The Truth About The Connection Between Tight Clothing And Yeast Infections

Yeast infections are the worst — there's no denying it. The itch, the smell: it's all unpleasant. Yeast infections, or vaginal candidiasis, occur when there is too much candida albican (the fungus that causes yeast infections) in the vagina and not enough lactobacillus (the bacteria that stops candida overgrowth) to suppress it, according to the Mayo Clinic. Surprisingly, vaginal candidiasis is actually more common than you think. In fact, three out of four women experience a yeast infection at one time or another, and a majority of those women are unfortunate enough to have at least two.

Common or not, it doesn't make them any less terrible. Luckily, there are ways to prevent the overgrowth of candida, such as wearing 100% cotton underwear, according to Oprah Daily. Cotton soaks up moisture, which, in turn, decreases the chances of both yeast infections and bacterial vaginitis. Now, you may have heard about a connection between tight clothing and a higher risk of yeast infections, but does it really exist? We're here to uncover the truth.

Tight clothing can do you dirty

The verdict is in: tight clothes can cause yeast infections. The reason is that yeast thrives in warm, moist areas, especially in your nether regions. To combat this, Knix recommends staying away from any type of tight clothing in hot weather. As temperatures rise, you're prone to get sweaty, which means excessive yeast is more likely to grow. Knix also warns against re-wearing clothes you've sweat in (we know laundry day stinks, but so do yeast infections). Do you and your lady bits a favor, and do your laundry often.

We aren't saying you should ditch tight clothing altogether; how could we? Jeans, leggings, and tights are a staple in any wardrobe, and tossing them would be doing your closet a disservice. Just be cautious about how long you're wearing them, and make sure they're being washed regularly. If you're prone to yeast infections, taking these precautions should lessen your chances of developing one.

Workout leggings are even worse

According to Monistat, it is extremely possible to develop a yeast infection via workout leggings. The reason is that yeast thrives in warm, moist areas, especially in your nether regions. With that said, if you're working up a sweat during physical activity, excess yeast is more likely to grow, causing that itching sensation we all know and love. The same can be said for spandex or nylon underwear; the more you sweat, the higher your chances of increasing your yeast content. On the plus side, there's a simple solution to this problem.

Once you're done working out, strip out of your workout clothes as soon as possible. While you may want to clean your downstairs after an intense workout, it's important you stay away from scented hygiene products as well, as they can only exacerbate the problem. By taking these steps, you will significantly lower the risk of getting an infection.
