Which Comes First: Bronzer Or Blush?

Makeup placement can be such a controversial topic. We all have our ways of doing things and can be very attached to how we do our makeup. This can be for many reasons, including learning placement from a loved one or just being too used to the habit. However, every now and then, there are experts that insert their tips on placement that can really upgrade our looks in a number of ways.

Whether the sun is shining or not, it seems as though we are always embracing our favorite blushes and bronzers in order to get the best sun-kissed glow possible. And one question you may have is whether bronzer or blush comes first. The answer? Bronzer.

Whether you are a makeup newbie or a veteran in application, it's common to wonder if it even makes a difference at all which one comes first. While makeup is a personal experience, beauty experts agree that it's best to apply a sunkissed product first and then follow up with a pretty pigment on the cheeks. While it may feel backward for some, let's dive deeper into the reasons why.

Why bronzer comes first

While makeup order of operation is subjective, going for a glowy complexion first before blush is recommended. Applying the bronzer first allows the product to melt seamlessly into the foundation for a natural-looking color without being directly obstructed by the blush. It gives the complexion a nice base before adding any additional pops of rosy color, which is ideal for a seamless look.

When applying the bronzer, it does not matter whether it's liquid, cream, or powder, as long as it is the right shade that is suitable for your skin tone. To find the right shade, look for a color that is a few shades darker than the skin with a warm undertone.

The ideal bronzer placement requires bronzer to be placed where the sun naturally kisses the face. Applying bronzer to your forehead, cheekbones, and chin helps warm up the face and adds dimension to your skin tone that might be lost after applying your foundation and concealer. Applying bronzer first allows you to sculpt the face correctly before applying any other face products, like blush.

How to apply blush and bronzer

Application is very important to create the makeup look you want. Before you even get to blush and bronzer, you'll want to apply foundation and concealer to create an even base. Afterward, you can apply your bronzer along your cheeks, temples, and around the forehead to give yourself a soft glow. From there, you can apply your blush based on your overall goal.

Blush can promote a plumper makeup look if placed on the apples of the cheeks or create a sculpted appearance if placed along the bronzer on the cheekbones. As for the tools for application? Pro makeup artist Bob Scott explained to Byrdie that he keeps the same brush throughout the application process.

"I'm using the same brush [as the bronzer] because it's okay if they mix. I'm going to apply this on the apples of the cheeks at the very end of where I applied the bronzer. They're going to complement each other that way," he explained in a video. Adding blush after bronzer puts the cherry on top of that sunkissed, golden look.
