Bad News: Some People Are More Acne-Prone Because Of Genetics

For a vast majority, it is safe to say that acne is basically the devil's spawn. You might even still remember that fateful day in middle school when you woke up with an angry red bump throbbing on your cheek for the first time. That day probably marked the start of a long and complicated battle against acne.

Acne is often viewed as a result of being unclean, so you purchase and try out numerous cleansers and facial scrubs in a bid to "wash the pimples off," or so to speak. This might be enough to keep acne at bay for certain people. But for some, no matter what cleanser you use, or how regular your skincare routine is, you simply cannot prevent those dreaded little bumps and blotches from showing up on your skin.

Now there could be a multitude of reasons for this happening to you, ranging from bad hygiene to environmental pollution. However, if you feel like pimples pop up on your face much more often and in higher quantities than other people, there's a chance that genetics might be causing the issue.

My genetics could be causing my acne?

Yes, your genetics absolutely can be the culprit responsible for your pimples. According to Proactiv, "Acne is far more genetic than environmental," so there's every chance you might have inherited acne-prone skin from your family. There is no specific, single gene that causes you to develop acne but your genetics can still determine how likely you are to develop acne. It does this by deciding how your immune system deals with acne-causing bacteria and also by influencing how prone the pores of your skin are to getting clogged.

So if you do everything right and still keep getting acne don't feel guilty — it might just be that you have hereditary acne. Obviously, there can be loads of other reasons why you keep getting acne persistently, but your genetics might be the one playing the biggest role.

Although, there is no rule that you have to take this lying down. You don't control your genetics, you have absolutely no say in the matter. But what you do control is how you live, your habits, and the things you practice. The good news is that by switching up these a bit, you can make your acne troubles much more bearable. Here's how.

Maintaining good hygiene

Practicing good hygiene can go a long way when it comes to acne. Your hands have the potential to be responsible for your breakouts because the dirt and bacteria on them could easily be transmitted to your face which can clog up your pores. So, wash your hands often and try to avoid touching your face as much as possible. In addition, regularly wash your hair and change your bedsheets and pillowcases. Also, this might seem like a no-brainer but never ever try to pop your pimples.

Make sure to also maintain a regular skincare routine, which is something that is not to be missed or skipped, especially if you are prone to acne. Cleanse, moisturize, and put on sunscreen, in that exact order, every day. Don't go overboard with products though, keep it simple and make sure whatever you use on your face is mild and won't clog your pores.

Practice clean living

You're probably tired of hearing it but you must always watch what you eat because not only does what you put in your mouth affect your overall health but it also can impact your skin. Refined carbohydrates, sugary food, dairy products, and fast food are all linked to causing acne, so you would do well to avoid them and switch to healthier alternatives. Yes, we are talking about fruits and veggies. A balanced, healthy diet can do wonders for your skin. In addition, hydration is also key in fighting acne, so always drink plenty of water.

Being stressed out can also play a part in causing your pimples. Dr. John Minni, DO, a board-certified dermatologist at Water's Edge Dermatology says "When your fight-or-flight response is activated, the body releases stress hormones, such as cortisol and androgens. These hormones increase your skin's oil production, which can exacerbate acne." So make sure to manage your stress levels by doing things that you enjoy such as spending time with friends, engaging in a preferred hobby, and exercising. Getting plenty of sleep is also a must when it comes to this.

So all in all, your genetics might make you more susceptible to acne, but the good news is that just a few tweaks to your lifestyle will usually be more than enough to deal with it. If that's not the case, consult your dermatologist, they're more than equipped to help.
