Can Juicing Each Morning Increase Your Energy Levels? Here's What We Know

If you have been on Gwyneth Paltrow's internet for a while, you might have heard of juicing. For those unaware, Money explains that juicing involves using fresh fruits and vegetables and drawing out their liquids to drink on their own. The goal is to get the nutritional benefits from a wide combination of produce, as fruits and vegetables are known for their nutrients. While some people use this as a normal drink, others use it as a cleanse to detox the body. There are a variety of claims that come with juicing, a popular one being that it helps to give you more energy during the day. 

Unfortunately, according to Colorado State, there is no science-based evidence that can prove that juicing helps with your energy levels. In some cases, it might actually make you feel a lot more tired than you planned to be. While this can potentially be mitigated, it's important to remember that juicing is not the cure for all that some people think that it is, and evidence shows that it doesn't boost your energy in the long term.

How does juicing affect energy?

What you need to know before you try juicing is that it can do more harm than good when it comes to energy. According to, this comes down to the fact that it can cause blood sugar spikes, as well as leaving you without enough protein. The natural sugars found in fruit can lead to a major crash, which may begin with a hit of energy, but ends with feelings of tiredness. 

It's also important to know that these juices usually are not high in calories. EatingWell defines a calorie as how much energy we get from food, which can make juicing counterproductive. How many calories a person needs depends on height, weight, and other factors. However, getting enough calories is necessary for our body to be able to function properly. People who use juices as meal supplements can therefore directly impact their energy levels in a negative way, especially after long-term use.

How to get the most out of juicing

While juicing might not be as healthy as it claims to be, if it's something you want to try there are ways to mitigate it from impacting your energy. One way to do it is to pay attention to your fruit-to-vegetable ratio. Registered dietitian Kathie Swift recommended to use three parts vegetables to one part fruit to avoid a sugar crash (via Experience Life Magazine). This is because vegetables have a lot less sugar, but also have sources that may help to prevent a blood sugar crash, such as fiber. Also consider using a high-speed blender versus a juicing machine to maintain some of the fiber, and thus help your body regulate any sugar, per Healthline. Note that the consistency will be thicker if you use a blender, like that of a smoothie. 

Also consider incorporating juices into your normal diet, instead of using them as meal replacements. When you add fresh juice to a well-balanced diet, you don't have to worry about depriving your body of calories, protein, or fiber. This can be a great alternative to a sugary drink to have with your meal or kick off your day.
