An Epsom Salt Bath Could Be The Key To Debloating Fast

Bloating can be caused by a number of factors such as indigestion or lactose intolerance. For others, it can be a PMS or menstrual cycle symptom. From making you feel uncomfortable or self-conscious, it isn't something that's readily welcomed. Depending on what's causing your bloating, making some changes to your lifestyle or diet can help relieve it over time, but if you're looking for something that provides a quicker solution, you can try taking an Epsom salt bath. 

While there's a chance you prefer taking showers on a daily basis, the properties found in Epsom salt and their benefits are what will make a bath worth your time. It may not have occurred to you that an Epsom salt bath is beneficial to reducing your bloat, but celebrities such as Victoria Beckham and Elle Macpherson have praised its ability to help them quickly reduce any signs of it. However, you have the freedom to learn what gives Epsom salt its ability to target bloat and decide if you want to add it to your weekly routine.

What is Epsom salt?

Epsom salt's origins can be traced to a town called Epsom, located in England, where it naturally occurred. At the time of its initial discovery, it was considered a bitter salt that locals found had medicinal properties. It wasn't until a scientist by the name of Dr. Nehemiah Grew discovered it that it became known as "Epsom salt." If you've never taken a bath with this mineral before, you may be curious about what it is and how it's beneficial. 

Dmitriy Dvoskin, M.D., a dual board-certified pain management and physical medicine and rehabilitation physician told Forbes in an interview that Epsom salt is comprised of magnesium, sulfate, and oxygen. Although it's referred to as salt, it doesn't mean it tastes like the salt you use to season your food. Because of its bitterness, it doesn't taste the way you think it would, which is why it's better to allow your skin to absorb it by taking a bath with it.

How it helps reduce bloat

Because of the ions in magnesium, Epsom is able to be absorbed into your skin, allowing its benefits to work quicker than ingesting it. According to a Women's Health interview with Dalton Wong, a celebrity trainer, "It takes all the toxins and the excess water out of your system so that you're looking the best that you can." Not only will you notice reduced bloat but you'll also be able to have the most relaxing bath, especially if you add essential oils. However, this doesn't mean that you have to take an Epsom salt bath every day. If your only concern is to reduce your bloat so you don't have to continue feeling uncomfortable, you can take one weekly Epsom salt bath that's between 15 and 20 minutes. 

But if you're becoming stressed about being bloated or the discomfort/pain it's causing, taking a bath when you don't like them may not sound appealing. Irina Todorov, M.D., an integrative medicine specialist, told the Cleveland Clinic that "pain increases anxiety and stress, and the situation can spiral." This is where utilizing a sensory deprivation tank comes in handy. You can try immersing yourself in one since you won't lose any of the benefits of an Epsom salt bath due to Epsom being used in the tank's water to help your body float.
