The Date Night Tip That Can Keep Even Long-Running Relationships Fun And Fresh

If you've been in a relationship with your significant other for a long time, it can be hard to find the energy for romance after all the responsibilities of adulting take place. In addition, living together for a long time means you clean up after each other, get annoyed by little things, and feel the same stresses holding you down. Through all of your day-to-day routines, it's difficult to think about freshening up your relationship, and most people don't know where to start.

When you decide it's time to take a time out from kids, bills, and work responsibilities and really focus on your partner, date night is often the choice couples make. However, getting ready for a date night, making sure the sitter is squared away with the routines, and finally making it out the door can extinguish any flame you may have ignited. Instead of getting bogged down by all of that, there is a simple action you can take to spice up your relationship no matter how long you've been together.

Date night tip

An evening of tantalizing romance may be easier than you think. It's actually all about how the date starts. Instead of getting the sitter settled and taking care of things at home before going out together, consider sending your significant other out to the restaurant first, allowing yourself the opportunity to show up a little later. By deciding to meet at the restaurant or bar, you'll allow your relationship a good kind of anticipation you may not have had in awhile.

Sending your spouse out of the house before you leave can be surprisingly effective at spicing things up. According to Pure Wow, this can help with feeling less rushed and experiencing the less exciting parts of pulling off a date night. In addition, even if children aren't the reason you never get out with your partner, there is still some romance lost when you witness what each of you has to do to get ready. Simply meeting at your date night venue can add a little spark of excitement again.

Why the element of surprise works

This simple trick to keep the spice in your relationship works because of the anticipation and element of surprise, which is a powerful way to keep the spice in your relationship. When you show up to the restaurant or bar, you scan the establishment for your true love, and you may even catch yourself feeling nervous, like the old days. Your partner may also be feeling this sense of excitement as they wait for you. This meet-up is especially powerful if you parted before each of you was dressed for the night, turning up the surprise factor even more.

This approach to igniting the flame between you is also wildly effective because it separates you both from sharing the responsibilities of making date night work. You can take turns being the one getting things set up at home, so each of you has the luxury of doing your makeup or curling your hair at your own pace.

Life gets busy and our love lives get pushed to the side. But by meeting at the restaurant, you'll increase the sense of anticipation and add a little flavor to this life you've built with your partner.
