Having A Small Friend Group Isn't A Bad Thing - Here's Why

We all need friends at one point or another in our lives. We turn to them when riding on life's highs and when feeling down in the dumps. Of course, we'll always have our family to rely on, but there's something great about having a group of friends whom we love and trust.

When referring to friends, we don't necessarily mean a large group or clique of people that atypically pops up on social media. We're talking about the ones with whom we share an intimate bond, the ones who we know would always be there even if life takes a turn for the worst.

Not having a ton of friends does not make anyone a loner or a weirdo. It is perfectly normal to have a small group of friends with whom you are deeply connected without any effort. In fact, a small friend group can bring you a host of benefits.

It's easier when navigating a busy life

Our daily lives can get hectic, so a small group of friends is easier to manage. When our days are full of work, family obligations, and personal activities, it gets harder and harder to spend quality time with a lot of people. By having a small group of friends, we can use our limited time and energy to build quality relationships. As we give our whole selves to these relationships, they become more important and fulfilling.

A small group of friends also makes it easier to trust and understand each other. Close friends who know about our goals, struggles, and responsibilities are more likely to help and understand us. They understand how complicated our lives are and can give us good help and support when we need it. With larger friend groups, it's more difficult for everyone to truly understand each other's problems, making it difficult to give personalized support.

It's helpful when living a life of travel

Some people live off the adrenaline of being a rolling stone, wondering where life will take them in their next adventure. If you are one of them and find yourself moving quite often by choice or fate, this is another reason why having a small group of friends is a good thing.

Bonding with a large group of friends while always on the go is difficult, especially with so many variables created by time and distance. This is when people identify what sort of friendship is worth keeping as they travel often, which ultimately leads to a drop in their circle of friends.

It's challenging enough to keep in touch with loved ones back home, let alone make new acquaintances wherever one may travel. Becoming close friends is a slow process and takes a reasonable amount of time — something that isn't easy when you're always on the move. Small friend groups are almost inevitable for those of you with nomadic lifestyles, and this is definitely not a bad thing.

It may improve your health

With fewer people to connect with, you're more likely to make deep, meaningful connections with friends. Strong relationships provide a healthy support system, which is key to lowering stress. In fact, having strong friendships is known to reduce the risk of certain diseases, such as high blood pressure and unhealthy BMIs.

Also, when it comes to socializing, having a small group of friends lets you focus on quality over number. This means you can focus your time and energy on the people who really matter to you. In turn, this makes it less likely you'll feel overwhelmed or mentally drained by trying to keep in touch with so many people, leading to better overall mental health and potentially even helping with some cases of depression.

A smaller group of friends can also encourage you to be active and make healthy decisions. When you have a close group of friends, you're more likely to do activities such as going to the gym, hiking, cooking healthy meals as a group, or participating in sports together. These activities can improve your health and help you live a healthier life.

It's better for certain social situations

Some people may think that having a large group of friends is a sign of fame or success, but certain social situations call for a smaller, closer-knit group of friends. Case in point: A small group of friends can make you feel safe and at ease. For example, having a close group of friends can help with any social nervousness or awkwardness that might come up at smaller or more private events. Knowing you are with people you already feel comfortable with can give you more confidence and make it easier for you to talk to new people.

Also, a small group of friends makes it easier to work together and make plans. When planning outings, trips, or events for a smaller group, it's easier to match schedules and tastes. This can lead to more fun and unique experiences based on what you and your close friends enjoy.

It can benefit your love life

When you have a small group of close friends, you tend to have stronger relationships with them, and this can translate to your romantic relationships as well. This is because having fewer social obligations makes it easier to prioritize your relationship and give it the attention it deserves. This can lead to a stronger and more fulfilling romantic relationship.

A more intimate and supportive social circle is common in a small friend circle — when you have a few close friends you trust and rely on, you can lean on them for emotional support and advice regarding your romantic relationships. This can be especially helpful during difficult times in your love life.

You can also expect less drama and interference in your love life when you have fewer friends. With a larger social circle, there is often more room for gossip and speculation, creating unnecessary drama and stress — common when having toxic friends. Having a small group of close friends who respect your relationship and boundaries can help keep your romantic life private and drama-free.

It may even give you a career boost

Small friend groups are the way to go if your plan is for a more targeted and focused network in your work life. Friends can provide access to specific industries or companies that align with your career goals. These close connections can offer valuable insights, referrals, and opportunities to help advance your career.

It can also mean you have a more supportive and understanding social circle in times of need. When you have a few close friends who know your career goals, aspirations, and struggles, they can offer tailored advice and support to help you succeed. This can be especially helpful for job transitions, networking events, or when facing professional challenges.

A handful of close friends translates to fewer social obligations, too, so you can prioritize your career goals and invest time and resources into professional development activities, such as attending workshops and networking events or pursuing further education.
