Here's Exactly How To Use Brow Wax For A Full Look

Brows are a girl's best friend, with up to 21% of us styling them every day (via Statista). Getting the perfect brow often requires patience, precision, and practice, especially if you're trying to nail a symmetrical look. More often than not, many of us turn to our favorite brow products — such as gels, pencils, and trusty spoolie brushes — to achieve a full appearance and keep our brows stuck in place. While these products each sport their own unique advantages, you may find it challenging to keep your brows in perfect shape over long periods of time. This is where brow wax comes in.

Not only can brow wax keep your brows in shape, but it can also make your brows look more voluminous too. What's not to love? Brow wax is an incredibly simple product to use with practice, and it may even help you master the fluffy brow trend. Here's precisely how to use brow wax for a full look.

How to apply brow wax

If you want a full brow look, then brow wax is your new best friend. Thankfully, it is relatively easy to apply — although it may take some practice. So, what's the best method for applying this much-talked-about product? Speaking to The Zoe Report, celebrity makeup artist Gita Bass explains that you should "brush the spoolie through the brows using upward motions and gently press the hairs down as you go using either the spoolie or your finger." If you want to fill them in, she notes that it's important to only use a powder or brow pen, rather than a pencil, when working with a wax.

Likewise, you may want to consider the best eyebrow shape for your face. Doing so will help add that extra "wow factor" and boost your brow game. However, this isn't the only thing you should consider. When applying your makeup, your eyebrows should be one of the final steps when completing your makeup look. This will help to ensure that any other products you apply on your face aren't interfering with them.

Microshading and serums are other great options

If you don't want to apply brow wax and you're looking for a more permanent solution, then microshading could help you to achieve fuller-looking brows. This is not to be confused with microblading, which involves tattooing full strokes to look like individual hairs. Microshading, on the other hand, lightly fills in the entire brow — specifically focusing on sparse areas. This is one of the reasons that many people love the treatment. So, if you want to cut down your makeup routine, then this is always a handy option.

If you have thin eyebrows and want them to appear fuller without getting a professional treatment, then you could always try using an eyebrow serum. Trichologist and BosleyMD stylist Gretchen Friese adds that they "are designed to enhance the thickness of the brow hairs you do have and help stimulate growth in areas that are sparse" (via Brydie). Of course, it is always important to do your research on products before purchasing them, so that you can sport your best, full-looking brows.
