What Does Dreaming About Finding Money Mean? Our Professional Dream Analyst Weighs In

An art that dates back thousands of years, dream interpretation poses several theories as to the real meanings behind our dreams. Many experts believe that dreaming may show us desires and feelings from our subconscious minds, and analyzing these symbols can help us to ultimately improve our lives. While some dreams are unique and specific to the individual, others are nearly universal, and dreaming about finding money is among the most common. "I'd say this dream is in the top 25 most common I am asked about," professional dream analyst and author Lauri Loewenberg tells us in an exclusive chat. "I've certainly had it myself many times."

Like other famous dreams, dreaming about finding money may have a special meaning. It would be logical to assume that dreaming about finding money is a reflection of your real-life finances, and while this may be true in some cases, Loewenberg explains that there's actually a more likely explanation. Money in dreams can be a reflection of your self-worth and value in a wider sense, beyond your finances.

What does dreaming about finding money really mean?

Sometimes, dreams about finding money can be related to your real-life financial situation. But Lauri Loewenberg, a member of the International Association of the Study of Dreams, tells us exclusively that it is "about your own self-worth and/or the value others see in you" more often than not. "So finding money in a dream, most of the time, will be about discovering or realizing value in yourself, feeling 'worth'y or discovering value in something or someone in your life." Dreams about money are generally symbolic of self-worth and value, but you can work out what they mean more specifically by taking into account the context and details. "The amount of money you find is important," Loewenberg explains. "Numbers and amounts in a dream are directly connected to that same number or amount in waking life." It's also worth taking note of how the money presents in your dream, because coins, in particular, can represent "change."

"For example, a client of mine dreamed her deceased father put two quarters and three dimes [80 cents] in her hand," Loewenberg says. "80 is very significant to her because, several years earlier, she had exactly $80 in her pocket when she decided she was done with her life of addiction and needed to turn things around. And it was shown to her in coins because her dream was reminding her of the enormous 'change' she was able to make."

How to respond to money dreams

If you've dreamed about finding money, Lauri Loewenberg recommends reflecting on your day directly before you had your dream to find a connection. " ... see if you can draw comparisons between the emotions, actions, and thought process in the dream to the emotions, actions, and thought process of the previous day," she shares with Gliz exclusively. "When you look, you will find similarities because your dreams at night are a continuation of your thought stream from the day. When you connect the dots, that will let you know what it is in your real life your dream is trying to help you with." If you often forget your dreams, keeping a dream journal can help you recall those important details. 

Remember that dreaming about money is often tied to feelings of wider value and worth, so the answer likely relates to one of those elements. If you filter through the important figures in your life, from birthdays to phone numbers, you may be able to find a match for the amount displayed in your dream. "Is the dream helping you to realize your self-worth? The value of something or someone? Is the investment of time, energy, or emotion 'paying off?' Is it time to cut your losses or invest more in this person, situation, or yourself?" Looking inward and comparing the elements of your dream with what's going on in your waking life will help you figure out exactly what your subconscious mind is trying to tell you.
