What Is Intuitive Astrology? An Astrologer Gives Us All The Details

Did you know the earliest signs of astrology as a practice date back to the third millennium BCE? As soon as humans noticed the celestial bodies in the night sky, they began studying the stars and planets as a way to understand, explain, and predict human behavior. Astrologers were highly respectable individuals, and through the years, the practice of astrology became an academic discipline throughout Europe and Asia. Today, many people seek the help of astrologers to make important decisions in their lives or to predict what lies ahead. Whether it's reading your horoscope in the back of a newspaper, or studying the differences between the three types of Aquarius suns, it's safe to say that many of us have encountered astrology in our daily lives. 

However, a new astrology branch that not many people are aware of yet recently surfaced: intuitive astrology. Gliz spoke exclusively to spiritual coach, astrologer, and leadership expert Dr. Cameron Martin of Path & Purpose to shed light on what precisely intuitive astrology entails. "Intuitive astrology is a practice of harnessing one's intuition to glean information from an astrology chart," Cameron explains. By bringing together the interpretation of astrological signs and placements with messages from his intuition about someone's unique situation, he's able to give clients a deeper and more personalized spiritual session. "It is one thing to understand your 'big three' Sun, Moon, Ascendant, and to see how it's playing out in your life. It is another thing to receive intuitive information from these," he adds.

How does intuitive astrology differ from regular astrology?

An astrologer will read and understand your astrological birth chart — or, they might be able to tell you how the ninth house in your astrological charts reveals your search for meaning. An intuitive astrologer, however, will also use their intuition to draw conclusions, as Dr. Cameron Martin shares exclusively with Gliz. "The astrological chart provides the backbone of my practice. It is but one tool. My intuition guides the rest," Cameron reveals. "When I am looking at a chart, my crown and third eye chakra come alive and I am able to 'know' things. This is where my intuition is guiding me."

The intuitive astrologer goes on to explain how upon seeing a particular placement in someone's chart, he'll also intuitively hear a phrase that has meaning for his client. "So, for example, I might see Saturn in Aries in the fourth house of someone's chart. Now, this placement represents restriction or power struggles at home, and challenges expressing 'self.' However, when I look at it, I also hear 'uncle from childhood.' And then I'll ask my client, 'Tell me about your uncle as a kid because there's something about that relationship that has manifested as you having a difficult time with self-expression.'" As such, intuitive astrology is "a lot like a psychic mediumship reading. 'Knowings' just pop into my awareness and then I explore them with my clients. This is where my practice becomes like a coaching session, guided by my intuition."

Can intuition help shape the future of astrology?

"There is a great shift in consciousness happening on the planet right now. Many of us are opening to the intuitive gifts that have been within us for lifetimes. There is also a growing popularity in astrology as well," Dr. Cameron Martin tells Gliz exclusively. "I think it is inevitable that we will see astrology be blended with many gifts of intuition, mediumship, energy healing ... it's where we're going in the Age of Aquarius." 

Even though intuitive astrology as a concept is relatively new, people are embracing and trusting it to help them better their lives. However, you can also develop your own intuition to help aid your decision-making process. As Cameron explains, "Trusting our intuition comes from knowing our soul's path and understanding how our bodies are communicating with us ... Connecting with your body is the key and when you know the 'bigger picture' of your soul's journey in this lifetime (with tools like astrology), you will have greater clarity about when your intuition is guiding you in a particular direction, or not." Our intuition can be our guide and help us discover the answers that are already deep within our hearts. An intuitive astrologer helps us to "unlock" these answers and lead a happier and more fulfilling life.
