25 Mental Health Podcasts That Can Help Fuel Healing

One vein of media that's swiftly taken center stage over the past few years is the beloved podcast. Podcasts are the more modern version of a radio talk show, but since they're pre-recorded and found on streaming platforms, they're way more accessible both for creators and consumers.

Podcasts aren't only for entertainment, though. In fact, there are plenty of podcasts aimed at self-improvement, and thanks to the rise of a societal focus on mental health, podcasts on the subject are abundant. Sure, mental health podcasts may not be able to replace a therapist that can become intimately familiar with your particular situation. But they can provide a great starting point to help you process trauma and a great supplementary resource if you're already going to therapy.

Mental health podcasts can do a great job of helping you make sense of your thoughts and emotions, and sometimes even just being able to name what's been going on is a significant first step toward healing. And the good news is there are plenty of podcasts out there to give you your daily dose of mental health help.

The Positive Psychology Podcast

If you've never heard of the term positive psychology, this podcast is a good place to start. A term coined by psychologist Abraham Maslow and later popularized (and formed into an official vein of psychological study) by Martin Seligman, positive psychology studies and emphasizes all elements of a "life of meaning and purpose," according to Psychology Today. If it makes you happy or moves your life upward, chances are, positive psychology has something to say about it — and so, too, does "The Positive Psychology Podcast."

In "The Positive Psychology Podcast," host Kristen Truempy joins with psychologists to discuss various elements that make up a happy life. The podcast covers everything from the benefits of running (in episode 109) to parenting (episode 96) and, yes, even sex (episode 113). This is a great podcast to listen to if you're just on a general hunt for more happiness.

Emotions Mentor podcast

The subject of emotional health encompasses many aspects of ourselves, mostly having to do with our feelings. Anything from how you feel to how you think about your feelings, how you express them, and even how aware you are of them can all relate to emotional health and emotional intelligence.

If your emotional health is something you want to work on, the "Emotions Mentor" podcast is here to help you do just that. For example, did you know that your hormones can play a role in your emotional health and that there are practical steps you can take to help balance them?

Host Rebecca Hintze and guest Laura Jacobs cover the effects of hormones on your overall wellness in episode 171. Other episodes dive into everything from the meaning behind your intense Hallmark movie craving (episode 160) to how birth order can affect your personality (episode 143). 

The Hilarious World of Depression

In case you're wondering, no, this podcast is not claiming that depression is funny — however, sometimes humor can help us get through the darkest times. In "The Hilarious World of Depression" podcast, host and comedian John Moe joins forces with other comedians to chat and laugh about the ways they've managed their depression in the past. Despite being humorous, the show also manages to be heartfelt and hits at the deep issues depression can pose to anyone who deals with it. 

Anyone dealing with ADHD or complex emotions around coming out as LGBTQ+ may find solace in the April 2020 episode where Dave Holmes, who's dealt with similar issues, sits down and talks with Moe. Other guests include "The Good Place" actor Jameela Jamil, who tackles her struggles with body positivity and eating disorders in a March 2020 episode, and therapist Lori Gottlieb, who also came on the pod in March 2020 to detail a wild story about how she ended up in the therapy profession in the first place.

Anxiety Slayer

Anyone who's ever dealt with anxiety knows that the unexpected panic attacks, irritability, constant worrying, and somatic symptoms accompanying it are no picnic to deal with. The "Anxiety Slayer" podcast can relate, and they're here to help your anxiety. 

If you deal with anxiety or suspect you may have an anxiety disorder, in-person therapy may be a necessary part of your healing process. But if you aren't ready for that yet (or just want to get your feet wet in a low-pressure setting), "Anxiety Slayer" is a great place to start.

Their discussions are stunningly in-depth and draw on the knowledge and wisdom from professionals like Dr. Dain Heer, who talks about anxiety and "presumptive realities" in episode 647, and pianist-composer Chad Lawson, who discusses how music and wellness overlap in episode 634, and Dr. Adam Bandelli, who discusses how mental health and "relational intelligence" coincide in episode 643.

The Trauma Therapist

A lot of people have experienced trauma at one point — and it can run incredibly deep. Depending on the extent to which you've experienced trauma in your life (and the type of trauma), you may find yourself dealing with anything from self-imposed social isolation to extreme fatigue, shame, and unrelenting anxiety. Again, therapy will likely be necessary during your healing process; in the meantime, "The Trauma Therapist" podcast is here to help. 

In "The Trauma Therapist" podcast, host Dr. Guy Macpherson gets together with leaders in different wellness spheres to talk about how they use their specialty to help people heal from trauma. He interviews everyone from Dr. Mica Gonzalez (in a June 2023 episode), whose specialty is early childhood trauma, to combat veteran Joshua Cameron, who talks about "healing from chronic pain" in episode 730. The use of psychedelics in healing medicine even gets a whole episode devoted to it (episode 732), as do dreams and nightmares (episode 726). 

Therapy for Black Girls

If you haven't heard of Dr. Joy Harden Bradford, you're about to, and you won't regret it. Dr. Bradford hosts the "Therapy for Black Girls" podcast, aimed at exploring everything that can help you become your best self, so it's unsurprising that conversations around mental health play a huge role in this podcast. Dr. Bradford recognizes the numerous obstacles that sometimes prevent Black women from seeking therapy and aims to tackle those, one episode at a time. 

We love this podcast because it tackles both hard-hitting and lighthearted topics in an accessible, relatable way. For example, Dr. Bradford explores the role EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) can play in healing in episode 307. In episode 311, we get to hear a conversation about skincare and dermatology. The podcast is also extraordinarily culturally relevant (yes, the release of the live-action "The Little Mermaid" gets an entire June 2023 "bonus" episode). 


Coffee lovers, this mental health podcast is for you — and to be honest, "Therappuccino" might be the most brilliant mental health podcast name we've ever heard. Licensed mental health counselor Bisma Anwar hosts the "Therappuccino" podcast, which tackles ultra-relevant mental health issues in an accessible way in every episode. The episodes are broad enough that nearly anyone can benefit from them but culturally relevant enough that you're likely to find one that speaks to your particular situation. 

For example, do you have an inkling that your social media usage could be impacting your mental health? Anwar tackles this topic in an October 2022 episode with media consumption expert and TikTok strategist Shawn Thomas. Or, maybe you struggle with eating habits around the holiday season — there's a December 2021 episode for that. Or, if you're affected by some post-pandemic stress, there are several episodes that tackle that subject head-on, released in March and May of 2021. 

The Anxiety Podcast

Another helpful resource for those who deal with anxiety, "The Anxiety Podcast" (hosted by Tim JP Collins), is here as a resource to help you move past your anxiety toward living a more fulfilled life. This one is hosted by someone you'll instantly be able to relate to because he deals with anxiety himself. In each episode, Collins has a conversation with a guest who shares their own personal stories of dealing with anxiety, as well as some practical tips to help listeners move forward. 

Do you deal with seasonal affective disorder (aptly acronym-ed "SAD") or the winter blues? So does Collins, and there's an episode on that (episode 507). Fans of "The Silver Linings Playbook" will appreciate his interview with Matthew Quick, who authored the book that inspired the movie, and discusses his own experience dealing with anxiety in episode 492. And for those who like some personal challenges to take away from a podcast, episode 517, where Collins challenges you to spend less time on your phone, may be just what you're looking for.

Terrible, Thanks for Asking

"How are you?" is a common enough greeting that your instinctual response is probably "Fine." You probably say you're fine when things are not, in fact, fine. If you've ever had the burning urge to answer this question with "Terrible, thanks for asking," then we have the perfect podcast for you. 

That's right: "Terrible, Thanks for Asking" is a podcast that takes a no-nonsense approach to the issue of mental health. Host Nora McInerny uses each episode as an opportunity to connect with ordinary, everyday people about how they're actually doing, and the blunt, honest conversations are relatable in a comforting way.

Listen to "Wide Open Spaces," released in May 2023, to hear the story of how a woman named Katie was motivated to get out of prison by a desire to be with her children. Or, listen to "Jamie the Good Times Gal" from March 2023 if you're trying to lift yourself out of some serious credit card debt. Chances are, you'll be able to find some solace as you listen to real people recount their real struggles.

The Courageous Life Podcast

It's no secret that moving forward in life takes a ton of courage. We all face obstacles and setbacks that can tear us down if we let them, and it takes strength to work through them and become a stronger person on the other side. This fact is no secret to Joshua Steinfeldt, host of "The Courageous Life Podcast." He uses his platform to talk with both influential and everyday people about how to grow the qualities it takes to pursue what you want in life. 

For example, episode 59 with Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman talks about the role of "self-actualization" in finding meaning and joy in your life. Episode 54 with Tal Ben-Shahar, on the other hand, talks about how to work with your sense of perfectionism to help you lead a more fulfilling life. This is a great podcast if you're looking to develop skills that will help you overcome the mental and emotional obstacles you may currently be facing. 

Happier with Gretchen Rubin

Author Gretchen Rubin has penned several New York Times bestsellers on the subject of happiness, including "The Happiness Project" and "Better Than Before." Fans of her work probably already know that she has a podcast called "Happier." In the podcast, Gretchen and her sister Elizabeth give some advice on steps to take to live your happiest life. 

If you're looking to inject some genuine positivity into your life, this podcast is a great place to start. The topics are incredibly wide-reaching (after all, there are a lot of things that make us happy), and we'd be surprised if you didn't find a wealth of episodes that resonate deeply with you.

Gretchen and Elizabeth cover everything from how to plan the perfect summer (episode 431) to the Hollywood writers' strike (in a May 2023 episode), de-cluttering (in a June 2023 episode), and even Queen Elizabeth's corgis (in an April 2023 episode). And, yes, you'll probably hear some familiar voices along the way as they interview household names like Kevin Hart in episode 405. 

Meditation Minis

Do you need some mindfulness and meditation in your day? It's hard enough to find a moment or two to get all your chores done, let alone to sit down in a quiet space and meditate. If this sounds like something you struggle with on the daily, there's a podcast that can help: "Meditation Minis." 

"Meditation Minis" is a podcast for all you on-the-go babes who only have a moment to themselves during that 10-minute drive to the grocery store. Hypnotherapist Chel Hamilton hosts the podcast and uses each episode to give you a mini-meditation that can help set your intention for the day or get back on track when your day devolves into chaos.

Most episodes are under 10 minutes, making them a perfect little soundbite for that wait you always have in the carpool line or at the doctor's office. Plus, the topics she covers are numerous because meditation is rarely one-size-fits-all. For example, there are two May 2023 episodes designed to calm you down for a good night's sleep or for when you need more energy.


If you've ever dealt with grief in any significant capacity, you know firsthand how hard the emotions surrounding grief can be to deal with. Grief is especially poignant when dealing with the loss of a loved one, which host (and comedian) Cariad Lloyd knows firsthand, as she dealt with losing her father when she was 15. The grief that followed (and the fact that many of her comedian friends now doubled as podcast hosts) spurred her to start "Griefcast." 

Each episode of "Griefcast" brings on a guest to talk about their own experience dealing with different types of grief. Most episodes discuss grief in the context of losing a loved one, though that's not a hard-and-fast rule Lloyd follows. If you're trying to recover from grief, give this podcast a listen. At the very least, you'll likely find it relatable, and there's a good chance you may even feel comforted by some of the stories shared. 

Cleaning Up the Mental Mess

It's no secret that sometimes our brains are full of clutter. But have you ever wondered what exactly to do with all the mess of stuff in your brain? Are there hacks that can help you, well, clear away some of that mental mess? 

If this problem plagues you relentlessly, Dr. Caroline Leaf (cognitive neuroscientist, mental health expert, and author) is here to help with — you guessed it — a podcast. "Cleaning up the Mental Mess" is just what it sounds like and so much more, as Dr. Leaf tackles all issues related to mental mess and helps you basically Marie Kondo your brain.

She believes the practice can begin at a young age, and several episodes (like 491 and 492) are dedicated to helping parents guide their children in cleaning their mental mess. Other episodes talk about anything from the mental benefits of sex (episode 472) to shame and trauma (episode 467) and even how to hack your brain to make stress "good for you" (episode 460). 

The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos

Do you think you know what you need to do to live a happier life? Maybe you're trying to save up enough to buy that house or go on a European holiday, or you don't feel like you'll find true happiness until true love enters your life. Well, friend, we have news for you: You may be very much mistaken about what you think will bring you happiness. Don't let this discourage you, though — Yale professor Dr. Laurie Santos is here to help. 

Another podcast that focuses on the issue of happiness, Dr. Laurie Santos's "The Happiness Lab" will be familiar to anyone who's attended her course at Yale. We're eternally grateful that Dr. Santos has expanded her reach to make her wealth of knowledge accessible to nearly anyone, and if you're wondering how to achieve sustainable happiness, you'll want to give it a listen. 

Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris

What if we told you that it's possible to actually learn happiness? It sounds like a radical idea, but it's one that merits discussion — after all, if you could sincerely train yourself to be happier, wouldn't you want to at least give it a try? If you're interested (and want to hear from some of your favorite actors, world leaders, and political and religious figures while you're at it), we have the perfect podcast for you.

Journalist Dan Harris started his podcast, "Ten Percent Happier," after writing a bestselling book of the same name. He talks to seemingly everyone about seemingly everything under the sun, leaving hardly a stone unturned. Check out his May 2023 episode with Rainn Wilson, aka Dwight from "The Office," to learn about the importance of spirituality to lasting happiness, or listen to him talk with actor Mayim Bialik in another May 2023 episode about neuroscience and "the pressures of being a teen TV star." 

Latinx Therapy

If you're part of the Latino community, you may feel a socially imposed stigma around the subject of mental health. This stigma, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, can make it difficult for Latino individuals to seek mental health help. When licensed marriage and family therapist Adriana Alejandre noticed this problem, she knew she had to do something about it — so, of course, she started a podcast. 

"Latinx Therapy" is a podcast that deals with issues surrounding mental health, particularly as they relate to (and are experienced by) the Latino community. It's a great resource both for Latino individuals who need mental health help but aren't sure where to start and for non-Latino therapists trying to navigate the unique cultural challenges faced by their Latino clients.

Alejandre discusses everything from sexual abuse and trauma (in a March 2022 episode) to alcohol abuse (in a February 2020 episode), and dream work (in an April 2022 episode). But what we find especially stunning about this podcast is that each episode is made available in both English and Spanish. 

The Brain Warrior's Way

Do you ever feel like you're in a constant battle with your mind? Maybe you deal with depression, anxiety, addiction, or just some bad habits you can't seem to rid yourself of. You're looking for a way to defeat these obstacles and regain control of your brain, but you're just not sure where to start. If that's the boat you're in, dynamic duo Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen have just the solution: "The Brain Warrior's Way" podcast. 

This podcast covers numerous topics related to happiness and fulfillment in life, and we love that they're each bite-sized (usually 10 to 15 minutes) and grouped together based on topic. For example, several June 2021 episodes talk about the impact food has on our brains, while another sequence of episodes from June 2021 talks about how music affects our happiness levels. They also tackle happiness at the ground level, discussing what the word even means in the first place in a May 2021 episode. 

Imani State of Mind

Do you want to feel like you're chatting about mental health issues with your two besties? You want a mix of charisma, hard-hitting issues, vulnerability, and relatability. If you want to feel like you're in a great conversation without actually being in one, there are a couple of girls ready to accept you into theirs. Their names are Dr. Imani Walker and comedian MegScoop Thomas, and the couch you'll be sitting on together is "Imani State of Mind." 

There are some universal issues that nearly everyone deals with, especially when it comes to mental health. For example, do you always feel so busy that you just can't slow down? Yep, the girls have some things to say about that in episode 26. Or, have you made a choice in life that has you feeling all kinds of regret? Episode 23 has some words of comfort to get you through those times, too. They even talk about topics surrounding "The state of Black women's health" (episode 19) and overcoming seasonal depression (episode 20). 


Recovering from addiction can be an isolating experience, as it's hard to understand if you haven't been through it yourself. If you're recovering from addiction or want to support somebody who is, we hope you're doing so with the support of a therapist and a community — but on those days when you need a little extra boost, "Brobriety" is here for you. 

No, you don't have to be a man to listen to "Brobriety;" in fact, it's a particularly valuable resource for anybody trying to help those in their lives navigate sobriety. "Brobriety" discusses addiction, recovery, and mental health as it relates to the experience of masculinity, in particular, but there are a plethora of other episodes that anybody can relate to.

For example, a March 2021 episode consults with a vegan pastor on "getting spiritual in sobriety." A February 2021 episode also touches on personal growth and being comfortable with "getting uncomfortable." If you're seeking help to maintain your sobriety, "Brobriety" is the perfect podcast to check out.

The Mindful Muslim Podcast

Mental health, mindfulness, and the whole sphere of wellness may look different to you depending on the religious tradition you're enmeshed with. Religion and spirituality can embed themselves into every aspect of our life, including how we approach issues related to mental health. It can be hard to find resources that approach topics of mental health and wellness as they relate to your particular faith; luckily, for those who practice the Islam faith, there's a podcast created just for you.

"The Mindful Muslim Podcast" tackles issues of mindfulness and mental health from a distinctly Muslim perspective. They look at issues from pornography addiction (in episode 43) and suicide (in episode 42) to divorce (in episode 37) and emotional burnout (in episode 38), all as it relates to the Muslim community. If you're a Muslim individual looking for a podcast that will tackle issues you may be dealing with through the lens of your faith, we urge you to listen to this one. 

Into the Fold: Issues in Mental Health

Do you want to take a more sociological view of mental health? Maybe you're not looking for a podcast to help you heal from trauma, but you're particularly passionate about how mental health issues are affecting society at large, especially now that it's more talked about than ever. If you're looking for a great resource to teach you about the impacts mental health problems are having on society (or distinct people groups), "Into the Fold" is the podcast for you. 

"Into the Fold" tackles the sphere of mental health as it directly impacts humanity. For example, episode 133 talks about the importance of gender-affirming care to LGBTQ+ mental health and well-being. Episode 131 talks about how "climate anxiety" is impacting the youth of today, and episode 114 talks about the potential impact that spanking as a form of punishment can have on a child. Hosted by the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, this podcast serves as a great, reliable resource to help inform you about the state of mental health in our society at large. 

The Mental Illness Happy Hour

Have you ever needed a space to just vent? It could be that everything is awful, or there's one big (or little) issue that's bugging the heck out of you. The world seems horrible, and your car died this morning, and you already deal with depression, and life just seems like too much. Well, friend, we bet you'll find a welcome listening ear in Paul Gilmartin, host of "The Mental Illness Happy Hour" podcast. 

In "The Mental Illness Happy Hour," Paul Gilmartin talks with a wealth of other personalities about anything negative they may be dealing with. Frequent topics are grief (Paul even dedicates episode 640 to honoring the memory of his late friend, Charlie King) and family (as in episode 631 with comedian Kelly Collette on setting boundaries with her parents). In this relatable and informative podcast, you'll also hear discussions about how your brain and gut are connected (episode 635), DMT (episode 619), and people-pleasing (episode 613). 

Inside Mental Health

Are you looking for a podcast that tackles some of the more nuanced scientific issues dealing with mental health? You want the kind of information you'd usually find in a textbook or learn from a professor, but without all the jargon. If you're looking to learn about mental health in an accessible, ultra-easy-to-digest way, "Inside Mental Health" may be just the podcast you've been looking for. 

In every episode of "Inside Mental Health," host Gabe Howard consults well-known personalities to break down mental health issues in a way that makes them accessible to any audience. You'll learn about diagnoses like Borderline Personality Disorder (in a May 2023 episode) and ADHD (in an April 2023 episode), and you'll also get some insight as to the limitations of psychiatry in a March 2023 episode.

Some episodes are more mellow and tackle questions like whether it may be "good" to give up sometimes (in a January 2023 episode) or whether remote work is actually more productive than being in the office (in a December 2022 episode).  

The Narcissistic Abuse & Trauma Recovery Podcast

Are you recovering from being in a relationship with a narcissist? Or, maybe you've noticed signs of narcissism in your partner, and you're looking to covertly do some digging. Whether you're recovering, questioning, trying to help a friend who's recovering or anything in between, Caroline Strawson is hosting a podcast you should listen to ASAP.

Strawson's podcast, "The Narcissistic Abuse & Trauma Recovery Podcast," is aimed at helping women recover from narcissistic abuse. If you're a survivor of narcissistic abuse, you know how sinister it is and how hard it can be to recover from.

Strawson is full of helpful advice on how to deal with narcissists (like in a May 2023 episode), as well as some clear warning signs of narcissistic behavior (like a Valentine's Day episode released in February 2023). As an author, trauma therapist, and founder of a narcissistic trauma recovery program, her voice is invaluable when it comes to recovering from trauma after narcissistic abuse. 
