Tips That Will Help You Get More Matches On Dating Apps

As is life, you might have found yourself back on dating apps. If this is going to be your year, after all, that might just include a new relationship and, ideally, a new love. But, as we all know, dating on the apps isn't always easy. When Tinder introduced the swiping technique in 2012, little did we know then that that would be our future and that dating game would be changed. Forever.

"The idea behind online dating is not a novel idea," a researcher in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Antwerp, Lara Hallam, tells NBC News. "People have always used intermediaries such as mothers, friends, priests, or tribe members, to find a suitable partner."

While that's absolutely true because dating apps rely heavily on making a good first impression, as opposed to our mothers telling the person down the road that we're a total catch, trying to get someone interested can feel like an unconquerable feat. But with a bit of revamping, honesty, and good intentions, you'll finally get the matches you deserve. 

Be authentic

It's time to take the bull by the horns and go for it. In other words, be authentic in what you want to get out of dating apps. If you're looking for a long-term relationship, then put it in your profile! Far too often, people dance around this question because they don't want to come off as needy or having unrealistic expectations, but love is not an unrealistic expectation. If it's something you want in your life, you need to put that energy out there.

"It is important to let people know where you stand or you will end up being approached by a lot of people who are just looking for a fling," dating expert and dating profile writer Eric Resnick tells Elite Daily. "You will also run the risk of being passed over because people might assume you aren't looking for something serious if you don't tell them." You're not just letting others know where you stand on the topic, but you're being true to your wants and needs.

Wave your freak flag

Let's be honest: we're all weirdoes. Even those people out there who swear up and down that they're "normal" are still weird; it's called being human, and humans are weird. But for some reason, when it comes to dating profiles, people keep their weirdness under wraps as if it's going to scare everyone away. Want to know a fun fact? It's not. It's your quirkiness that's going to lure in a fellow weirdo, and that's exactly what you want. 

"There's this idea of needing to portray a certain persona, so anywhere you think you need to portray something, or you don't want to share something, run toward that," relationship coach Clara Artschwager tells MindBodyGreen. So, don't shy away from the real you. You'll find that forever person who thinks you look fantastic in those elf years that you've been secretly rocking for the last few years.

Get real

You're looking for love, not trying to get a job, so why create a list of things that detail who you are and who you aren't? Instead, tell a story about yourself. Granted, not the whole story, like from the moment you were born, but an engaging and interesting story that summarizes who you are and what's important to you.

"Every chance to add a preference, give a clever response to a Hinge profile prompt, or answer an OkCupid matching question is a chance for someone to connect with you on a deeper level than just thinking you're cute," dating coach Damona Hoffman tells Bustle. Although not all dating apps offer questions so their members can get to know each other on a unique level, if you're on an app that has questions, answer them and use more than a word or two. You're a person with feelings and thoughts, not a bot.

Make eye contact

While it's great to have a collection of photos that show your personality and what you're into, you want to make sure that the very first photo on your dating profile is of you looking directly at the camera. Sure, you look adorable when you give that side eye of yours, but eye contact in initial photos is what really matters when it comes to dating apps.

The experts agree with this point. "We found that pictures on your profile of you looking directly at the camera ultimately perform better," chief marketing officer at OkCupid Melissa Hobley tells Cosmopolitan. These types of photos not only make you stand out, therefore making you memorable, but they also make you appear trustworthy because a lot can be read in someone's eyes. What this also means is to ditch all the photos with sunglasses. Now. (We promise that you'll thank us later.)

Take advantage of peak times

What time you get on dating apps and start your swiping plays a big role in the number of matches you'll get, too. According to findings by Nielson, Tinder users start their swiping around 6 p.m. local time, with the peak swiping time being about 9 p.m. before things drop off around 10. OKCupid, on the other hand, has two peak times throughout the day: first thing in the morning and in the evening after work, but no later than 11 p.m. In general, 40% of Tinder members will check the app throughout the day between noon and midnight, but the real action is happening at 9 p.m.

So, even if you're catching up on the news, trying to reach a deadline for work, or watching your favorite episode of your favorite show for the hundredth time, make sure you're on the dating apps at about 9 p.m. every weeknight if you want your best chance at striking gold.


So, you've created the best dating profile of your life. You're proud, you're excited that you've been honest about what you want, and you've steered clear of anything that resembles something that looks like a resume. Now what? Proofread it. It sounds basic, but this simple tip can completely change the game.

A survey by Grammarly and eHarmony found that spelling and grammar really matter when it comes to dating profiles. According to the findings, a man who has even just two spelling errors is 14% less likely to get a response once a chat has been initiated. The same survey also found that, for all genders, proper grammar is far more appealing than confidence. So, even if you're not the best proofreader out there, at least let a friend or two take a look before you officially post that epic profile you've created. Once you do, get ready for the matches to come rolling in.
