There Are So Many Good Reasons To Take Up Crocheting

Longing for more creativity in your daily life? Tired of spending your downtime just watching TV or scrolling videos until bedtime? Looking for an engaging and fulfilling hobby that still allows you to multitask? Friends, crochet is the answer you've been looking for. This needlecraft ticks all the boxes when it comes to a soothing creative outlet that leaves you feeling satisfied instead of drained. From just a few balls of yarn, you can build your own fabric and use it to create anything from a romper to a plushie.

First things first, let's clarify what we're talking about. If you're new to the fabric arts scene, it's easy to get crochet and knitting confused, but these two crafts are not the same. For one thing, knitting uses variously sized needles, while crochet uses hooks. Technique-wise, knitting stitches look more like V shapes, while crochet stitches resemble a series of knots. And crochet is considered easier to learn for beginners, as new loops of yarn are stitched directly onto your project rather than being precariously built on the length of your knitting needles.

Sounds like a good start, but beginner-friendliness isn't the only reason to pick up crocheting. This handy hobby actually has a number of things to recommend it. So if you're looking for a new pastime to learn, here are a few good reasons to choose crochet.

Crochet fashion is in style

Crocheting is a fun and useful hobby to take up anytime. But it just so happens that now is a particularly perfect moment to start your crochet journey, because intricate crochet pieces are on-trend in fashion. Forget the outdated idea that crochet is for grandmas — whimsical, boho crochet looks are ready to dominate our spring and summer wardrobes.

You might assume that crochet is all about sweaters, and, yes, you can make some super cute pullovers and cardigans. But fashion-forward crochet has so much more to offer! A quick look at all the crochet inspo on TikTok reveals a whole world of colorful vests, crop tops, boleros, maxi dresses, and even bikinis perfect for the onset of warm weather. If you want to double down on your trends, you can even take a crochet approach to other must-haves that are currently in vogue. Rainbow bucket hat? Yes, please. Or find crochet patterns that include on-fad motifs like mushrooms and strawberries, which are sure to give any basic knitwear a cute and trendy edge.

You can make the outfits you want to wear

Crochet looks are super hot right now, so you might wonder why to go through the effort of learning this craft when you could just find pre-made pieces to buy. True, you can probably find some fun crochet pieces by trawling the internet. But learning to crochet gives you the power to customize your clothing exactly how you want it.

Make the outfits of your dreams, personalizing everything from the style and silhouette down to every color you incorporate. Crocheting your own clothes to your measurements basically means having your outfits tailored to show off your unique body in its best light. Plus, you can stop lusting after all those cute pieces of knitwear on Pinterest only to discover that you can't buy them because they only link to patterns. Now you can take those patterns and make them yourself!

When you're making your own crochet clothing and accessories, you can also make dupes of your favorite couture brands at a fraction of the price. For instance, a crochet scrunchie from Miu Miu currently retails for $420, which is astronomically expensive compared to how much it would cost to grab the raw materials and make one yourself. And remember that cute bucket hat from earlier? Miu Miu is also selling a multicolor crochet bucket hat of their own — if you're willing to shell out $1,350. Wouldn't it be nice to save a grand by creating an original that's just as cute? By learning to crochet, you can make near approximations of the couture pieces you crave, but without doing serious damage to your bank account.

Crocheting is creative and productive

These days, it can be hard to relax. Our to-do lists are so long that it can feel wasteful to chill out and make space for ourselves, even if we really need a break. This anxiety to always be active, also known as toxic productivity, can leach the fun and relaxation right out of your downtime. For instance, do you ever find yourself looking up during the third or fourth hour of your Netflix binge and wondering what happened to your day? It feels like so much time has vanished with nothing to show for it.

First of all, you're entitled to rest and self-care. But it's not always easy to convince your subconscious of that. By picking up a crafty hobby like crocheting, you can keep your hands and mind engaged even while you're indulging in the downtime you deserve. Create a new knitwear masterpiece while catching up on your favorite podcast, having a movie night with friends, or soaking up some nature in the great outdoors. Making progress on your crocheting helps you feel productive and calms the sense that you've accomplished nothing with your time.

Plus, crocheting provides a much-needed creative outlet that's good for the soul. If endlessly scrolling social media leaves you feeling empty, put down your phone and pick up your crochet hooks. Instead of winding yourself up by doomscrolling through the news or fruitlessly comparing yourself to others' seemingly perfect lives on the internet, you can fritter away hours with a feeling of contentment — and come out with a cute piece of knitwear at the end.

Crocheting is good for your health

Need one more reason to start crocheting, like, yesterday? It may sound too good to be true, but this hobby — already fun, fashionable, and creative — is also good for both your physical and mental well-being. Mentally, crochet has been linked to the reduction of stress, anxiety, and depression. The American Counseling Association has even released documentation on crochet therapy, which explains how the repetitive patterns of crochet release serotonin, a brain chemical that naturally boosts your mood.

As your skills grow and become second nature, crocheting can become almost meditative, giving your brain a calming focus. Individuals with issues like OCD or social anxiety can even bring their crochet projects with them to events or parties as a tool to help them manage stress. Bonus: By crocheting in public, you can show off your skills and have an instant conversation starter when you have to make small talk with someone.

These stress-reducing and focus-enhancing qualities also have important ramifications for your physical health. Henry Ford Health reports that crocheting can help lower your blood pressure, ease chronic pain, and even set your brain up for success by building neural pathways that support memory and fight cognitive decline. So by adopting crochet as a hobby, you could potentially live longer, stay sharper, and enjoy a more comfortable, fulfilling lifestyle.

You can turn crocheting into a side hustle

Once you get really good at crocheting and start speeding through projects, you may find yourself churning out adorable knitwear pieces faster than you can wear or gift them. So why not monetize your creations by turning your crochet hobby into a lowkey side hustle? Consider listing your crochet items on sites like Etsy or Facebook Marketplace. Locally, you can also take your designs to craft fairs or arts festivals.

How much to charge for your work will depend on what you're selling, where you're selling, and who you're selling to. When trying to establish pricing, consider how much the raw materials cost and what your time is worth. Also, be real with yourself: Are your designs more simple and mainstream, or more niche? Mainstream items won't command as high of a price point, since there will be more competition from people making similar designs. But these items often have mass appeal, so you may be able to sell more of them. On the other hand, unique items may be tougher to sell, as you'll have to find the right audience for your work, but you can probably charge more per item.

Of course, this doesn't have to turn into a huge endeavor. If you're more interested in having fun than making money, it's okay to take a more casual approach toward selling your extra items. Maybe you won't be able to quit your day job, but at the very least, you might be able to defray the costs of all your crocheting supplies and fund your new hobby.
