Dates Are Getting A 2023 Remix, According To Pinterest Predicts, & It'll Be Anything But Boring

Whether you're going on dates or are in a long-term relationship, every couple comes to realize the perils of trying to plan a date. Going to dinner, grabbing drinks, and seeing a movie may be classic options, but there are only so many times you can call these date nights. No, this isn't your sign to just stay home once you reach a certain point in your relationship. But it is your sign to think outside the box when making plans with your significant other.

Every year, Pinterest releases Pinterest Predicts, which are trends for the coming year based on insights and what people are searching for on the site. Among trends for homes, fashion, and beauty, the report also features some lifestyle trends. Among them, the new dating experiences are going to become more common. Gen Z is leading the charge on new experiences, breaking away from the traditional dinner and a movie that have reigned supreme for the past few years. So, what should you do on your upcoming date? These are the ideas that are trending on Pinterest.

Fun experiences

Dates are leaving restaurants and heading to more unique locations. Instead of meeting for dinner, more people are opting to spend time at bookstores, aquariums, and museums. Bookstore dates saw a 195% rise in searches, aquariums saw a 235% increase, and museums a 70% increase (via Pinterest). Sure, these aren't necessarily new places, but they're certainly not the most common location for first dates and date activities.

These locations are great because you get a chance to explore something while getting to know each other. First dates are awkward, and no couple is immune to an awkward silence. When you're staring at each other from across a table, you may find yourself searching for something to say or a new question to ask. At a bookstore, museum, or aquarium, there are plenty of talking points built in. Buy each other your favorite books, discover your new favorite artist, or challenge each other to learn the most undersea facts. With these experiences, you're sure to make memories that'll make your date stand out.

Daters are getting creative

While the traditional dinner date may no longer be preferred, that doesn't mean people aren't eating together. The search for "date picnic ideas" increased 385%, which shows that people are looking for new ways to dine together. Picnic dates are great because they're DIY and inexpensive. Make a few dishes and some craft drinks, grab a blanket, and find a scenic park to hang out in. You can bring music to listen to and set the mood or plan a picnic during summer events like concerts in the park or local fairs. Picnics are classic, but they're still a great way to break up typical lunch and dinner dates.

The general term of "creative date night ideas" saw an increase of 120%, showing the desire for time spent together that strays from the typical. The search on Pinterest gives suggestions of biking and rock climbing to get active together, going to a murder mystery, and booking a kayak tour, among other ideas. The graphics and listicles provide thousands of ideas that will help you create new memories and try new things to help keep your relationship thriving.
