How To Get Rid Of Acne Under The Skin

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Anyone who has ever had to deal with acne before has most likely had to deal with a blind pimple. This type of acne is unique, as it isn't visible because it forms beneath the skin. Although it isn't visible, you know it's there, and it can present a whole different set of problems. For those who can't resist popping a pimple, a blind pimple can be excruciating because it isn't easy to spot. While it isn't much different from your regular acne, blind pimples need to be dealt with.

According to Skin Spa New York, a blind pimple is simply cystic acne that has been caught underneath the skin and can't come to the surface. Typically, blind pimples happen the same as regular acne, due to a buildup of oil, sebum, and dirt. However, these clogs happen well near the bottom of the pore and get trapped by the oil. Because they form underneath the skin, this causes the skin to get inflamed but doesn't cause a "head" to form. This is why you don't see a classic whitehead form even though you may feel a bump.

While they may not have a head, blind pimples can still wreak havoc on your self-esteem simply by knowing it exists. However, just like regular acne, there are ways you can help treat existing blind pimples and prevent future ones from happening.

How to treat blind pimples

Like other forms of acne, it's important to know that popping, or attempting to pop, blind pimples will do much more harm than good. Because blind pimples happen so close to the nerves and deep into the pore, they are technically unpoppable. By attempting to pop them, you are just stressing out the skin more and are going to cause scarring. Instead, Hum Nutrition recommends using the power of skincare to get rid of blind pimples. Use topical solutions with acne-treating ingredients such as salicylic acid that can help subdue inflammation. Applying these ingredients directly onto the skin can help the inflammation go down quicker.

On the other hand, La Roche-Posay recommends using ice to help calm down any inflammation. This tip is great if you need to reduce inflammation for an event and need to reduce swelling rapidly. For long-term treatment, you also want to make sure to keep your face as clean as possible. This includes using a proper cleanser to clear your skin of dirt and grime that can further clog your acne. While there's no magic solution to getting rid of blind pimples, there are various steps you can take once they happen. However, one of the best ways to ensure you don't deal with blind pimples is by preventing them from happening in the first place.

What you need to know about blind pimples

Like most types of acne breakouts, you want to ensure you're doing everything you can to avoid acne. Whether it calls for switching up your routine or lifestyle changes, these precautions can be the difference between getting blind pimples or not.

Oliva Skin & Hair Clinic recommends lifestyle changes such as constantly switching out your pillowcase and making sure you are thoroughly cleaning your face. Because we spent around eight hours on the same pillowcase every night, you want to ensure you are changing it out repeatedly to avoid sleeping on accumulated bacteria and dirt. This is why you also want to ensure you are thoroughly cleaning your skin often, even if you're not wearing makeup. Since every day can bring dirt, bacteria, and oils to the skin, you'll want to ensure your skin is kept clean.

To avoid accumulating oil and unnecessary chemicals on the face, you may also want to keep an eye on the ingredient lists on your makeup and skincare products. As Derm Collective suggests, choose products that are both oil-free and noncomedogenic to prevent any clogging of the pores. Another unreported cause of acne is oils from your hair spreading to your skin. Because of the close contact, especially if you have long hair, oils can transfer from your hair to the skin and cause clogging of the pores. For this reason, you'll want to ensure you are also cleansing your hair often to avoid any transfer.
