What Hearing Your Name Called In A Dream Means, According To Our Dream Expert

Certain dreams are so well-known that they begin to seem like a shared experience — and, often, finding out the meaning behind these famous dreams is pretty straightforward. But what if you're having a nighttime vision that's a little obscure, like dreaming about tornadoes or even dreaming about getting a sunburn? You may need a more nuanced approach to determine the meaning of these. For instance, consider dreams where you can hear someone calling out your name. Why are they calling to you, and what does it symbolize?

To learn more, we spoke exclusively to dream expert and author Lauri Loewenberg, who encounters these dreams among her clients. "Our names are said in dreams frequently," she revealed. "For your name to be called out, not in the context of conversation, is less common, but common enough that I have helped many clients work through it."

So, if you're hearing your name in your sleep, you're not alone. But what is the meaning behind this dreamy phenomenon? "Hearing your name called in a dream is the way your subconscious is trying to draw your attention towards something it wants addressed," said Loewenberg. "Keep in mind that, no matter who is calling your name in a dream, it is really coming from you because everything and everyone in your dream is some reflection of you or something that directly affects you or influences you." The key is to determine what message your subconscious is trying to relay.

Interpreting the way your name is called

If your subconscious is quite literally calling out to you in your dreams, you're probably wondering what it's trying to tell you. Lauri Loewenberg addressed two important questions for your dream analysis: Whose voice is it? And what tone are they using to call your name?

If the person calling to you is familiar, their identity could be central to the meaning of your dream. "For example, if you dream your mother is calling your name, it would be your own maternal, nurturing self that is trying to get your attention. Perhaps there is an issue with one of your children in real life where you need to call upon your best maternal instincts in order to handle it," Loewenberg illustrated. "Or perhaps the part of you that has been affected by your mother is what needs addressing. If she was toxic in real life and caused some damage, for example, your subconscious may be telling you it's time to work on that."

The person's tone of voice also makes a difference. "If your name is said angrily, ask yourself where in your real life there is anger. Odds are, this means you are angry with yourself about something," Loewenberg explained. "If you hear your name being called from far away, this could be about something you feel you are being called to do such as changing your career path. You would need to ask yourself, what in your life right now is beckoning you?"

Examining the other events in your dream

Hearing your name called out — whether it's shouted by your best friend or whispered by your S.O. — is undoubtedly a significant dream event. But the meaning of your unconscious visions may go even further. To deepen your understanding and connection to such a dream, Lauri Loewenberg suggested that your analysis shouldn't end at the moment your name was called. "Pay close attention to anything that is said after you hear your name as well as any thoughts you had while in the dream," she recommended. "Both of these things, what was said and what you thought, will apply to your life right now."

The same goes for how you felt during your dream's events. Were you scared? Excited? Wistful? The vibe of your dream will impact its overall meaning. "The emotion you experienced in the dream, as well as the emotions other characters have in the dream, are also important and will be connected to that exact same emotion somewhere in your real life right now," Loewenberg explained. "When you are able to connect these to a specific issue in your real life, you can be certain that is the issue your dream wants to address and correct."

Applying your dream's message to your waking life

When your name is called out in a dream, examining the who and how will help you unravel the meaning behind this scenario. But what can you do with this information? As Lauri Loewenberg pointed out, the next step is to connect the meaning of your dreams to your real life and put messages from your subconscious into action. "All dreams have important and helpful messages within them. But when you hear your name called out, know that it is time to have a good, honest, heart-to-heart with yourself," she advised. "There may be something you have been ignoring or putting off for far too long that your subconscious has had enough."

Loewenberg added that if you pay close attention to the details of your nightly visions, you should find meaning that connects to your waking life. "Odds are good, there will be some guidance for you in that dream. If you are unable to find guidance in the dream, then you will at least know the issue that your subconscious is shining a light on and you should be able to take it from there," Loewenberg said. "Remember, your dreams are messages from you, to you, about you, in order to improve you!"
