Here's How Often You Should Really Be Washing Your Comforter

It's a well-known fact that it's vital to wash your bed sheets frequently to enjoy a clean and comfortable rest at the end of your day. However, what many don't take into consideration is the comforter. This bedding piece is essential to keep as clean as the rest of the bed. Because they can become unsanitary over time, it's good to know when to place those comforters in the wash. The Clean Bedroom explains that several aspects of the bed, such as the linens and mattress, can house various bugs, bacteria, and dirt. With the many places where these bugs can hide, the bed can quickly turn into one of the dirtiest places in your home.

The comforter is one of the parts that directly touch you every night. Although part of the bed, it often gets ignored in the cleaning process in favor of the linens. However, just as with your sheets, the comforter is a piece that stays with you the entire night. So, even when buried with a mountain of sheets, it deserves a good wash.

When should you wash your comforter?

Not accounting for out-of-the-ordinary messes or illnesses, be sure to wash the comforter every one to two months. Mulberrys Garment Care explains there are other factors to take into consideration when deciding whether or not to wash this bedding piece. If you have a duvet or allergy cover over your comforter, you can extend its life between washes; however, if you have pets that sleep with you or sleep with multiple people in the bed, you will need to wash it more frequently. Allergies or sensitivities can also be a reason to wash your comforter more often.

Sparkling Penny digs deeper and recommends washing your comforter at least once or twice a year if you have a duvet cover. If you don't have one, you will need to wash your comforter like you would with the rest of your bedding. Two other factors that will help you save time on washes are showering before bed and using a sheet between you and your comforter. Both these factors will help preserve this bedding piece for longer, meaning you don't need to throw it into the wash as often.

Why you need to wash your comforter

There are many reasons to keep track of your comforter's last wash besides going to bed with clean bedding pieces. Layla explains that a dirty comforter could be what is making you get poor-quality sleep. From the actual sensation of sleeping in a dirty comforter, various allergens can make their way to your bed, triggering allergies at night. Between constant coughing, congestion, and sneezing, the dirty comforter could cause you to stay up at night. adds that a lot is going on in your sleep that may warrant that wash. From sweat to skin infections, your comforter is exposed to many variables at night. When you're sleeping, you release sweat, body oils, and odor, making it more than enough reason to wash your bedding pieces often. Aesthetically, a dirty comforter could also be the cause of your latest skin flareup. Whether it's eczema or acne, the dirt and bacteria that collects on a comforter can be a serious cause of concern for your skin.
