How To Repurpose Your Sheet Mask Serums For Your Body So You Don't Waste A Drop

Applying a sheet mask is the perfect way to end your day. For those unfamiliar, sheet masks are thin sheets of fabric that are soaked in serums full of active ingredients suited for specific skincare needs. They are meant to be worn on the face for a particular amount of time — usually 10 to 20 minutes — to deliver hydration and important nutrients. With their many benefits, wearing sheet masks is one of many great ideas for your next self-care day.

Using a sheet mask is simple. Line up the holes for the eyes, nose, and mouth and apply. Afterward, you may notice that there is quite a bit of serum left over at the bottom of the package. Don't throw it out as this remaining product is also pretty useful for your full-body skincare routine. With its hydrating ingredients, the leftovers from your favorite sheet masks can serve double duty as body moisturizers if you use them right. Here's how.

How to use sheet mask serums on your body

The extra serum from sheet masks is pretty easy to repurpose for use on your body. When deciding on which sheet mask to purchase, ensure the one you want has ingredients that would benefit different parts of your body in the first place. From there, take the leftover serum and rub it into the skin for instant hydration. Let it soak in for a few minutes and then layer on a moisturizer to lock in all the goodness. The best places to use the serum include the elbows, knees, and ankles, because these areas can be dryer than other parts of the body and thus can benefit from the extra moisture.

Another option for the remaining serum is to consider turning it into a face mist. Simply and carefully pour the serum from the package into a spray bottle. Add your favorite toner to it and give it a quick mix. Once it's fully combined, you should have the perfect spray to spritz on throughout the day.

How to choose the right sheet mask

Before purchasing any type of sheet mask, there are a few things that need to be considered. It's important to pay attention to the ingredients in the sheet mask before putting it on your face. While there are many sheet masks that provide a wealth of benefits for your skin, there are also many that include harmful ingredients like parabens. These can do more harm than good in the long run. In order to avoid irritation, it's also best to look out for sheet masks that don't include perfumes, dyes, and fillers.

You also don't want to use sheet masks in hot environments or if you have excessively oily skin. "If the skin starts to sweat and releases additional moisture, this increases the chances of toxins being forced back into the pores," Deborah Jones, a licensed esthetician, told Bioelements. If you can't avoid sweating while using sheet masks, it's best to avoid using them altogether. Instead, purchase serums or other types of masks with the same active ingredients to use in place of them.
