fight off looming panic. But now, another contender is trending on TikTok: pursed lip breathing. Videos around this technique have been collectively viewed over 24 million times. So, what's the big deal?

To get an inside scoop on the buzzy technique, Gliz spoke exclusively to mental health expert Claire Law, qualified and accredited MBACP. In addition to her expertise as a registered integrative psychotherapist and university counselor, Law is a senior contributor at Do You Love to Learn, But Have No Time?. In short, Law understands busy lifestyles and how pressures — both big and small — can quickly pile up.

‌"We've all been there — feeling that familiar anxiety monster start to stir, heart racing and palms getting sweaty over nothing in particular," Law told Gliz. "In these moments, having effortless tools to hit the brake on escalating anxious thoughts is invaluable." These tools include the pursed lip breathing technique. In fact, despite being "delightfully simple," Law said that pursed lip breathing is "low-key one of the most powerful calm-down tools around." With this in mind, Law shared her insights into trendy pursed lip breathing, how to do it, and why it can help you keep an even keel in the face of adversity.

How pursed lip breathing works

Need a respite from daily stress? Happily, the pursed lip breathing technique couldn't get any easier. "It's ... basically just breathing in through your nose as usual, then puckering those lips together and exhaling slowly through that contracted mouth opening. Like you're gently blowing out a candle flame," Claire Law exclusively explained to Gliz. Sound too good to be true? Law broke down how this simple practice actually makes a profound impact on your body's stress response.

As Law clarified, a long exhale slows and regulates your breathing pattern. "Rapid, shallow chest breathing is one of the classic hallmarks of anxiety that kicks your nervous system into fight-or-flight mode. But by keeping your exhale slow and controlled, you're manually signaling to your body that it's time to chill out," Law detailed. This mindful breathing activates your parasympathetic nervous system, which sends reassuring safety signals to your brain.

And that's not all pursed lip breathing does. Law added, "That extended exhale also gives you a chance to fully engage your diaphragm ... which helps prevent over-breathing and the dizzying lightheadedness that often comes alongside panic attacks." If you've ever found yourself helplessly hyperventilating in a stressful moment, you can imagine how important this reset can be. Essentially, pursed lip breathing stymies your internal stress responses to physically induce calm. "The chest unclenches, the heart starts calming down, and those looping whirlwind thoughts can finally settle," Law said.

Implementing pursed lip breathing and other calming practices

Understanding the science behind pursed lip breathing is helpful, but it's all theoretical until we actually try it. So, when should we work this technique into our anti-stress arsenal? "Anytime anxiety starts creeping up is a perfect time to stop and do a few cycles of pursed lip breathing," Claire Law exclusively advised. "Sure, it may look a little silly at first. But I've seen this technique work wonders time and again for quickly restoring a sense of ease."

Of course, breathing exercises aren't the only answer. In fact, if your anxiety has deep roots, it probably shouldn't be your only recourse. "Breathing isn't a cure-all for anxiety; there are tons of other techniques that can help, too," Law acknowledged, suggesting a few tricks she pairs with pursed lip breathing in client sessions. Law's go-to techniques include progressive muscle relaxation by tensing and releasing different muscle groups, guided imagery to visualize a calm, peaceful scene, and cognitive strategies to disrupt unhelpful thought patterns that trigger anxiety. "Using a few of these methods together is like a one-two punch for soothing anxious minds and bodies," Law told Gliz.

Remember, though — pursed lip breathing doesn't always have to be part of a major self-care session. One of its main benefits is its anytime, anywhere application. "You can do this exercise in pretty much any setting without any equipment. No apps, no devices — just your breath and a subtle lip pucker that no one else may even notice. It's your own free, portable, anti-anxiety tool," Law enthused. So the next time you're on the brink of overwhelm, stop for some quick pursed lip breathing. As Law concluded, "Within a few cycles, you may just start to feel that sweet, sweet relaxation washing over you."
