The Big Sign Your Body Wash Is Expired

There's nothing quite like the feeling of finding a body wash that works well for you. Apart from making sure that you know where you should be applying your body wash, there are some other things to keep in mind about the product. That includes that body washes, like most other products, do eventually expire, as discussed in a piece from Best Style Trends.

When some online guides, including one from Clean My Space, mention that body washes are generally good to use for three years, you might be left wondering when it's time to replace your body wash if it isn't all used up. Is it still safe to use after a year (or three)? Other than the label given on the product itself, which is likely to provide you with some indication, there are some other key signs that your body wash is better off in the trash than in your shower.

There are other ways to tell if body wash is expired

Figuring out if your body wash has seen better days might be a bit of a challenge, but it doesn't have to be if you are aware of a few key tips. Oprah notes that there are a few signs that cosmetic products have gone bad, mentioning that any product that has changed in color, odor, or texture since you purchased it is likely to have expired.

Meanwhile, GQ has written about the importance of keeping body washes sealed to keep out any bacteria, mentioning that unopened body washes are good for up to three years. (If you're a fan of a discontinued product, in other words, you might just be in luck!)

Overall, the general rule appears to be that open body washes are good for about a year, whereas unopened body washes can last for up to three years. If you think that something is off about the product that you're using, you're better off replacing it.

Natural products might differ

Aglow Lifestyle points out that homemade or natural products are likely to have a different shelf life than those that are commercially manufactured. This means that it is even more important to check the expiration dates on natural products, which might also be more likely to contain mold or harmful bacteria if they don't have preservatives.

GoodGlow has a similar piece in relation to when soap expires, mentioning there that natural soap –- like natural body wash –- will expire sooner than the rest.

As noted by both websites, the FDA in the United States requires any product that it has certified to carry an expiration date on its packaging, also called a PAO (period-after-opening) label. For products that haven't been approved by the FDA or a similar regulatory body (depending on your location), you might have to use your best judgment about whether or not your body wash is still safe to use.
