Research Says This One Hair Color Can Transform Your Life

Hues of blond and brunette may be reliable go-to hair colors, but when it comes to changing your life from root to tip, don't overlook the powerful impact of eye-catching burgundy hair. Many iconic and powerful women flaunt red hair in rich shades from flame-red to maroon, including characters like Black Widow and Jessica Rabbit and real-world stunners like Julianne Moore and Bryce Dallas Howard. And while fads certainly vary from season to season, trendy red hair colors like cherry cola prove that deep, velvety red hues are always in vogue. 

The impact of an alluring red hair color goes beyond mere style. For one, there are some incredible health and beauty advantages to being a natural-born redhead, including possible resistance to conditions like arthritis, prostate cancer, and even depression. But true gingers aren't the only ones who can have their lives shaped by a spicy hair color — it turns out that burgundy hair can have far-reaching implications. Whether natural or dyed, dark red locks can transform your day-to-day by providing an outlet for self-expression and altering others' perceptions of your attractiveness, likability, and professionalism.

Burgundy hair lends an air of sophistication

When discussing a not-quite-natural hair color like burgundy, it's not just about selecting a flattering shade — it's also about asking what that color communicates about you. Color psychology suggests that different hues can have an impact on our emotions and behavior, which is why interior designers love restful colors like blue for a bedroom and marketers employ bright primary colors when they want to grab your attention.

So, what associations does burgundy carry? Happily for aspiring redheads, rich, purple-red tones like maroon and burgundy are tied to a feeling of elegance, power, and professionalism. Think about the type of businesses that tend to use this color in their branding and decor — you probably envision fancy restaurants, exclusive universities, or high-priced law firms. The color burgundy even takes its name from a famous, wine-producing region of France, cementing the connection between this red hue and fine luxuries. This subconscious association may lend your burgundy hair the same vibe of elite mystery and sophistication, wordlessly elevating your status among new friends, coworkers, and peers.

Red hair may make you seem more competent

Burgundy's connotation of professionalism is just the tip of the iceberg. It turns out that the luscious tone also has a notable effect on perceived competency. A study in the Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment evaluated the hair colors of 500 CEOs in the UK to see if they accurately reflected overall demographics. Namely, because redheads make up only 1% of the overall population in the United Kingdom, researchers stated that "one would expect to see ... 5 (1%) CEOs with red hair."

However, their survey instead found a 4% concentration of redheads in CEO positions — basically, four times more than mathematically predicted. "Redheads ... were over-selected to lead some of the United Kingdom's (and Europe's) largest, wealthiest companies," the study noted. Why? The researchers hazarded a guess that stereotypes played a role, "as redheads are perceived to be competent, though not particularly likable."

In short, burgundy or deep red hair could serve you well by funneling onlookers' assumptions toward a savvy, business shark persona. Note that classy burgundy-red is also an ideal professional solution if you prefer a vivid hair color but don't want to cross a workplace line with more outlandish shades. As hairstylist Stephanie Brown tells Real Simple about hair dyes, "Most people in professional settings from what I know aren't doing anything crazy. ... I think it's still considered unprofessional." Enter burgundy, which toes the line of dramatic yet chic and work-appropriate.

Burgundy hair strikes the perfect balance of self-expression

Professionalism is one thing. But if you're seeking a hairstyle that reflects your individuality without necessitating an eye-searingly unnatural shade, human nature may also be playing a role in your selection process.

One study in Science Progress examined the psychology of uniqueness, positing that a key factor of human identity is balancing the desire to be different with the need to belong. According to the study's findings, most of us want to differentiate ourselves — but not too much. For instance, someone might put their own spin on a trendy aesthetic, making it unique without veering too far from common styles.

What does this have to do with burgundy hair? Hair color has become a major way for people to express their individuality, and while completely unnatural shades like teal or pink are fun options, burgundy hits that sweet spot of different but not too different. Remember, red hair is a natural shade, but a rare one — less than 2% of people worldwide are natural redheads. And only some of these rare redheads will have dark locks, rather than bright, coppery tresses. Thus, dark reds like burgundy, auburn, or maroon are still unusual enough to turn heads, but close enough to natural that they don't completely set us apart from the herd. In short: Burgundy is a prime choice for hair that grabs attention without going over the top.

Shades of red hair may scare off some suitors

For better or for worse, hair color can play a significant role in first impressions. Burgundy locks have a sexy, sensual reputation, but a 2012 experiment in Psychological Studies actually suggests that red hair is perceived as less attractive. The study, staged in a nightclub, found that red-haired women were less likely to draw male attention in the club while red-haired men were less likely to successfully invite women to dance with them.

This assertion is supported by older research, too. A 1992 paper in Modern Psychological Studies found that subjects rated red hair as the least attractive and least preferable for a spouse. Is this information outdated? Possibly. But more recently, Cosmetic World reached a similar conclusion with its 2024 poll on attractive hair colors. Of 2,746 respondents, only 25% preferred red hair, putting it in third place behind blond and brunette. In a breakdown by gender, male respondents favored red hair even less — specifically, only 16% of men found red hair the sexiest, compared to a whopping 43% who liked blond tresses.

Despite red hair's sassy, man-eating stereotype, all this research suggests that hues from copper to burgundy may act more as a warning than a come-hither. Of course, the narrative of attraction and chemistry is rarely so straightforward, and personal testimony argues that burgundy hair could actually give rise to the opposite problem.

Others may find burgundy hair hard to resist

Curiously, the scientific data on red-toned hair and attractiveness doesn't always line up with real-world experience. If red shades like burgundy are so off-putting, how have they earned the stereotype of embodying passion and sexuality? Perhaps because human attraction isn't so easily broken down into numbers and charts.

On the contrary, individuals have flooded social media with anecdotes that switching to burgundy or shades of red upped their perceived sexy factor. TikToker @petalixs shared a video noting their personal experience with various hair colors: "You'll get hit on the most with red," they said. Many commenters agreed, with one adding, "Men used to foam at the mouth at my red hair." One user on Reddit sums up the love-hate phenomenon of red hair as a double-edged sword. "I got lots of attention ... but so much of it was negative and very sexualized. I got more aggressively sexual comments as a redhead than any other color."

It seems that burgundy hair makes a polarizing statement and may draw a mixed bag of attention. Ultimately, rocking burgundy hair may be all about finding the right person to respectfully appreciate the uniqueness and sophistication of your shade. If you want to try this wine-dark color and find out about its transformative power for yourself, just remember: Choosing the right shade of red hair will depend on factors like your complexion and undertones. Consider getting a professional recommendation to find your perfect match.
