Can Your Period Cause Your Hair To Be Greasy?

Most of us have been plagued by greasy hair at least a few times. Whether it's from putting off hair washing day for too long, or using products that give us that oily shine, many times greasy hair is a consequence of not giving our hair or scalp the attention it needs. Greasy hair happens for many reasons. You could be using the wrong products, touching your hair too often, sleeping on dirty linens, or not washing it enough (via Self)

Dealing with an overly oily scalp can be frustrating, especially if you've been putting a lot of effort into your haircare routine, and nailing down the root of the problem is oftentimes expensive and time-consuming. In some cases, there are specific times when our hair becomes particularly unmanageable and greasy, no matter what we do. If you've noticed that your hair is particularly limp and oily right before you get your period, you may be on to something.

How menstruation affects our hair

Hormones affect all of us in various ways, and one of those ways is how our hair looks and feels. If you notice that your hair is greasier right around your period, there are scientific reasons for this. A 2003 study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology found that menstruation and infrequent washing affected hair texture and appearance. Because our cycle is dictated by sex hormones, the same hormones that make our faces break out could be causing extra oil secretion from our scalps. According to Turbie Twist, male hormones, such as testosterone and androgen, increase in the week leading up to your period, which leads to more oil production.   

Towards the end of your cycle, estrogen levels increase, combatting our greasy hair and helping our scalps return to normal. Although your hair's appearance may be suffering a bit more during this time of the month, there are things you can do to help your hair get back to normal.

How to deal with oily hair

If you experience extra-greasy hair during your period, there are ways to combat this to get your hair feeling healthy and clean. Mane Addicts suggests washing your pillow, not touching your hair throughout the day, and changing your shampoo to a clarifying shampoo. In addition, your diet can affect how much oil your scalp produces. If you're eating a diet that is high in refined carbohydrates and saturated fats, your scalp may excrete more oil. Instead, add in more vegetables and proteins to combat the oil issue on your scalp.

If taking these actions does not reduce the oil build-up on your hair, consider washing your hair more frequently and applying your hair products lightly. In addition, experiment with dry shampoo to cut down on how many washings you have to complete during this time. Your period is temporary, so making these adjustments just might do the trick to getting rid of the appearance of greasy hair. During your menstrual cycle, you are contending with many discomforts. If your hair's appearance is one of them, take these steps to get your scalp back to its healthy and radiant appearance.
