How To Work Out Without Ever Stepping Foot In A Gym

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Working out is an excellent and productive way to spend some of your spare time each day. Exercising can help you increase your confidence, provide a sense of accomplishment, and make you feel more motivated. Plus, keeping up with consistent physical activity can boost your mood, help prevent chronic diseases, keep your skin healthy, and improve your sleep (via Healthline).

As beneficial as working out is for your body and mind, we understand that not everyone wants to go to the gym. After all, gym memberships can be expensive, you'll have to figure out and pay for transportation if you don't live super close to a gym, and not everyone is comfortable exercising in front of other people. However, you shouldn't let disliking the gym stop you from working out. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, too much lack of exercise can heighten your risk of getting heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even some forms of cancer, so everyone should prioritize physical activity, even if you hate going to the gym. Luckily, there are ways to work out without attending a gym.

Go for a jog or run

Running is a great exercise that doesn't require a visit to the gym. Sure, you can pay to run on an elliptical or treadmill, but why not save some money and go for a more traditional run outside when the weather is nice? If you don't want to go for a full-on run, jogging is an option. Jogging is helpful for many reasons, such as weight loss, improving your immune system, relieving stress, and managing depression, per Healthline.

If you want to start going for runs, you should be aware of some safety tips, especially when you're first starting this type of exercise. For instance, you shouldn't push yourself too far in the beginning — allow your body to get used to it (via Runtastic). After a successful run, you must remember to let your body rest and recuperate. "It must adapt to the new demands on the cardiovascular system and prepare your muscles and bones for the next run," running expert Sascha Wingenfeld told Runtastic. 

You should also find a safe, comfortable environment to run or jog in to avoid injuries. Some areas to consider include asphalt pavements, parks, beaches, and actual tracks for running. Of course, avoid jogging or running on busy streets or alone in secluded areas in the dark. And don't forget to invest in a pair of sneakers for running to support your feet!

Do push-ups and/or sit-ups on an exercise mat at home

For this exercise, you won't even have to leave your home! We understand that many people may feel intimidated by push-ups and sit-ups, as a lot of people probably haven't had to do those types of workouts since gym class in high school. However, doing these exercises at your own pace without the pressure of anyone watching you will make for a much better experience. If you don't remember the proper form for how to do a push-up, you can find plenty of tutorials on YouTube, but some simple tips include avoiding sticking your butt up or keeping your arms uneven. While doing push-ups isn't a new or trendy workout, this activity is excellent for your physical health, as push-ups can help you burn calories, give you a better sense of balance, fix your posture, and make you more flexible (via WebMD).

On the other hand, sit-ups are a helpful workout for a stronger core in addition to strengthening your abdominal and hip muscles, helping you become more flexible, and improving your diaphragm, per Healthline. While this exercise is pretty straightforward and starts with you lying on your back, you'll find a plethora of sit-up tutorials on YouTube if you want to learn the best possible form and technique. You should also invest in a workout mat for more comfortable exercise and to avoid sweating on your floor or carpet.

Buy a workout DVD to exercise from home

If you have a DVD player and enough room in your home to work out, you should consider an exercise DVD. Of course, you should still tie your hair back, keep a bottle of water near you, and wear athletic clothing when working out at home, but you likely won't feel as much nervousness or pressure as you would at a gym or in a group atmosphere.

There are countless exercise DVDs available, so you'll find one for any workout. For example, if you want to feel tougher while completing some martial arts-inspired exercises, you should look into the Beachbody CORE DE FORCE Base Kit DVD Workout Program. These workouts will help you burn calories through moves based on boxing and Muay Thai. Available on Amazon for below $75, this workout DVD has 4.5 out of five stars.

On the other hand, if you want a more soothing workout, yoga is a beneficial option. The Yoga for Beginners Deluxe 6 DVD Set: 8 Yoga Video Routines for Beginners can help you become stronger and more flexible while helping you feel calmer. Available for around $15 on Amazon, this DVD set has 4.5 stars. Or, if you enjoy dancing, you should consider the Zumba 101 Dance Fitness for Beginners Workout DVD. This Amazon's Choice item sells for only about $10 and has 4.3 stars with more than 4,000 reviews.

Take stairs instead of elevators

We know how tempting it is to hop on the elevator instead of taking the stairs, but when you give in to that temptation, you're missing out on a great workout opportunity, which some countries seem to understand. While elevators are in most buildings in the United States, they aren't so common in Paris, per New York Habitat Blog. You can see an example of this in "Emily in Paris" during the scene where Emily must run down countless stairs to get help when her shower stops working (via YouTube).

While it may seem tiring to take the stairs, this will give you a free workout, helping you burn calories. Think of it this way: would you rather sweat a bit after climbing the stairs, knowing you chose the healthier option, or have to wait for a boring elevator ride with lame music and strangers? Of course, you should consider safety, though; if you're alone at night, somewhere where you don't feel comfortable, climbing the stairs may not be your safest option, as being alone in the dark could put you at risk of attack or injury. So, even if you're trying to be healthy, never forget to use common sense. We recommend avoiding using earbuds on the stairs alone at night so you can always be aware of your surroundings. But if it's daytime and you feel safe, try pretending you live in Paris and take the stairs for a free workout.

Lift weights at home

If you want to be stronger with muscular arms, you should focus on lifting weights as your most prominent at-home workout. You should do some research first to learn about different ways to lift weights from home and to understand how to correctly position your body when lifting. You can find many tutorials on YouTube, and some basic dumbbell workouts include squats, biceps curls, and lunges (via YouTube). As with any other exercise, you must be cautious of safety tips to get the most out of your workout and avoid hurting yourself. A few safety rules to remember are being diligent about warming up and cooling down, avoiding pushing yourself further than your body can handle, and letting your body recover for a couple of days after a workout, per Harvard Health Publishing.

As long as you're safe and careful, weight-lifting is very good for your health. According to Healthline, lifting weights will help you get stronger muscles, give you a trimmer look, and benefit your heart while helping you feel good about yourself. Anyone who wants to purchase dumbbells for their weight-lifting journey can find dumbbells at Target for around $10 each. These dumbbells come in weights of two all the way to 15 pounds, and they have 4.4 stars with about 500 reviews.

So, are you ready for a gym-free workout?
