Where Should You Have Meetings If You Work From Home?

At the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic forced many employees out of the office and into their homes. Even though things have gone back to normal for many, a number of people have made the decision to stop working on-site for good. According to Zippia, as of last year, nearly 30% of Americans were reported working from a remote location, and researchers expect an estimated 36.2 million will follow suit by the year 2025. Needless to say, many are loving this new way of life, but it doesn't come without its challenges.

The ability to work from home seems like the ultimate setup, but then the time comes when you have to take a meeting. If you have kids or pets or live in a generally busy area, the odds of finding a quiet place to sit down for a video call are slim. Then there's the issue of choosing an appropriate background, as you don't want your boss and or fellow employees to see your messy home or family photos posted on the wall behind you. In order to keep the meeting professional, it's important to designate a specific area when you work from home.

Don't even think about staying in bed

Whatever you do, do not — we repeat, do not — take meetings from your bed. In fact, it's unwise to do anything related to work from there, even checking your email. Not only does it look super unprofessional, but by staying in bed, you're also way less motivated and much more likely to doze off. Additionally, taking meetings from the comfort of your mattress could ruin your sleep schedule, as your brain begins to equate lying in bed with working. It can affect even your posture, as your back isn't receiving the proper support.

If you're used to working from your bed, we're going to go out on a limb and assume you don't change out of your pajamas. This is another major issue that comes with not having a designated work space, but not for the reasons you think. Keeping your PJs on doesn't affect productivity, but it does have a negative effect on your mental health. Fortunately, you can totally prevent these issues with the proper setup and attire.

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, please contact the Crisis Text Line by texting HOME to 741741, call the National Alliance on Mental Illness helpline at 1-800-950-NAMI (6264), or visit the National Institute of Mental Health website.

Create a home office space

The key to having a successful meeting while working from home is creating an office space free from distractions. Don't worry if you don't have a spare room to designate as an office; all you need is a spot in your apartment where you won't be easily distracted. This space can help you focus better while working from home. Ideally, your background should be free from anything that would take the focus off of the meeting as well. It's also crucial you find a spot that doesn't throw off your work-life balance. This is any space you don't want to associate with writing emails and sitting in meetings, such as the bedroom.

There are actually several benefits that come with keeping a separation between your work life and personal life. When you have a strong work-life balance, productivity rates generally increase, you're less likely to call off, and, not to mention, it drastically enhances both your mental and physical health. It's a win-win if you ask us.
