The Potential Skincare Benefits Of An Astaxanthin Supplement

Aging is inevitable, but as intelligent beings who understand the word "inevitable", do we try to stop aging? Absolutely. From numerous creams to toners to serums to scrubs to facial oils, there is nothing we don't do.

As we race against time, trying to find the fountain of youth in every cosmetic known to mankind, we might just be forgetting the power of antioxidants. When it comes to antioxidants, anti-aging is only the cherry on top. Between doing your skin marvels and potentially saving you from heart problems, antioxidants do so much more for you.

Astaxanthin is an antioxidant that belongs to the carotenoid family. You can call it the golden child — as it's way more potent than the other carotenoids, plus it'll never turn on you by becoming a pro-oxidant.

We're sure you want in on the astaxanthin benefits, so here's where you can find it. Astaxanthin is naturally formed in algae and other marine plants. Once it moves up the food chain, it can be found in salmon, crabs, shrimp, crayfish, and lobsters. Like all the other antioxidants and vitamins, astaxanthin supplements are easily available. So, all the benefits it has to offer are one drugstore trip away.

Finally an all-rounder for your skincare

You might be tired of applying your moisturizer, your anti-aging cream, your sunscreen, and everything else you apply in between to keep your skin looking glowy and youthful. But what if we told you that astaxanthin can save you the trouble, money, and dressing table space? Yes, astaxanthin is the all-in-one wonder when it comes to skincare. The supplement protects your skin against harmful UV rays, which causes cell damage and premature aging by acting as an SPF when ingested or applied. Say goodbye to wrinkles and the appearance of fine lines with astaxanthin. Astaxanthin is a trump card when it comes to repairing cell damage and maintaining a youthful glow, so get your hands on those supplements.

And if we look past the anti-aging and sun protection astaxanthin provides for your skin, astaxanthin also promises moisturizing capabilities. Taking supplements will moisturize your skin from within, giving you that everlasting glow. Astaxanthin also works towards protecting your skin from hyperpigmentation caused by UV rays and other free radicals. They help ensure an even complexion to give you that glowy, dewy youthful skin.

Astaxanthin certainly is an all-rounder when it comes to taking care of your skin — so add it to your skincare routine and bid farewell to all of the applying and rubbing.

Healing your heart

Sadly, while astaxanthin cannot help you get over your ex, it can help heal your actual heart. According to WebMD, astaxanthin reduces LDL, also known as bad cholesterol, and raises HDL (which is the good stuff). This will, in turn, lower your blood pressure and protect you from other high blood pressure-induced diseases.

In addition to helping you with your high blood pressure, astaxanthin supplements help reduce plaque buildup in the arteries. This will minimize the chances of you having a heart attack due to a blocked artery. So it may not be an overstatement to say that taking astaxanthin just might save your life. Not only that, astaxanthin helps your heart muscles recover from the lack of oxygen that happens when you experience a heart attack.

Anti-inflammatory factors — along with anti-oxidation — aid in restoring and maintaining cardiovascular health. And astaxanthin supplements are all about that. Their ability to fight oxidative stress and inflation does wonders for your cardiovascular health, ultimately helping to heal your heart.

A friend to your brain

When it comes to our brains and making sure they are working right, we need all the help we can get. Our health is essentially equivalent to our brain's health, making cognitive health the number one priority. 

As we age, our cognitive perception slows down, and we need an extra bit of support to keep the wheels turning. Astaxanthin does just that. According to a 2018 study, t fights against oxidation in the brain and minimizes the risk of neurological diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Furthermore, a 2021 study has shown that the fat-soluble properties of astaxanthin allow it to be passed through the blood-brain barrier — which makes this antioxidant an ideal candidate for a neurotherapeutic agent.

In addition to these qualities, astaxanthin's anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidation qualities are an invaluable support in terms of treating brain inflammation. The brain, like all other organs in our body, is made out of cells. Due to various reasons (such as chronic stress, diabetes, and asthma), these cells inflame, which could lead to neurological disorders such as depression. Taking astaxanthin supplements can help keep inflammation at bay.

Other wellness gains

Your wellness — in terms of skin health, brain health, and heart health — are not the only things astaxanthin supplements cover. Its benefits spread over the entire spectrum of bodily wellness.

Astaxanthin's antioxidant attribute supports the treatment of cancer cells. Although further scientific studying and research are needed to support this finding, the theory is simple. Cancer is caused by cellular damage, and astaxanthin helps recover damaged cells (via Healthline).

This supplement is also great at building endurance and providing relief for joint pain. If you can't seem to get through leg day or just need that extra bit of stamina, astaxanthin supplements as they are proven to boost your energy. And if you're just really sore after a day at the gym or your joints aren't the same as they were when you were 20, its anti-inflammatory powers work towards giving you joint relief.

Astaxanthin supplementst can also support your vision health. Healthline also writes that male fertility can be improved by astaxanthin supplements, making astaxanthin a kind of one-stop supplement for all your wellness problems.

When and how much to take

We are sure you can't wait to get your hands on astaxanthin supplements. But how much should you take, when, and what to avoid? 

Let's start with dosage. According to Dr. Axe, when taking astaxanthin supplements, the recommended dosage is 4 to 40 milligrams daily for 12 weeks. To start with try taking smaller doses until your body gets used to it.

Although astaxanthin might seem like the miracle solution to all your problems, there are certain things to look out for. If you are getting your dose of astaxanthin through your diet, you're not in danger of these risks. However, if you are taking it in supplement form, you are required to keep an eye out for increased skin pigmentation, a decrease in calcium levels and blood pressure, fluctuations in hormones, and changes in sex drive. If you observe these changes, decrease your dosage or discontinue intake, and if no changes are observed after discontinuation, we recommend consulting a healthcare professional. Furthermore, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it's best to stay off the supplements and limit your intake of astaxanthin to food sources.
