Perfume Storage Mistakes You Don't Want To Make

Perfumes are a luxurious way to create your own signature scent. However, to get the most out of each bottle, it is important to store them properly. Where you keep your perfume matters because different environmental factors can alter the formula's chemical makeup. When this happens, the scent you used to love will be ruined, and the product will expire faster than anticipated. Since you buy perfume because you like the smell, you do not want to compromise its integrity.

Fragrances are made through a precise combination of oils, alcohol, and other preservatives (via FragranceX). The oils used can occur naturally, or they can be replicated with chemicals, depending on the scent you prefer. If you like a more floral fragrance, the scent will come directly from plants or fruits and will be turned into oil. This oil will then be included in the perfume's ingredients. If you prefer a formula with more musk or leather, it must be recreated synthetically since these scents are not found in naturally occurring items that can produce essential oils. Since these ingredients are delicate, you don't want to destroy the formula by keeping your perfume bottles in the wrong place. You can extend the life of your perfume by avoiding the following storage mistakes.

Keeping them in the bathroom

While it may seem convenient to keep your perfumes in the bathroom since this is where many people choose to get ready in the morning, this is actually the worst place to store them. The climate in this area constantly changes after each person in your home turns on the bath, and the humidity created by long, hot showers is harmful to your perfume. "The humidity from the shower or bath will oxidize the more delicate ingredients, like citruses and florals, making the scent smell off or change color or both," perfumer Anne Serrano-McClain explained to Southern Living.

Another problem with bathrooms is the consistent temperature. "If a fragrance is stored in a place where the temperature changes a lot, this can cause the fragrance to sweat, with condensation getting into the fragrance and causing unwanted chemical reactions to occur," The Merchant of Venice creative director Nicola Pozzani told The Independent. If you get ready in the bathroom every morning, it's better to store your perfume in your bedroom just outside your bathroom. This way, it's still convenient to put on, but you can avoid the humidity and temperature changes. A nearby closet is also ideal for storage, even if it means you can't display the picturesque bottles with the rest of your morning routine products.

Letting perfume bask in the sunlight

Placing your perfume collection near a window can cast beautiful rays around your room, but it's a big mistake when it comes to preserving the fragrance. Sunlight is harmful to the chemical formula and will cause it to degrade faster than expected, as explained by Perfume Price. Even artificial lighting from the bulbs in your home can cause the chemicals to break down. That's why many manufacturers put their products into a container made of dark glass, like amber bottles. The opaque coloring is meant to protect the perfume's chemical bonds.

While many fragrances already have built-in protection from the sun because of their packaging, you always want to play it safe. Your best option is to find a location in your home that stays dark all day. Many people choose to keep all their perfume in a designated drawer instead of displaying it on top of their dressers. Another option is to clear a shelf in your closet. If you're determined to show off your extensive collection, you can sit them on your dresser as long as you keep the original packaging. After each use, place them back in the box you purchased them in and display the perfumes like that. It may seem annoying, but taking the extra time out of your day to open them will save the scent in the long run. No one wants to spend money on a fragrance that will turn sour before it's completely used.

Leaving them in the heat

Depending on where you keep your perfume, it may be exposed to extreme temperatures that can damage it. Scorching weather and cold spells are both terrible for fragrance. You could accidentally damage your perfume by keeping a spare in the glove box of your car, as your vehicle can get very hot in the summer or freeze in the winter. Other places to avoid are near windowsills, fireplaces, space heaters, and candles.

The ideal temperature for preserving the shelf life of your perfume is between 60 and 70 degrees Farenhight, explained perfume expert Jonny Webber to The Press and Journal. You don't need to test the climate around your home as long the room feels consistently cool. However, if you know it's too hot for your perfumes, you can always keep them in the fridge. It may seem silly, but Weber recommended storing them there to preserve the ingredients. If you have a skincare fridge, this will be even more convenient while getting ready each day. Just make sure it isn't set too cold. Eau de toilettes are the best fragrances to store in the fridge.

Decanting perfume into a different bottle

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when storing your perfumes is accidentally exposing the product to oxygen before you put it on. The type of bottle your fragrance is in affects how avoidable this can be. Many perfumes come in a bottle with a spraying lid that can't be removed. These are the safest because you're not going to accidentally open them and expose the liquid. They also prevent oxygen from touching the product while decanting it into a new container.

Pouring your perfume into a different container is something you should never do. The only exception is if the original bottle becomes damaged. If this is the case for you, transfer the liquid into a new container as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Cracks in the glass or broken lids can cause oxygen to get in and ruin the formula. Majouri explained that once air reaches the product, it not only alters the balance of chemicals but it also causes the alcohol in the ingredients to evaporate quicker than expected. This leads to the fragrance expiring. If the scent or color changes, your perfume has gone past its due date and should be replaced. 

Displaying perfume on a high shelf

Perfume often comes in beautiful bottles that you may want to put on display. However, the higher you place them on a shelf or dresser, the more you risk damaging their longevity. Accidents happen, and if a bottle of perfume falls or breaks, it could spill everywhere. Even if the container stays intact, the formula could still be ruined. "Perfumes are delicate blends, so you want to make sure the contents of the bottle aren't disturbed," Sephora fragrance trainer Biljana Ristic told The National News. "Just like oxygen, shaking can lead to oxidation, which will lead to a breakdown of the scent."

There are multiple options when it comes to the best place to keep your fragrances. A drawer is preferred, but you can also put them on the floor of a closet or a low shelf. That way, if they do end up falling, there is minimal turbulence and their chemical makeup will remain unscathed.
