How To Use Earplugs During Sleep & Still Hear Your Alarm Clock

If you've always considered yourself to be a light sleeper, you may have already incorporated a number of items into your nightly routine — an eye mask, weighted blanket, and more importantly, earplugs. People wear earplugs for several reasons, like having to share a bed with a partner who snores or living in a bustling area. However, they can pose an unwanted dilemma if you're also the type of person who is prone to oversleeping. If you've always had a hard time getting up in the morning, earplugs can make it that much harder to wake up once your alarm goes off.

Although earplugs can undoubtedly be useful for dozing off to sleep, you likely don't want to let oversleeping become a bad habit. That being said, there are a few ways you can reduce the chances of this happening, and the first step involves reconsidering your alarm clock. The most obvious solution is to opt for one that is loud enough to penetrate through your earplugs. However, a less intense option you may want to look into is a sunrise alarm clock. These feature a light element that is designed to gradually brighten your room, mimicking a sunrise, to slowly but effectively stir you awake. Additionally, this alarm clock can help you develop a more regular light exposure pattern, leading to consistent wake times.

Vibrating alarms and different types of earplugs

While sunrise alarm clocks have increased in popularity due to their effectiveness, they can be pricey, which is a problem if you're on a budget. Another option you may want to consider is using a wearable device with a vibrating alarm feature. Smartwatches are known for having an array of different alarm types, but even some standard watches now have vibrating alarms. Just keep in mind that when it comes to relying on a wearable, you'll need to make sure it always has the battery power to last until your wake time.

If don't want to use a wearable for its alarm, but a more intrusive alarm clock is out of the question (such as if you sleep with another person), you may want to consider the type of earplugs you use. Noise reduction levels are measured in decibels — the higher the decibel, the more noise you block out (via Listen Technologies). If you want to be able to hear your alarm clock while still blocking gentle sounds, it's not impossible — try different earplugs until you find ones with a decibel rating that suits your specific environment and needs. By testing them out, you can also be sure you're using ones that guarantee you won't oversleep your alarm. Furthermore, you may be able to avoid replacing your alarm altogether, which is ideal if you're on a budget.

How to identify necessary changes for a good night's sleep

Just because you're a light sleeper doesn't mean you find it easy to roll out of bed in the morning. If you're the type of person who prefers to wear earplugs but can seemingly sleep through every sort of alarm, you may need to take some extra steps. For example, there are alarms on the market that have multiple functions — not only are they loud, but some even integrate motion around you to get you out of bed. This might not be ideal if you sleep with a partner, but if you often snooze alone, it may be your best bet if you're desperate.

Keep in mind that although you may have always considered yourself to be a light sleeper, you might unknowingly be making it difficult to fall asleep. Depending on environmental factors and your sleep hygiene, tweaking your bedtime routine could eliminate your need to wear earplugs entirely. For instance, turning off your electronic devices at least a half hour before bed can put you in a better mindset to sleep. Keeping your bedroom dark and cool, in addition to quiet, can also signal to your body that it's time to wind down.

If sleep problems have consistently prevented you from getting a good night's rest, you may want to contact your doctor. They can provide insight into any underlying issues you might have, such as insomnia.
