Swimming Is Far More Than Just Fun - It's Also One Of The Best Full-Body Workouts

Some of the best summer memories happen by the pool. It's a perfect escape from the sweltering sun as well as a great excuse to hang out with your friends and family. As we get older, it's no surprise that we end up trading in our favorite outdoor activities, oftentimes leaving the pool behind. However, as the weather gets warmer this summer, spending some time in the water might be the best thing to incorporate into your fitness routine.

Many people don't know all the benefits that come with swimming regularly. While some are quick to brush it off, according to Healthline, incorporating this aerobic exercise at least three times a week can play a part in your physical health and improve your overall mental health as well. Also, the joy that comes with taking a dip in the pool allows you to forget all of your reasons for skipping a workout!

The effect on your body

From the moment you start swimming, you are immediately improving your body's flexibility. According to Coach Web, this is because the range of motion needed to swim lengthens the muscles, creating more flexible joints. Once you start swimming, it might be hard to stop due to the changes you'll see in your body. According to Shape, a 140-pound person who does 30 minutes of swimming can burn anywhere from 223 to 878 calories, depending on the stroke you decide to do. For reference, this is a more efficient calorie burn than going on your daily run.

If your goal is focusing on your muscles, former international triathlete and Speedo coach Annie Emmerson explains to Coach Web that swimming could help. "Some people have body types where they pack muscle on quicker than others, but you have to swim a lot of miles to significantly change your shape and bulk up. But what you will find is that swimming strengthens muscles from top to bottom quite quickly. You work your core and legs as well as your upper body."

The effect on your mental health

Despite pools and beaches being a source of wonderful, lasting memories, the positive mental health benefits of swimming are often overlooked. According to Psych Central, going for a swim can increase such chemicals in your brain as serotonin, noradrenaline, and dopamine. These chemicals boost your endorphins and allow you to deal with stress much better in the long run. "And that helps you feel better," Seena Mathew, Ph.D., a neurobiologist and assistant professor of biology, tells Well and Good. "So that's why with swimming, you tend to have a change in depression and anxiety, and over time, people don't see those symptoms as much."

Also, swimming has the added benefit of helping your general cognitive function. According to the Times of India, this could include creating a better mood response and improving memory, as well as repairing damage to the brain caused by stress.
