If You Want To Change Up Triangle-Shaped Brows, Here's What To Do

When our eyebrows aren't in the shape we love, we don't feel as confident as we should, and it can be challenging to get glizmed up. Triangle-shaped brows, for example, can be complicated to reshape since they have a higher arch that can be tricky to soften. Luckily, there are different ways to experiment with your brows that don't give you a triangle look. You might try tweezing them to change their shape, but that can lead to overplucking. Instead of picking up the tweezers, opt for an eyebrow razor to help reshape your brows.

Using eyebrow razors to change up your triangle-shaped brows gives you more control over what hair you're removing. Plus, it can give your brows a softer arch instead of a pointy triangle. Eyebrow razors are controversial over whether they're good to use on the face. However, if you strictly use them to shape your eyebrows, you shouldn't run into any issues, especially if you prep the area correctly.

Always prep your eyebrows

Before you start shaving off any eyebrow hair, it's essential to prep the skin and the razor. Use an alcohol wipe to disinfect the razor, even if it's new. You don't want to introduce any bacteria to your skin. It can lead to irritation and redness, as per the Cleveland Clinic.

After disinfecting your razor, outline your brows with an eyebrow pencil to ensure you get the desired shape. Outlining helps prevent you from shaving too much hair. Brow mapping allows you to find the natural shape of your brow by drawing three points along the brow's start, arch, and end. Place your pencil on your nostril and lay it straight until it touches the top of the brow, which will be your starting point. Then, angle the pencil 45 degrees so it rests beside the pupil to find your natural arch and make a dot. Finally, move the pencil to the outer part of your eye to see where your brow ends. Once you draw your three points, connect them, and you'll have the perfect brow shape.

When using a brow razor, apply it to dry skin. However, according to brow and skincare expert Robin Evans via Byrdie, if you're a beginner using the razor, apply some oil to the skin to let the razor glide effortlessly across the surface. As you get used to the feel, use the razor on dry skin when you touch up or shape your brows.

How to shape your brow with the eyebrow razor

After prepping your brows, it's time to shave down the brow. Since you've outlined your brows, you'll know how far to go into the brow. Start at the top of the brow, angle your razor, and lightly shave the hair around the outline. Always shave toward the hair growth to prevent nicks and cuts on the skin. As you approach your arch, slowly shave the hair around it if you don't want it to lose its pointy tip. However, if you want a softer look, you can shave the tip slightly so that it smoothly blends. Once the upper part of your brow is shaved, wipe off the razor with a paper towel.

Then, take your razor to the bottom of your brow and continue, continuing on the inner part of the brow and moving outward. The bottom part is more complex to shave since you won't be able to see where the razor is moving. Nonetheless, take your time and use the razor tip to remove the hair. You'll be able to know where you're going without worrying about shaving more than intended. Afterward, lightly drag the razor along the outline you created until you reach the end of your brow. Repeat on the other brow, and voila, no more triangle-shaped eyebrows.
