The 3 Types Of Pisces Sun And The Differences Between Them

Pisces are the dreamy mystics of the zodiac whose intuitive vision is unmatched. They're the artists and the magicians, barely tethered to practical reality, which we adore them for. These fish are deeply sensitive and truly understand that all beings deserve loving kindness. "Pisces is the most gentle of all the signs," astrologer Kesaine Walker told USA Today. "They see the world through rose-colored glasses." Pisces are also highly psychic in nature, very attuned to the emotional landscapes of others, and more sensitive than the rest. Little effort, other than observation, is needed for them to understand what's going on with their loved ones. 

However, if you're a Pisces who doesn't quite fit into this archetype, the reason could lie within your Mercury placement. Mercury is the planet of communication that represents how we interact with the external world. The intellectual planet is always within 28 degrees of the sun, so, if you're a Pisces, your Mercury will be in either Aquarius, Pisces, or Aries. Here's more on the differences among these three types of Pisces suns.

Pisces with an Aquarius Mercury

Air signs are generally able to practice objectivity, a trait that's amplified in conversation as an Aquarius Mercury. Pisces suns with this Mercury placement are observers and likely remain quiet until a topic they are fascinated by comes up. There's an endearing awkwardness about these individuals, and their choice of language is unusual, almost as though they aren't of this realm. They're engaging when they do speak up, but there's also an uncertainty about them, as they're aware of their quirkiness and unsure if their audience is interested in what they have to say.

Pisces suns with an Aquarius Mercury are humanitarian, eccentric, and extremely witty. They're free-spirited, and, while shy, you won't bore easily when in their vicinity. These eccentrics are witty, charming, and make for great debaters once they're comfortable around you. A Pisces sun with an Aquarius Mercury is the friend you want to bring to the art museum or a poetry reading. Their insights are engaging and will certainly leave you contemplating life in a new light.

Pisces with a Pisces Mercury

Pisces suns with a Pisces Mercury are likely to work as artists, musicians, or therapists. They're deeply intuitive and pick up on a subtle frequency in the room most others don't notice. These placements are gentle and soft, viewing the world through an emotional lens. They are tactful individuals who make sure not to cause harm with their words or actions.

This placement is, of course, Pisces completely personified. When Mercury is in Pisces, you'll see someone who is deeply ethereal and who seems to channel information from a far away mystical realm. It's likely this placement needs an abundance of quiet time to meditate and tap into their inner-knowing. Deeply sensitive, a Mercury in Pisces needs to feel safe, and their intuition is what tells them whether a certain individual is right for them. They're also easily startled by loud noises and are quickly drained around crowds. If you know someone with a Mercury in Pisces, it's likely they spend a fair amount of time daydreaming and aren't exactly grounded in the same physical reality you are.

Pisces with an Aries Mercury

This placement is rebellious, and you won't catch them playing it safe or coloring inside the lines. Pisces suns with an Aries Mercury are the least likely to fit within the Pisces archetype. They've got a wild side and will make their opinion known. "At its best, Mercury in Aries can provide us with a mental state that is optimistic, encouraging, on point, and self-confident," psychic astrologer Leslie Hale told Refinery29. These individuals are unpredictable, and you'll consistently be surprised with whatever project, cause, or hobby they pour themselves into. Aries is the self-starter, a trait amplified in Mercury. Ideas flow with momentum to these fiery Mercury placements, and they're often on the move.

However, a Pisces with an Aries Mercury is still a Pisces and can't help but daydream. The difference with this placement is that they'll likely jump in and make their daydreams a physical reality — until they get bored and are on to their next adventure. These placements might not have the sometimes necessary filter that the other two types of Pisces possess, but if you're in need of a friend to help you make things happen, this placement is one of your best bets.
