How To Banish Brain Fog For Good

Have you ever been at work and couldn't remember where you placed the paper that was just in your hands? Have you ever been in mid-conversation and couldn't recall a detail or a fact feeling like it was just out of reach of your memory? If you have experienced situations such as these, you may be suffering from brain fog. According to the Cleveland Clinic, brain fog doesn't have just one definition. It's actually made up of many different symptoms that affect us cognitively. If you have trouble staying attentive, remembering names or places, are experiencing fatigue, or just feel a cloud over your judgment, you may be suffering from brain fog.

Because so many more of us are experiencing these symptoms, there has been more research done as to why. If these things are holding you back from your daily activities at work or with your family, there are steps you can take to lessen the impact that the fogginess in your brain is causing.

What is brain fog?

Most of us are caught off guard when brain fog hits. When we can't remember a name or a detail that happened just days ago, it can be a very helpless feeling. Many wonder what causes this curtain to fall over our thinking. Healthline mentions that it could be a number of things. Stress causes our brains to glaze over. Stress exhausts our brains and creates that feeling of fogginess. In addition, lack of sleep, hormonal changes, and diet can also play a part in how well we are doing cognitively. If we aren't taking care of our most basic needs, our brain suffers, and so do we.

In addition to taking care of ourselves, brain fog can also be attributed to long-haul COVID-19 and is actually one of the top three symptoms when determining whether or not a person is suffering from this. In a 2021 study, 7% of those who complained of long-haul COVID experienced brain fog that made it difficult for them to carry out their daily responsibilities. In addition, pregnancy is another factor that impacts brain fog. Women who are pregnant can experience a form of brain fog called pregnancy brain (via Baby Center).

How to get rid of brain fog

No matter the cause, brain fog is frustrating; however, there may be things we can do to ease the impact of it and get ourselves to clearer thinking. Synergy Health Associates suggests cutting back on sugar and increasing the healthy fats you're eating. Fat helps our brain function. Healthy fats like nuts, legumes, and avocados will help you access clearer thinking. In addition, UFC Health explains the importance of aerobic exercise when it comes to optimal brain function. While we exercise, our brains release adrenaline into the blood improving thinking and memory. 

Finally, getting enough sleep is essential for your body and mind. Sleep deprivation is detrimental to our overall well-being. Forbes explains that in order for us to feel our best, we need to get the right amount of sleep. It's not always possible, but striving for 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night will help us handle stress better and improve our brain function. If you find yourself in situations where you cannot access the information you used to recall easily, try to feed yourself well and give your body exercise and rest. It may make the difference in clearing out the fog that can take over your thinking.
