Forget About 'Clean Girl' - The 'Mob Wife Aesthetic' Is The New Look Taking Over TikTok

The latest wave of trending aesthetics has taken a dramatic shift from last year's minimal obsession and is sending the TikTok fashion community into a frenzy. Instead of the subtle, minimalistic trends we've grown accustomed to, including the "coastal grandmother" and "clean girl" aesthetics, the new year has inspired an entirely different lifestyle goal: the "mob wife aesthetic," which Gliz has found to be consistently rising in Google searches over the last week. In fact, "mob wife winter" is up 3,850% in Google searches, while "mob wife trend" and "mob wife aesthetic 2024" are up 2,800% and 2,500%, respectively.

This new aesthetic rides the coattails of last year's "girl boss" energy trend, which emphasized an ambitious, go-getter attitude. However, mob wife energy dials it up a notch and encourages you to reassess your priorities, while simultaneously making a fashion statement. For instance, TikToker Avery (@averybrynn) encouraged viewers to embrace the mob wife mentality by asking questions such as "Would a mob wife text him first?" and "Would a mob wife check her Insta[gram] story 25 times to see what it looks like from someone else's point of view?" A resounding "no" is be the correct answer here.

What's more, the mob wife aesthetic calls for a more daring fashion sense inspired by iconic characters from the '80s and '90s, including Carmela Soprano from "The Sopranos," Ginger McKenna from "Casino," and Elvira Hancock from "Scarface." So, it's time to say goodbye to slicked-back buns and clear lip gloss in 2024 and prepare to enter your mob wife era.

It's all in the attitude

The "mob wife" aesthetic is as much a lifestyle change as it is a wardrobe upgrade. To embrace the trend, try to emulate the assertive mob wife attitude. First and foremost, as TikToker Avery pointed out, this aesthetic has "nothing to do with how much money that you have — it's all in the mentality." Fans of the "quiet luxury" or "old money" aesthetic will understand that you don't need to be filthy rich to pull off an aesthetic (nor should you tie the knot with your local mobster). However, this aesthetic does encourage you to value your self-worth by maximizing your time and energy to achieve your goals. "Mob wife wouldn't have time to gua sha," Avery added in the video. "She's booked and busy."

Another aspect of the mob wife mentality is maintaining healthy boundaries while accomplishing your goals — both personal and professional. For instance, a mob wife prioritizes career goals and personal growth similar to a girl boss' independent and driven energy. However, the mob wife is a more aggressive take on the girl-boss baddie. Bold confidence and self-respect are non-negotiable, while obsessing over how others perceive you doesn't serve you any longer (not that it ever did).

This attitude is infectious, too, with TikTok hashtags like #MobWives and #MobWife reaching huge viewer milestones of more than 165 million and 94 million views, respectively. Videos of the trend are even garnering millions of views within mere days of posting. For instance, a video posted by Chrissy (@trovlov) has more than 4.5 million views after just 6 days.

How to pull off the mob wife aesthetic

TikTok aesthetic enthusiasts have been quick to boost this larger-than-life style, so if you're as equally invested in this trend as we are, then you may want to make a trip to your nearest thrift store to get your hands on a flashy fur coat while you still can. An ostentatious fur coat is a core wardrobe piece for any mob wife, specifically in dark, neutral shades such as brown, black, and gray. Just look at the Google search for "mob wife coat" being up by 850% — you can't deny that it's a critical piece of the aesthetic puzzle.

According to fashion-forward TikTok user Marie (@loveyoumariemuch), the mob wife style is "all about wearing a lot of black, leather, and gold jewelry." In other words, to adhere to the mob wife aesthetic, layer your fur coat with all-black attire and aim for sleek or leather fabrics. Don't forget to accessorize with chunky gold accessories, pointed black boots, and oversized sunglasses if you want to perfect the luxurious mafia chic look. Another mob wife staple is animal print, so make an effort to incorporate leopard print fur coats or skin-tight alligator bottoms.

Complement your vampy mob wife outfit with voluminous hair, smokey eyeshadow, and an eye-catching red lip. Brown lip liner also suits the mob wife aesthetic, so get creative and perhaps even try out the cherry cola lips trend. For a head-to-toe transformation, complete the look with a classic red nail polish or French manicure. After all, "mob wife nails" are up 1,500% in Google searches, so they're pretty essential to your overall look.
