Silk Wraps Are The Easiest Fix For A Broken Nail - And Your Salon Probably Already Does Them

After weeks of nurturing your nails to create a set of perfect talons, nothing is more disappointing than when you feel that dreaded jolt of a nail tear. Whether it's a big split or a minute fissure, neither outcome is very appeasing. If you've just had a manicure, then the discovery of a broken nail can be enough to set you off steaming like a boiling kettle. While it may be frustrating, it turns out that the problem may be easily fixable with one simple trick. Say hello to silk wraps for your nails.

So, what's so special about these silk wraps? Thankfully, they could be your savior when it comes to bringing a damaged nail back to life. Hurray! Not only that, but you could even get them done at your local salon, alleviating any pressure on your end. What more could you ask for? Below we'll explain precisely why silk wraps are one of the easiest fixes for a broken nail.

Silk wraps fuse over your broken nail

Silk wraps can work like magic when it comes to fixing broken nails, which will be music to your ears. Speaking to Refinery29, nail artist Ami Streets breaks down the nifty hack in further detail: "A thin woven strip of natural silk or artificial fabric is applied to a natural nail as an overlay to add strength and repair splits and tears." She adds that doing so "allows it to grow out without having to lose any length or cut the nail." 

This makes it the perfect solution if you worry about having wonky talons as a result of cutting down your broken nail. Once the process is complete, the silk wrap essentially fuses onto the area of the split nail.As a result, this may help to prevent the split from getting worse. Of course, this is excellent news for your broken nail, who will likely greatly benefit from the pampering.

But what about the way they look? Although they're a great fix for a broken nail, you may be worried that the silk will look unsightly. Thankfully, they look very natural, so you can happily rock your silk nails everywhere you go. They look so natural, in fact, that some people even opt to have them done regularly by a professional. 

A little goes a long way

Repairing a broken nail has never been easier thanks to silk nail wraps. Phew! However, when it comes to fixing your broken nails, a little goes a long way. That's right; you won't need much silk wrap at all, according to Kimberly Woodard, the brand educator for the nail company EzFlow: "When repairing a small crack or broken nail, don't wrap the entire nail with silk, as it isn't as strong as fiberglass or linen. Instead, focus on repairing the crack in the nail" (via Nailpro). 

This makes the process of fixing the split in your nail much more seamless, as the targeted precision means not much material is required at all. Likewise, it also means that you can repair any size tear using this method, making it an increasingly attractive option for anyone with a broken talon. Yet, although your nail will be fixed, you should still ensure that you take good care of it. This will help to prevent it from breaking again.  

Silk wraps are a great choice if you experience any minor wear and tear on your nails, especially if you have a freshly manicured set that you want to protect. Once your nails have healed, they should look as good as new. You may even want to try some of 2023's most coveted nail art trends to take your nail game to the next level. Either way — natural or artsy — they'll look fantastic! 

Weak nails also benefit from silk warps

If you have weak nails, whether they often break or not, this magic treatment may be handy. According to the owner of Lanula Nail Salon, Tina Wang, "someone with extremely weak or damaged nails might be a good candidate for a silk wrap manicure" (via Mindbodygreen). This is because silk nail wraps help to "add strength," which in turn will help to counteract any weakness in your nails. In this case, every one of your nails could benefit from this treatment. Likewise, it may also help to deter any future nail breakage if you make sure to take good care of them.

However, if you cannot get an appointment for silk nail wraps, you could always try these tips to fix a broken nail at home in the meantime. This way, you can keep your nails happy and healthy with minimal fuss on your end.
