At-Home Date Night Ideas That Keep Your Spark Alive

Just because you're itching to enjoy a romantic date night with your partner doesn't mean you have to actually leave the house. Of course, if you're feeling up to it, there are plenty of opportunities to have date nights out of the house throughout your local area. But sometimes, it feels better to stay indoors where you don't have to worry about dressing up, filling the gas tank, finding a parking spot, or navigating through a crowded space with other random people. 

When you're at home with your significant other, all you have to worry about is each other. It's easy to focus on your partner when there aren't any outward distractions getting in the way. While we can see how some people would categorize at-home date nights as bland or boring, it's actually quite the opposite when you have the freedom to get as crazy or creative as you want. If you're planning to have your next date night at home, you and your partner have free rein to decide what sounds the most appealing to you while keeping the spark of passion between you alive.

S'mores at the fireplace

You and your partner will feel like you're being transported back into childhood if you choose to make s'mores together in front of your fireplace at home. You'll need to make sure you have graham crackers, marshmallows, and Hershey's chocolate bars on deck to make this magical date night come to life. You'll also need to know how to light your fireplace up safely, of course.

DIY paint and sip

Having a DIY paint-and-sip night at home is incredibly simple, especially if you have access to YouTube or any other video streaming apps. You can pull up an artsy tutorial to follow along with from artists like Bob Ross. Make sure you both have blank canvases, paint in every necessary color, paint brushes, and fresh cups of water to keep your colors separated. The most important component of this date night plan is making sure you've got your favorite wine available to sip on.

Order dinner through a food delivery service

Even though you and your partner are planning to enjoy a date night at home without going to any restaurants, you can still enjoy food from your favorite places by ordering dinner through a food delivery service. You have plenty of options to choose from, including Uber Eats, DoorDash, and Grubhub. Once you've decided which app to use, you can both narrow down which restaurant to order dinner from.

Go stargazing in the backyard

When the sun sets each night, your view of the night sky might be filled with stars depending on where you live. If you're far enough away from major cities filled with light pollution, it's easier to admire breathtaking stars as they glisten in the sky. Stargazing is a romantic date night idea that can be accomplished from your backyard or front porch.

Film relationship TikTok trend videos together

If you and your partner are both into using social media, you'll have a blast filming relationship TikTok trend videos together. There is an abundance of TikTok trends in circulation all the time, which means you'll have your pick when it comes to the trends you want to film. The exciting part about this date night idea is that it gives you both the opportunity to go viral on social media!

Two-player card games

Find out if your partner is willing to strike up a two-player card game with you for date night at home. Odds are, they'll be willing to have a bit of fun with different two-player card games that pass the time. Some of the classic options include Crazy Eights, Go Fish, and Uno.

Cook a gourmet dinner recipe together

You might be the person in your relationship who does most of the cooking, or it might be your partner who always steps up to the plate to cook new recipes. For this particular date night, the two of you can team up to cook a gourmet dinner recipe at each other's side in the kitchen. Cooking with your partner can deepen your connection, giving you the opportunity to bounce off of each other's energy and take note of where your mutual cooking skills truly stand.

Have a dance party

Going dancing with your partner is a fun activity if you love letting loose. However, if your partner is uncomfortable dancing in public, it may not be as fun to dance with them if they are too stiff and uncomfortable in their skin. When you have an at-home dance party, you don't have to worry about anyone from the outside world judging you and your partner for the way you move your bodies to your favorite songs.

Make vision boards together

There's something magical about making vision boards with your partner. Creating a vision board is your way of showing the universe what you hope to see in the future. Doing this with your significant other gives you both the chance to incorporate images of what you hope to see in the future for your relationship. That could include getting engaged, saying "I do," and even starting a family.

Experiment with homemade cocktail recipes

Cocktail recipes are fun to experiment with, especially if you and your partner are on the same page about drinking alcohol. This at-home date night only works if both of you enjoy sipping on an alcoholic beverage every once in a while. You can mix things up with different flavors, garnishes, and syrups as you go along.

Classic board games

Playing classic board games with your significant other is another way for the both of you to feel like you're in elementary school all over again. You can get as competitive as you want while still being good sports about the results. Some of the most popular board games to play include Candyland, Scrabble, and Monopoly. Plus, if you're feeling up to inviting some friends over, this is a great double-date idea

Read chapters of your favorite books to each other

It's time to dig out your favorite book from wherever you have it tucked away. A great date night idea to try at home with your partner would be reading chapters of your favorite books to each other. This allows you both to share thought-provoking written work that stands out to you the most.

Make and bury a time capsule together

Creating and burying a time capsule with your significant other is a great way to keep the spark between you alive. Knowing that it's something you'll have to dig up as a team in the future showcases the fact that you plan to stick together for the long haul. You can fill your time capsule with anything that represents the closeness of your bond.

Watch each of your top movie picks back-to-back

Movie nights are more enjoyable when you and your partner both love what's being played out on screen. One way you can be certain that you'll both enjoy movie night at home is if you're watching both of your top movie choices back-to-back. Whether you start with your pick first or theirs, both of your chosen movies will get the time and attention they deserve.

Challenge each other to a cook-off

How competitive are you and your partner when it comes to your cooking skills? Challenging each other to a cook-off is one way of figuring out who really knows how to throw down with the right set of ingredients. Since there won't be a panel of judges to critique both of your final dishes, the "winner" will end up being both of you.

Go for a walk around your neighborhood

Technically, you're close enough to home to consider a walk around your neighborhood an "at-home date night." When you go for a walk around your neighborhood with your partner, you'll both notice the unique things about your area, like the various wildlife, cars, mailboxes, and front lawns of the neighbors who live near you. If you and your partner own a dog, this is a great time to put them on a leash so they can join you for some exploration.

Draw your best pictures of each other

You and your significant other don't have to be talented artists to draw your best pictures of each other for a sweet date night at home. When drawing your best version of your partner on a piece of paper, you can use pencils, markers, pens, or whatever writing utensil you prefer. It's up to you to make the drawn version of your partner look as realistic as possible.

Make a relationship scrapbook

You'll have a blast making a relationship scrapbook with your significant other as an at-home date night idea. Make sure you have a blank scrapbook with empty pages that need to be filled up with lovey-dovey memories. You'll also need several pictures of you and your partner, along with stickers, colorful paper, and other crafty materials.

Write and recite poems to each other

Do you and your partner consider yourselves to be quite poetic? Even if you both don't think of yourselves as poetic individuals, you'll still have a lovely time writing and reciting poems to each other if the words you're writing down are coming straight from your hearts. This is a wonderful way to express your feelings to each other.

Take a virtual fitness class together

Getting into the best shape of your life is a healthy thing for anyone to do. Make the most out of your workout videos by incorporating your partner! If you and your significant other are on the same page about health, fitness, and nutrition, signing up for a virtual fitness class together might be a great idea. You can stream your fitness class on a laptop or TV screen while making space in your living room or dining room to pull off all the moves.

Re-decorate one of your rooms together

Depending on whether or not you and your partner already live together, you can decide to re-decorate one of your rooms together as a date night plan at home. If the guest bedroom or office could use a little sprucing up, this is an excellent opportunity to make that happen with new furniture, paint, or wall artwork.

Play multiplayer video games

Whether or not video games are your thing, trying multiplayer video games with your partner for a date night at home is a good idea. It's possible that playing video games for the first time will open your eyes to how enjoyable they can really be. You and your partner can play games where you're on the same team — or play against each other for that competitive vibe.

Tend to your garden as a team

You and your partner might have a garden in your backyard that needs tending. Even if you don't, there are easy-to-grow flowers for beginners you can try! This is something the two of you can do together as a team. The same rule applies if you've got several plants placed in different areas around your home since plants need tons of attention and care. You'll feel deeply connected to your partner when joining forces to take care of your greenery.

Take a bubble bath together

What's more lovey-dovey than taking a bubble bath with your significant other? Sharing a bubble bath with your partner is an extremely intimate thing to do. This is the perfect time for both of you to open up to each other and talk about things on a deeper level. Make sure the water is heated to a comfortable temperature, and the bubbles are as foamy as possible. You might even want to add some candles and music to create an ultra-romantic ambiance.

Write up a joint bucket list

There's no point in writing up a bucket list filled with ideas of things you're never going to actually do in real life. When you and your partner sit down to create a bucket list together for your at-home date night, it should be full of plans you can realistically see yourselves doing in the future.

Couples trivia games

How interested are you in finding out more about your partner? If the idea of learning some of their nitty-gritty secrets is enticing to you, then you might want to suggest playing a game of couples trivia. These games are more enjoyable if you and your partner agree to tell the complete truth when answering any trivia questions that pop up.

Admire the sunset together

Watching the sunset go down is one of the most beautiful experiences human beings get to experience. It's a magical thing to do with your significant other! Research what time the sun will be setting in your area so you and your partner can set yourselves up at a great angle to watch the sun dip beneath the horizon together.

Play hallway bowing

Bowling is a thrilling date to try at any bowling alley in your local area. Still, you don't actually have to leave your house to enjoy the excitement of a bowling tournament. You and your partner can set up pins made out of empty water bottles in your hallway if you don't have actual bowling pins. You can use any sports balls or circular items you own as bowling balls. Don't forget to keep score!

Play Would You Rather Jenga

Would You Rather is a silly game for any couple to play. It gets even more fun when you incorporate Jenga into the mix. Asking Would You Rather questions lets you test just how wild your partner can be based on different things you're comparing at any given moment. If you or your partner is faced with a Would You Rather question that is way too difficult to answer, you'll have to pull a piece of wood from the Jenga tower.

Brainstorm plans for your next vacation

You might have several places in mind for your next vacation together. While spending time at home with your partner for date night, the two of you can brainstorm all of the plans and ideas you have. Remember to write down every idea you come up with, so you can reflect back on your notes when you're ready to start booking flights and hotels.

Host a two-person talent show

There doesn't need to be a huge crowd for a talent show to be a success. In fact, all you need for a talent show is you and your partner. A two-person talent show consists of you and your partner showing off your best talents to each other, one at a time. You can show off your singing skills, dancing skills, instrumental music skills, or something else you're passionate about.

Indoor camping

Indoor camping is a fun way to get close and personal with your significant other. Instead of spending the night in your bedroom together, set up a camping station in your living room. You might want to use a tent or build a simple fort of sheets and blankets. Don't forget to come prepared with spooky stories to tell each other!

Have a non-holiday gift exchange

You don't have to wait until special holidays like Christmas or Valentine's Day to purchase romantic gifts for your partner. The two of you can agree on having a non-holiday gift exchange where you buy something thoughtful for each other to hand off during date night at home. You and your partner will be able to show each other how thoughtful you can be, which is especially heartwarming for those who have gift-giving or receiving gifts as their love language

At-home spa day

Having a luxurious spa day at home with your significant other is an excellent way for both of you to relax and recuperate after busy weeks filled with school or work obligations. When setting up the perfect spa day experience, ensure you have face masks, foot baths, warm towels, and sliced cucumbers on deck, amongst any other relaxing items you enjoy. 

Candlelit dinner

You can never go wrong with having a candlelit dinner at home with your partner. Candles somehow make every moment more magical and romantic. Make sure your candles are placed at the center of the table before serving dinner. It's also paramount that you choose a dinner recipe you and your significant other absolutely adore so that you both walk away with full stomachs (and full hearts). 
