Keep These Things In Mind When Shopping For A Personal Trainer

In the world of exercise, there are roughly two types of people. The ones who can remain motivated on their fitness journey and the ones who feel a random strike of inspiration, do one workout, and then wait three months until the cycle repeats itself. If you find yourself in the latter camp, you've probably tried a ton of different methods in the hopes of sticking to a workout routine. Whether it's treating yourself to a little reward at the end of a gym session or finding a fitness buddy, nothing may seem to work.

Hiring a personal trainer can be a good way to keep you on track of your goals and stay motivated. Although it's nice to have a gym partner, a personal trainer knows what they're doing and will almost always be available based on the time you've decided on together. A personal trainer can be necessary when it comes to meeting your fitness goals, but it doesn't mean that you should hire just anybody.

Finding the right trainer is sort of like finding a good therapist. They should be focused on helping you determine what you want to accomplish, share similar communication styles, and be in your price range. What else should you consider when shopping for a personal trainer?

Find someone that's certified

If you've hired a personal trainer in order to attain your dream body, getting caught up in the way a potential fitness coach looks may distract you from what's actually important. Due to genetics and other factors, you may not be able to end up looking exactly like the person you're aiming to hire. Although one's own physical transformation can be indicative of them doing a good job, their certifications will tell you exactly what you need to know.

It's not illegal for a personal trainer to not have certifications, but acquiring them signifies that they're serious about the field of work. Their résumé should note certifications like ACE, YMCA, IDEA, or NSCA that were obtained via distinguished personal training institutions. Similarly, finding a personal trainer who is trained in CPR and first aid will ease your mind should any emergencies arise. They should also have liability insurance so any injuries or damages to property can be handled ethically.

Always check the reviews

Before you book an initial session, narrowing down your list of possible fitness coaches boils down to their reviews from other clients. To get an idea of what your time with them will look like, you need to be able to hear from other people who have been trained by them. Are they the type of trainer that will encourage you and help you stay on track, or do they give you gymtimidation? Reading reviews on the trainer's website and going over testimonials will allow you to determine who the best fit is. You can also ask them for references that can confirm what the trainer claims.

Knowing what your fitness goals are ahead of time will make this choice easier. If losing weight is what you want, check to see if previous customers were able to accomplish that with the trainer. Do they know specialized workouts that will help you to shed some extra pounds? Are they knowledgeable about the role nutrition plays in losing weight? Current and former clients should be able to answer those questions.

They should help you meet your goals – not theirs

Everyone has their own personal reason for seeking out a personal trainer. While some people desire to get their dream body, others simply want to stay fit or commit to something new, such as weight training. Posting a major body transformation to their Instagram as a testimonial may boost their appeal as a trainer, but don't let them use you as a marketing ploy. While your goals should be flexible when given new information from an expert, your trainer shouldn't completely alter what you want to accomplish.

Before you start out your training sessions, your fitness coach should determine where you're currently at. Figuring out the level you're operating at will tell them how they should instruct you moving forward. A good trainer will give you positive encouragement and understand your strength instead of pushing you too hard. Knowing the types of things that you shouldn't hear from your trainer while working out will let you know whether they actually want you to improve or simply desire to change you.

Comments that poke fun at your body, telling you that enduring pain is necessary, or pushing you past your breaking point is indicative of a trainer that isn't looking to benefit you. Instead, the right trainer will use encouragement and positive motivation to help you complete your goals.

A good trainer goes beyond the basics

To get a good workout in, you don't always need to do the most intense, mind-bending, creative exercises. Rudimentary classics like walking on the treadmill, jumping jacks, or push-ups can do wonders for the body. But if your trainer starts out every one-hour session with a 20-minute jog, then you might want to let them go. Finding someone who's going to teach you exercises and techniques you wouldn't have known otherwise is important when shopping for a trainer. Otherwise, what are you paying them for?

Your trainer should also teach you the proper ways to carry out a certain exercise. Even if they're having you do a workout that is known to you, adjusting your form to get the most out of each exercise will help yield better results. Giving you tips on how to make more complex workouts easier should always be a part of the training session. From there, your trainer should track your progress and improvement.

Be ready to pay

A personal trainer is definitely worth the money – using their knowledge and expertise, they can transform your health and life. That kind of work requires money, so you need to make sure it's in your budget. When working towards a goal, change won't be instantaneous. It's going to take a few months before you start seeing physical results from exercising. When you're paying an exorbitant amount for each session, it might make you want to cram everything into a few meetings or question why you're not seeing quick changes when you're spending so much.

Knowing the specific fitness goal you have, you can browse different deals and packages that personal trainers offer to see if it's in your budget. For example, if five months of training is what's in your budget, create a plan that can be accomplished in that amount of time. If you can't afford the hourly fee for one-on-one training, you can find a fitness coach that offers small group training for a lower cost. While your health is priceless, it shouldn't break the bank.
