Lifestyle Tips From Leslie Jordan That Everyone Should Adopt

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The sudden passing of one of the most beloved actors of our time caught the world off guard. Leslie Jordan died on Monday, October 24, from a fatal car accident in Hollywood, California (via NPR). A beloved actor and Instagram ray of sunshine, Jordan left this world at just 67 years old. Tragedies like this one invite many of us to reflect on everything that Jordan brought to our lives in terms of humor, entertainment, and music. The Tennessee native was best known for his role as the witty Beverly Leslie on "Will and Grace," though he was also adored for captivating roles in "American Horror Story" and "Call me Kat" (via IMDb). Although he made us laugh on the screen, he was also a songwriter, performer, and Instagram entertainer who attained nearly six million followers.

When the COVID-19 pandemic first entered the scene, Jordan showed us his face and made us laugh from his mother's home for 80 consecutive days. Not only was he loved from afar by those comforted by his efforts at making others smile, but the actors with whom he worked also adored him. In fact, Sean Hayes took to Twitter to say, "My heart is broken. There will never be anyone like him. A unique talent with an enormous, caring heart." Although he was known for his acting roles and his singing, Jordan had a beautiful outlook on life that inspired others to live better. His tips on how to live life to the fullest are simple and inspiring, and you can apply them to your daily routines, too.

Make your workouts fun

We can all agree with Leslie Jordan that life is too short to have boring workouts. In fact, he maintained that workouts should be fun. In a video he posted to Facebook showing him starting his days with Julie, his virtual workout partner, Jordan discussed the importance of completing a fitness routine every day. He also said he swam some days and completed 20 minutes on his elliptical on others. He explained, "You just gotta do it. You feel better, so why not?" 

We can all learn a few things about laughing more during our workouts. To follow Jordan's advice and to make your workout more fun, invite a friend, play a sport, or dance like no one is watching. Furthermore, Time Magazine tells readers to find a workout to suit their personality. If you'd rather be social, join a class at the gym. If you prefer your workouts to be outside, go for a hike. If you need to relax, work yoga into your routine. You'll feel good from the inside out if you can find something you enjoy. You'll also be more willing to complete the workout if you're looking forward to it.

Be kind to your face

Leslie Jordan admitted that taking care of his skin was a priority, but he was never fooled by the expensive products. In fact, he boasted in his InStyle article that he stayed away from expensive cleansers and moisturizers and opted instead for Ivory Snow Soap and Oil of Olay. In addition, he recommended affordable sunscreen. "I slather on a sunscreen from Murad too. You know how you always hear on TV that a product will give you "visible results?" When I tried Murad, it was the first time I actually saw them." Now, we need to try Murad's City Skin Age Defense Broad Spectrum SPF 50 sunscreen, too!

He goes on to commend at-home masks from Lush. Sarah Freia suggests Lush masks like Catastrophic Cosmetic and Mask of Magniminty to repair and renew skin. In addition to his at-home care, he warns others against getting too much work done on their faces. "I think we've got to grow old gracefully, so my advice is to leave your face alone," he explains in his InStyle article. According to Jordan, too, if your face feels fresh and natural, you're ready to take on the world. Wise words!

Find your best light

Leslie Jordan also had opinions on how best to interact on social media. He mentioned to InStyle that a trick to making effective posts on Instagram was finding your light. Jordan admits that he never used filters or ring lights but instead counted on natural light to give him a glow. He also recommended that the backgrounds of each picture should be thought out. Plants and beautiful art should replace unmade beds and messy desks. No matter what, he encouraged those who post to put themselves in the best light possible. "I don't use filters, but my secret is my desk sits at a window, and we have that beautiful California sunlight. I've tried those ring lights, but natural light is best," he succinctly offered.

Jordan has given us many lifestyle tips on beauty and wellness throughout the years, but those are not his only gifts. We just have to reflect on how he lived his life to really understand him. In fact, on his official Instagram page, a representative said following his death, "The love and light that Leslie shared will never go out.." Of course, he didn't need a ring light or filters to give him a glow; he shone from within. Ultimately, Jordan will be remembered for shining his bright, natural light onto us all. 
