What To Know About Changes In Your Skin During Menopause

By the time you reach menopause, you've had years to perfect your ideal skincare routine and preferred makeup looks. The agony of teenage skincare mistakes is decades in the past, and you may have even navigated the "glow" that comes with pregnancy. You have every reason to believe that you're a professional, with your daily care routines being locked in.

Menopause, however, can present a whole new challenge. In conversation with Oprah Daily, New York City-based dermatologist Doris Day, M.D., revealed, "During this time, it can feel like you're part-teenager, with breakouts that pop up out of nowhere, and part-senior citizen with extreme dryness."

Fortunately, these changes in your skin don't need to be cause for any alarm. The differences in skin health that accompany menopause have been well-documented and can be planned for. If anything, this is the perfect excuse to invest in new products that will keep you feeling glowy and confident throughout this stage of life.

What your skin can expect during menopause

Collagen levels reduce rapidly during menopause, having the opposite effect of the steadily rising levels that accompany pregnancy. While pregnant people often get a dewy glow, Real Simple reports that those going through menopause often experience feelings of thin, dry skin, and wrinkles.

Not all menopausal changes will be entirely new. You may see a return of skin problems you've struggled with in the past, or a higher risk of skin problems that you've already been cautious of. For example, the American Academy of Dermatology Association reports that your skin is even more vulnerable to sun damage during menopause. You could also begin experiencing acne, even if you've been experiencing blemish-free skin for years.

Speaking to Real Simple, New York City-based board-certified dermatologist Claire Chang, M.D.,  shared that "hormonal fluctuations typically trigger acne along the chin and jawline." You may feel like you're already equipped to handle these familiar problems. However, it's important to note that changing skin requires a changing skincare routine.

Skincare adjustments for menopause

The acne that accompanies menopause might take you back to high school, but it can't be treated in the same way. The treatments you used as a teenager could be too harsh on your evolving skin, causing even more irritation. According to Healthline, menopausal acne is often cystic — meaning that it exists beneath the skin. Over-the-counter solutions might not cut it, but a visit to your doctor could help you find an oral solution.

When it comes to your favorite makeup products, not much has to change! Stick with what makes you feel comfortable and confident. Wherever possible, swap out regular formulas for those that contain SPF protection, as SPF can prevent sun damage, which may lead to wrinkles and age spots. 

According to Hello!, the final secret to perfecting your new routine is simple: hydration, hydration, hydration. This means prioritizing moisturizing power when picking out new products and getting plenty of water through your beverage choices and foods. As always, how you choose to express your personal style and beauty throughout this stage of life is up to you, but these tips should keep you comfortable and confident throughout it all.
