Are You A Super Spender? How To Know If Your Money Habits Are Becoming A Problem

We all love to shop (why do you think retail therapy exists?), but there are some of us who tend to do so way more than others. These people are known as super spenders, and are defined as someone who's "reckless with their finances" by Entrepreneur. Their shopping habits are so unhealthy, they typically end up putting themselves in serious debt. Super spending goes beyond making fun purchases here and there; it's an addiction that can ruin a person financially.

In many cases, a super spender — also known as a shopaholic — is a product of stress, anxiety, and depression. This person uses shopping as a coping mechanism, hoping their new purchases will boost their mood, per Everyday Health. Unfortunately, while they may have that instant gratification, they have to continue shopping in order to maintain that high. It's an endless circle of excessive shopping. If any of this sounds familiar, you may be a super spender. Here are a few ways to figure out if your shopping habits are becoming a problem.

You purchase senselessly and impulsively

A tell-tale sign of a super spender is shopping impulsively. Yes, an impulsive buy is okay every now and then (if it's within your means), but going into the store and buying everything you see is one of the quickest ways to put yourself in debt. Not only do super spenders shop impulsively, but senselessly as well. This means purchasing items they clearly have no need for and will never use or even think about again. For example, you decide to purchase a $700 surfboard when you live in the middle of Ohio.

It's nice to be selfless and want to do things for the people you love, but buying lavish gifts you can't afford is not responsible either. You might feel pressured when it comes to holiday shopping or birthday shopping, wanting to impress your friends and family with expensive presents, but sometimes, that's just not in the cards. Racking up your credit cards to buy your parents a new 80-inch television when they already have a 75-inch model is senseless and irresponsible.

You feel guilty after shopping

After a serious shopping trip, do you ever find yourself feeling terribly guilty? You know you shouldn't have spent $400 on hand soap from Bath and Body Works, but you went through with it anyway, and now your conscience is weighing on you. You might feel so ashamed you try to hide your purchases, which is a major sign of unhealthy shopping habits. According to Mission Harbor Behavioral Health, this is a common practice among super spenders. They don't want to feel judged, especially by their spouse.

Shopping shouldn't be a sneaky affair, but if it is, that means it's time to cut back. Budgeting can help you set aside money to spend on non-essentials so you aren't panicking every time you step into a store (or add items to your cart). If you need help getting started, TikTok user @rebecca.sowden offers her advice on how to shop on a budget, which involves mentally preparing yourself in advance before shopping and keeping track of your purchases as you go.
