Is The Secret To Clear, Healthy Skin Taking Supplements?

We all know that glowing, healthy skin is partly an inside job. What we put in our bodies will be reflected on the outside. And while the lotions and potions we use daily to cleanse, moisturize, prevent wrinkles, and reduce blemishes play a big role in enviable skin, it's healthy lifestyle habits like proper hydration and a nutritious diet that are the real magic makers when it comes to clear, healthy skin. Restful sleep, alcohol consumption, and smoking cigarettes also, of course, factor in (via Healthline). So, what about everyone's favorite quick and convenient fast track to health –- supplements? Can capsules and powders loaded with vitamins improve your skin? The vast array of supplements on the market geared towards glowing skin would suggest a resounding yes, but let's take a look.

"Think of supplements as a piece of the puzzle: a targeted supplement regimen can benefit the skin in conjunction with other healthy lifestyle and dietary habits," said Taylor Fazio, certified dietitian nutritionist, registered dietician, and wellness director at The Lanby, in an interview with Marie Claire. "Supplements provide concentrated nutrients that act in specific ways to target these root causes and realign whatever factor is causing skin issues."

So, if you're eating your fruits and vegetables, exercising, and drinking enough water, then adding supplements to your routine could definitely improve overall skin health. Let's explore which ones are best suited for your skincare needs.

Supplements for skin conditions like acne

Acne can be a frustrating battle. Especially when you're doing everything you can to combat breakouts, and you just can't seem to come out on top. Acne isn't just reserved for those in their teen years, either. Hormonal imbalances can cause acne at any stage of life (via Healthline). Acne is caused by an overproduction of oil in the skin, and there is a magical mineral that can help with that: zinc. This powerful fighter is great for inflammation and infection. "Studies point out that zinc has been shown to be lower in patients suffering with acne versus those without acne," said dermatologist Dr. Kiran Sethi in an interview with Vogue.

Another candidate for conquering acne outbreaks is a probiotic supplement. Probiotics restore healthy gut bacteria, which, when out of balance, can cause acne and rosacea (via Healthline). But if these supplements aren't doing the trick, don't despair, and remember you aren't alone. Acne is tough to wrangle.

"As with everything, some supplements will help some people, but due to the volatile nature of acne, we know there is no cure, just different ways to try and manage the condition," said Debbie Thomas, skin specialist and founder of D. Thomas Clinic, in an interview with PopSugar.

Supplements can reduce the appearance of wrinkles

We ultimately cannot stop the process of aging -– nor should we! It's a privilege to grow old. But the hunt for an elixir of youth is a tale as old as time. And there's nothing wrong with wanting to slow down the aging process a bit and enhance your overall glow. As you likely know, there are countless supplements claiming to give your skin a rebirth, and unless you've been under a rock in recent years, you know collagen is one of them. Collagen powder is known to aid in the production of skin elasticity and prevent wrinkles from forming (via Healthline). Adding a spoonful to your morning coffee is a practice adopted by many to give skin a healthy, youthful glow.

Another supplement you'll want to add to your regime for healthy skin is vitamin C. Beyond improving the appearance of wrinkles, vitamin C also combats sun damage and dark spots (via MedicalNewsToday). It's really a win-win. And while you can certainly get your daily vitamin C through fruits like strawberries and citrus, taking a supplement is also an option.

So, supplements are not the only secret to clear, healthy skin, but they are definitely a stepping stone along the path.
