6 Ways You Can Use Pressure Points To Improve Your Well-Being

If you've been feeling off lately, a little sluggish, and unlike your normal self, you may be looking for ways to get your energy back and feel more like yourself. If you've tried the traditional methods of getting more sleep, eating a more balanced diet, and getting more exercise without any luck, there may be another option that is free and effective. 

Acupressure is an ancient Chinese treatment for nausea, fatigue, and pain that you can do yourself. Don't confuse this modality with similar-sounding acupuncture (where needles are applied to pressure points around the body). Instead of needles, acupressure uses pressure and massage for relief of many things that ail us.

The Rogel Cancer Center defines acupressure as an ancient form of massage that is used to promote the movement of energy through 14 channels inside the body. If our energy flow is blocked, we feel out of sorts and unbalanced. This treatment has become very popular to ease some of the side effects that accompany cancer treatment. By applying pressure and encouraging flow through these points in the body, we can help ourselves when we are feeling pain, nausea, or just unlike our normal selves.

The Yintang (X-HN 3)

The easiest point to begin your acupressure work on is a spot on your forehead known as the third eye or Yintang (EX-HN 3), says The Jamaica Gleaner. This pressure point is perfect for beginners because it is a very accessible point on your body. Located in the middle of your forehead, where your eyebrows meet, this point has a number of benefits. If you put pressure on this point for about 30 seconds and breathe deeply while you hold this spot, you should notice some differences.

This works to stabilize hormonal imbalances, making you feel balanced, calm, and clear. Your confusion will dissipate and your focus will improve. Holding pressure here also has a calming effect, lessening stress and helping you sleep better. This also helps your sinuses and stimulates the pituitary gland. In addition to the internal benefits, it is also believed that doing this daily will give you with a clearer complexion.

The Large Intestine (He Gu)

The fleshy part of your hand between your thumb and index finger is an incredibly important pressure point to learn. It's known as the Large Intestine 4 "He Gu" and holds within it many functions. If you are suffering from indigestion, a weakened immune system, allergic reactions, or toothaches, learning how to properly apply pressure to this point could be life-changing for you. If you are feeling weighed down by the cold or the flu, pay attention to this point. It's so effective that some medical practitioners apply pressure here to induce labor when pregnancies go past term, explains Acupuncture Therapeutics.

To properly massage this point, locate the web of skin between your thumb and pointer finger of your hand. Apply constant pressure or proceed in a circular motion for up to 3 minutes for the best results. Repeat this same motion on the other hand to get the most out of this point (via Healthline).

Stomach 36

With a name like Stomach 36, you'd think your pressure point would be somewhere in the stomach. However, you actually stimulate this point by applying pressure on your leg. Located on the lower leg about four finger lengths down from your knee cap on the side of your shin bone, the Stomach 36 point is a powerful place to find relief from many digestive issues. To locate it accurately, place your fingers on this point and move your foot back and forth. You should be able to feel a muscle moving — and that's how you'll know that you've located the correct spot.

The benefits of this point are many. People apply acupressure to this point on their leg to relieve digestive issues. Ageless Herbs says that Stomach 36 stimulation improves issues with constipation, stomach pain, and nausea. If you've been suffering from low energy, diarrhea, or vomiting, apply pressure to this place on your leg to ease these symptoms. By applying pressure to this area, you can help yourself through these nasty side effects and give yourself more energy throughout the day.

Jian Jing (GB21)

Because most of us spend long hours in front of our computers, we often complain about head and neck pain. The Jian Jing (GB21) also known as the Gall Bladder Meridian pressure point holds the remedy for what hurts our upper bodies. In order to apply pressure to your Jian Jing correctly, you must locate the muscles in your shoulder halfway between where your arms and neck meet. Katoka Massage Therapy suggests that you use your index finger or thumb to apply pressure to this area on both sides of your body at the same time. Feel free to apply pressure and then release that pressure multiple times for a few minutes.

After doing this consistently, you should feel relief in your neck and shoulders. In addition, this practice can release muscle tension and alleviate pain in your head. This is another place on the body that may induce labor in pregnant people, so medical professionals advise you to take precautions if you're expecting.

Liver 3 (LR-3)

Although acupressure is known for healing us from what ails us physically, it can also benefit us when it comes to intangible conditions like anxiety and depression. The Liver 3 (LR-3) pressure point is specifically credited with doing just that. In order to find this point on your body, locate the point below your big toe and second toe. This point is clinically called the dorsum of the foot where the first and second metatarsal bones meet. Stimulate this point by massaging it for 30 seconds while doing some deep breathing.

This point is known for releasing you from feelings of resentment or frustration. By moving your energy in this way, you will strengthen the positive thoughts and usher out feelings that are weighing you down mentally. This point still benefits us physically as well. Because it helps us get a good night's sleep by relieving mental pain, it can also ease digestive issues and pain in the chest and stomach associated with anxiety (via Village Wellness).

Pericardium 6 (PC 6)

If you deal with acid reflux, nausea, anxiety, or indigestion, get to know the Pericardium 6 pressure point on your arm between your elbow and wrist. In order to locate this point on your body, Yinova Center recommends finding where the two tendons on the inside of the wrist meet. Next, go about three fingers below that wrist crease in order to apply pressure. Press down on this point where you feel these tendons. Apply pressure for about 30 seconds before switching to your other wrist.

Chinese medicine believes that by releasing blockage in this energy channel, you effectively eliminate agitation in the body and loosen the chest. It relaxes us while also easing the pain that can come from indigestion. This point has physical benefits, but the mental benefits are incredible. By applying pressure to the Pericardium 6, you can feel the stress melting and an opening in the heart and mind. This allows for better sleep and a calmer disposition overall.
