Why Creating A Morning Routine Before Your WFH Job Is So Important

Once only for a handful of positions, working from home has become more popular in recent years. Even as some people have returned to the office, many still remain in remote or at least hybrid positions. It's estimated that 22% of the American workforce, about 36.2 million people, will work remotely from home by 2025, reports Apollo Technical. While there are many benefits to working from home, like a reduced commute and a more flexible schedule, it can be a challenging transition.

While many people think working from home means rolling out of bed and logging on for your shift, that's not the best way to start the day. Working from home does provide the benefit of being able to sleep in a little longer, but not at the sacrifice of a morning routine. Having a morning routine before you begin work will help you get into a work mindset, which makes you feel more motivated and productive throughout the day. The best part is that there isn't one morning routine that everyone who works from home should do. You can customize a routine to fit your needs and goals. Start the day in a way that will be best for you.

Wake up at the same time

Our bodies like predictability and consistency. Creating habits and routines helps our brains conserve energy, says Sanitas. Predictability helps minimize risks and essentially helps the body run on auto-pilot for some functions. That's not to say that your life has to be completely set out with no spontaneity or excitement. But your morning routine before work should have consistent aspects and habits that feel like second nature to your body. Conserving some brain energy first thing in the morning can help you be more alert and process and think better throughout the day.

Create a routine first thing in the morning by setting your alarm for the same time each day and actually getting out of bed when it goes off in the morning. You don't have to wake up early, either. Depending on when you have to start work and the rest of your morning routine will inform the best time for you to wake up. But no matter what, you will want to prioritize getting eight hours of sleep a night. That might mean having to adjust when you go to bed or waking up a little later to wake up feeling rested.

Get moving

After getting out of bed, it's best to get active in some way. It doesn't have to be an intense workout for you to reap the benefits. "Exercise leads to the secretion of neurotransmitters that promote mental clarity and an improved attention span," Jasmine Theard, ACSM HFS, an exercise physiologist, tells Piedmont. "You'll feel a sense of accomplishment, as well as rejuvenated and recharged." You also tend to make healthier choices throughout the day and sleep better at night when you exercise in the morning.

A quick walk or jog outside can help you get some fresh air, which also has some benefits. If you have equipment like a bike or treadmill at home, then you can start your day on that. You may want to try yoga, stretching, or pilates as well. Of course, you can also do a combination of different exercises depending on any fitness or health goals you may have. Any kind of activity is beneficial in the morning.

Wear work clothes

After exercising, it's time to get ready for the day. Do all of the normal parts of your hygiene and maintenance routine: taking a shower, brushing your teeth, doing your hair, makeup, and skincare routine. And get dressed in work clothes. If you're spending the day in the house, the last thing you want to do is wear uncomfortable clothes. Relaxing in sweatpants is much easier.

Unfortunately, "It's very easy to get caught in the work-from-bed vortex," remote business owner, Sarah Harrison, tells Ladders, "when you first wake up, reach for your phone and start firing off emails. Before you know it, it's 11 am, and you haven't left your bed. Failing to get out of bed and adequately preparing yourself for the day ahead can leave you feeling just as disheveled as you look."

Getting dressed will help put you in that work mindset rather than a relax-at-home mindset. Subconsciously, you'll feel more productive since you mimicked the routine of going into an in-office job. Plus, when you do relax, your lounge clothes won't feel like work clothes.

Take some time for yourself

Before starting work, it's also a good idea to take some time to slow down for yourself. This can help you wind down a little before work. Reading a newspaper or newsletter, scrolling on social media, or taking a minute to have breakfast and coffee are all good ways to take a moment before work. Using this time for quick chores like making the bed is also a good way to accomplish something at the start of the day. But experts warn about trying to start too many habits at one time.

"My biggest tip is to incorporate one habit for one week," Nicole Calloway, who works remotely in marketing and social media, suggests to Employee Benefit News. "You're going to make your bed and then the next week you're going to make your bed and you're going to do your skincare. Bring it in slowly instead of trying to do it all or nothing." Adding too many habits at once can feel overwhelming and make it harder to maintain. Instead, work to make one habit second nature before adding another one. Over time, you'll be able to develop a full routine that addresses all of your physical and mental needs before starting work.

Set goals for the day

You probably already have an idea of what you have to accomplish off the day's to-do list, but you should still make a point of setting goals every morning. Working from home often means not having a boss or coworkers looking over your shoulder to ensure you're getting work done. This can lead to procrastination and distraction. Setting goals helps you be accountable and more productive, says Think Remote. Knowing exactly what you have to accomplish allows you to better organize your schedule and work to complete it.

But this doesn't mean simply making a list of every task. Instead, organize everything you have to do by priority and due date, suggests Forecast. First, you can set the week's tasks with when they must be done by. Once you know when tasks should be completed, you can organize each day's tasks by priority. Create a schedule that tackles the highest priority items first and finishes the day with lower priority items to ensure what needs to get done is completed as soon as possible.
