20 Lucrative Side Hustles You Might Want To Consider

The truth of the matter is that too many full-time jobs offering contracted hours, salary, and benefits don't fully cut it when it comes to covering your financial needs. For this reason, it's a great idea to get involved with a lucrative side hustle that might generate tons of additional money to supplement your income. According to Harvard Business Review, starting a side hustle is one of the most popular ways to build a financial cushion for yourself beyond what your 9-to-5 might be offering.

If you're feeling like your job security is pretty shaky or you're just ready to have a solid amount of cash set aside in your savings account, side hustles might be the way to go. Startup Nation says investing your time in a side hustle will help increase your financial security, give you the chance to work more flexible hours, and allow you to pursue your own personal passions. A successful side hustle might even give you the chance to transition to an entirely new lifestyle if you discover that you enjoy it more than your main career path. Here are some lucrative side hustles to explore.

Deliver food with DoorDash or Uber Eats

Giving people rides in your car with driving services such as Uber or Lyft is a bit risky because it means inviting strangers into your safe space who might not always have your best interests in mind. For this reason, delivering food orders with DoorDash or Uber Eats is a lucrative side hustle that can ease any safety fears. CNet describes DoorDash and Uber Eats as two of the most popular food delivery services that jumped in usage following the COVID-19 pandemic. 

According to Go Banking Rates, anyone interested in making extra cash with food delivery services can sign up to deliver meals using both DoorDash and Uber Eats at the same time. The only thing to consider with this side hustle is that you'll have to fill your tank with gas more frequently, and you'll have to keep up with your car's maintenance including oil changes more rapidly than you normally would.

Become a freelance writer

Picking up a freelance writing job is a great lucrative side hustle to go along with any 9-to-5 career you might already have. Per Location Rebel, freshening up your knowledge about SEO writing is the first step. Learning how to bang out quick 300 to 500-word articles is the second skill you'll have to learn. If you can get these two things down, you'll be able to rack up upwards of $5,000 a month from multiple websites that you write consistently for.

SmartBlogger notes that being successful as a freelance writer starts with knowing where to look when it comes to applying for jobs, promoting yourself properly, and making sure you stand out against your competition. If you can compile a portfolio of written pieces that you believe will impress employers across the board, you can keep that portfolio safe in the form of a PDF file to be emailed out whenever you're ready to start seriously looking.

Launch a Patreon account

Creative individuals and artists everywhere should consider launching Patreon accounts. According to The Abundant Artist, Patreon accounts allow you to receive consistent and reliable payments from customers on a monthly basis. The platform also takes care of you if you deal with declined incoming payments from buyers. Since the site is designed to protect artists, it gives you a chance to focus on your craft more than the mundane details of sales and backend technology. 

Patreon notes that they have more than a quarter of a million creators signed up on their platform today (via Patreon.com). Those who join to sell content on the blossoming platform tend to be budding musicians, visual artists, visual creators, podcasters, and other artistic individuals. Since you are in charge of setting membership fees and costs for your account, you get to decide how much money you're pulling in each month. Promoting your Patreon account on your social media pages will help you grow a bigger customer base as well.

Walk dogs

If you're an animal lover who thinks puppies are absolutely adorable, dog walking might be the perfect side hustle for you. Some of the incredible benefits that come along with dog walking as a side hustle include getting in some exercise, enjoying a fun work environment, experiencing independence, enjoying flexibility, and having the chance to spend time with lovable animals (via The Right Fluff Pet Sitting).

Pet Professional dives into the fact that as a dog walker, you no longer have to deal with office politics or drama. You can swap out bossy management teams and stuffy co-workers for four-legged pet friends. The fact that you might be able to stop paying for a gym membership or workout classes because you're getting so many steps in as a dog walker is another major plus. Some of the negatives to consider when thinking about dog walking as a side hustle is that you might occasionally deal with difficult clients, and part of the job description is picking up dog waste.

Wash cars

Car washing happens to be one of the best side hustles ever for people who want to make quick cash. People who are willing to invest in regular car washes tend to have expendable income, which means that they often know the ins and outs of tipping well. The Pit Crew explains that car washing has become a brilliant side hustle for people taking part in the great resignation. Those looking for a little more freedom with their time and schedule have turned to part-time car washing opportunities since they tend to pay better than one might expect.

It's important to keep in mind the fact that car washes are sort of a seasonal business, according to Biz Fluent. If you live in an area that experiences rainy or snowy seasons, you can expect that you won't get a lot of business during those times. If you live in a place that has year-round sunshine like Los Angeles or Las Vegas, car washing is a lucrative side hustle to get involved with.

Host a bake sale

If you already think whipping up a batch of brownies or a sheet of cookies is something fun to do to pass the time, hosting a big sale might be the best lucrative side hustle for you to consider. When planning a bake sale, you should narrow down the right recipes that make the most sense for the crowd you're trying to attract (via King Arthur Baking Company). Having a wide variety means that you'll appeal to the tastebuds of nearly everyone. That being said, everything on your bake sale table shouldn't ring true to one flavor. Keeping up with an assortment of desserts will take you far when you're trying to sell as many baked goods as possible.

According to The Spruce Eats, you should brush up on your local health codes, figure out the perfect time and location to set up shop, and ensure that everything looks as presentable as possible. An organized table with attractive decorations will make it harder for potential customers (and their sweet tooths) to walk away.

Sell products on Etsy

Creative people know a thing or two about designing items and putting crafts together. If this happens to be the case for you, selling products on Etsy could be the game-changer you're looking for. Business.org describes Etsy as being one of the biggest online marketplaces for merchants and customers interested in handling handcrafted items. More than 60 million people have purchased items from Etsy over the years, which proves that it's a great lucrative side hustle to consider.

Per Fit Small Business, in order to get started, you have to open up an Etsy shop after creating your own personal account. Once you link your payment information, including your bank details, you can start earning money for your products. Etsy sellers list anything from hand-sewn dresses to beaded jewelry on the site. If you're better at designing things on your tablet or laptop, you can also sell digital products that customers can print out at home.

Try affiliate marketing through Amazon

Getting into affiliate marketing through Amazon's Associates program is another smart side hustle to think about. According to Influencer Marketing Hub, nothing else compares to it if you're interested in affiliate marketing.

Amazon sells an average of $17 million each hour, which means that there are customers clicking through the site constantly. Once you've signed up for the Amazon Associates program, all you have to do is grab the URL links from Amazon, add them to a storefront that you've designed for yourself, and post interesting videos and pictures about those products on your social media platforms (via Search Engine Journal).

It pays to have active TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter accounts if you want to do well as an Amazon affiliate marketer. Joining the Amazon affiliate marketing program is completely free, but it does require consistency when it comes to how often you post product reviews and opinions about specific items on your various social media platforms.

Rent your spare room on Airbnb

If you have an extra empty bedroom where you live, you might consider renting it out on Airbnb to earn a little extra cash on the side. Insider shared the story of a woman who earned $16,000 in just one year from simply renting out the spare bedroom in her home. Some of the positives she experienced from hosting guests in her spare room included being encouraged to keep her space more tidy and organized and learning about different cultures from visitors coming in from around the world. 

Before you list your spare room to be rented out on Airbnb, make sure to come up with a list of clear rules that guests must follow when they're under your roof (via Good Housekeeping). You should also get insurance protection in case you deal with a guest who causes damages to your property or steals something.

Rent out your garage

It might be time to clean out and organize your garage space if you're looking to make a little extra cash with a side hustle. According to Stow It, you can rent out your garage space using an app called Neighbor, or by simply listing your garage space for rent on Craigslist. After your garage has been totally cleaned out, you'll have to snap some amazing images of the space to show people what you're offering.

Neighbor describes its service as being safe, close to home, and convenient (via Neighbor.com). Anyone looking for extra storage for their general belongings, storage for a car, storage for a boat, or storage for something else can depend on Neighbor to find what they're looking for. It's easy to sign up, you don't have to deal with pesky paperwork, and the rental plans exist on a month-to-month basis. This is one of the easiest ways to turn extra space you already have into some disposable income.

Rent out your car

For those who are comfortable with the idea of renting out their car to strangers for the day, posting your car on a site like Turo can be the side hustle that benefits you in a major way. Per Best Referral Driver, renting out your car is a great way to earn passive income, set your own prices, have somewhat of a babysitter for your car, and receive tax deductions.

Turo welcomes entrepreneurs of all levels of experience to join their program in order to pull in extra money. According to their website, people earn an average annual income of more than $10,500 from renting out just one vehicle (via Turo.com). Some of the negatives to consider are the fact that there will be some wear and tear added to your vehicle as whoever rents out your car can rack up thousands of miles during their rental period.

Babysit kids

Not everyone has the patience to deal with children, but if you do, babysitting could be a great way to earn some extra cash for yourself. Becoming a babysitter can be beneficial because it allows you to stay in touch with your inner child, teaches you valuable skills including multitasking and communication, and pushes you to take responsibility for others (per Student Job). It also puts you in a position to be an incredible role model to the youngsters that you're caring for and create what can become lasting friendships with their families.

According to KidSit, babysitting jobs are one of the better alternatives to unpaid internships since you're actually receiving money for your time, and you're genuinely providing a much-needed service. To get started, you'll have to brush up on your first aid skills, snag your CPR certification, and brainstorm fun, silly, and enjoyable ways to keep children entertained.

Create YouTube content

Becoming a YouTube content creator takes tons of energy, effort, and time. It's a lucrative side hustle because YouTube is one of the top-tier social media platforms that pay content creators a good chunk of money for what they provide. According to Insider, anyone with a YouTube channel who's joined the partner program has the chance to monetize the videos they post with advertisements.

Investopedia notes that you can also lean on corporate sponsorships and brand deals when posting videos on YouTube in order to increase your income. Once you become popular on YouTube and you've created a dedicated fan base for yourself, you can start selling merchandise including T-shirts, baseball caps, and tote bags with your catchphrases and logos. Connecting with YouTube audiences is simple enough to do if you're comfortable sharing your most authentic self with viewers. YouTube content creation can be focused on anything including makeup tutorials, baking tips, fashion hauls, workout routines, and more.

Shop for others with Instacart

Instacart is a similar side hustle to DoorDash and Uber Eats, except that instead of delivering food orders from restaurants and fast food joints, you're helping people get their groceries. Someone will place an order on Instacart, and it becomes your job to shop for all of their listed items, bag them up, and deliver everything to the customer's doorstep. According to the Rideshare Guy, Instacart is the easiest way to connect customers who require grocery delivery services with personal shoppers. 

NerdWallet classifies Instacart shoppers as independent contractors who are capable of choosing the hours they work and earning great tips on top of their base pay. One of the biggest benefits that come from being an Instacart shopper is that you'll earn an additional amount of money if the Instacart order you're in charge of includes heavy items such as protein powder containers or 240 packs of water bottles. Becoming an Instacart shopper as a side hustle requires a clean background check, a smartphone, a valid driver's license, access to a car, and the ability to lift 30 pounds or more.

Launch a podcast

Have you ever been called chatty by your close friends? Do you feel like you have a lot of thoughts floating around in your mind with nowhere to put them? It may be time for you to launch your own podcast. Launching a podcast as a lucrative side hustle makes all the sense in the world if you know that you have a lot to say. According to Wired Clip, podcasting might not earn you any income for the first several months, but if you're capable of creating content that grabs attention and gains followers, you'll be just fine.

Choosing podcasting as a side hustle isn't something you should do if you're looking for an immediate payout (per Castos). Rather, it's something that takes time. If you make sure to post new episodes of your podcast on a consistent basis, you'll build up an audience of followers who are excited to hear from you regularly. If your content is irregular and spotty, you won't get very far in the podcasting world. Some of the highest-earning podcasters earn income from sponsorships, premium content sales, and affiliate marketing sales.

Join the TikTok creator fund

Scrolling through TikTok and posting every once in a while can become more of an income source than a hobby for you if you already enjoy the app on a recreational level. LaterBlog explains that joining the TikTok creator fund is a great way for social media users to earn money by sharing entertaining videos on the app. In 2020, TikTok committed to spending $1 billion across three years on the creator fund alone.

According to TikTok, you're eligible to join the TikTok creator fund if you have 10,000 authentic followers, more than 100,000 authentic video views, and original content that doesn't break any of their community guidelines. Once you meet all of that criteria, all you have to do is apply within the app by tapping on the "Creator Tools" button. After you've earned a minimum of $10, you can withdraw your funds to PayPal or Zelle. The TikTok creator fund encourages social media users to post often.

Monetize your blog with Google Adsense

Monetizing your blog with Google AdSense is a great way to earn extra income along with any 9-to-5 job you might have. Per Kinsta, plenty of people aim to monetize their blogs so that they can become self-employed, have an outlet for creative expression, build an audience, or serve a particular purpose. Whatever your motivation might be, getting monetized with Google AdSense is one of the simplest ways to build up your wealth.

Being able to monetize your blog is based on the number of page views you receive (via Tech Funnel). If your blog is already getting tons of organic traffic, it will be easy for you to get approved with Google AdSense. Sometimes, Google AdSense will reject your blog for reasons unknown. If this happens, you might need to enlist help from a professional website designer who can spruce up your blog and make it look as presentable as possible.

Start online tutoring with BookNook

Just like babysitting, online tutoring requires a hefty amount of patience. If this is something you know you have, starting an online tutoring side hustle could benefit you greatly. BookNook is a great online tutoring program to sign up with since it gives you opportunities to pick different jobs at different times throughout the year while getting support from other online tutors and staff.

According to Third Space Learning, online tutoring is bigger than ever these days following the COVID-19 pandemic. Since there are so many parents searching for help in this department, snagging an online tutoring job shouldn't be that difficult. You have to decide which subjects are your strongest among math, English, science, history, and the rest. You don't even have to have a Bachelor's degree in order to start this side hustle. As long as you have some teaching or tutoring experience under your belt, you should be successful, even if that experience was volunteer work.

Sell used clothes on Poshmark

When you poke around inside your closet, do you feel like you're overwhelmed with tons of old clothing that you don't envision yourself wearing ever again? If so, selling your clothes on Poshmark could be the side hustle that changes the game for you. When it comes to selling your clothes on a site like Poshmark, all you have to do is snap pictures, list each item at the price of your choosing, and wait for buyers to show an interest.

Per College Fashion, clothing lovers who enjoy thrift store shopping enjoy finding amazing options on Poshmark just as much. Instead of dropping off all of your old clothing in a donation bag to a thrift store, you can see some of your money come back through sales. When you're snapping pictures of your clothing, you should make sure that you're utilizing bright lighting, solid backgrounds, and high-quality cameras. Zooming in on important details such as pockets, buttons, zippers, and emblems will also help you make sales.

Sell unused tech devices to BuyBackWorld

There's no reason to have an iPad from 2014 laying on your bookshelf collecting dust. There's also no reason to have old flip phones from the early 2000s taking up space in your junk drawer either. If you've noticed that you have tons of old or outdated technology laying around your home, it might be time to sell those items. BuyBackWorld is one of the best places to go if you want to sell off pieces of technology that you no longer use.

They offer a fast and free process with instant cash quotes online. According to Good Housekeeping, getting rid of your old technology for a dollar value means becoming familiar with the steps required for a safe transaction first. You'll want to make sure that any newer smartphones, laptops, or tablets have been completely wiped so that anyone who buys them in the future won't have access to your personal information. After all of your details are gone, you can sell off your items for a little bit of extra money.
