10 Tips Every Job Seeker Should Know To Land The Career Of Their Dreams

No one wants to feel like they're waking up every day to go to a job they absolutely dread, or are living only for the weekend, scraping by Monday through Friday to reach two short days of freedom.

Overwhelming feelings of boredom, disappointment, or stress when it comes to their current job can lead people to begin the hunt for their dream job. According to Work It Daily, during this process, it's important for job seekers to focus on understanding their expectations. There is a lot to consider while trying to land a dream job and it's important to set goals and remain productive in order to have the best shot at reaching career goals (via Career Attraction). Additionally, when it comes to current workforce predictions and trends, job seekers should be aware that they have far more negotiating power now than ever before when it comes to their salaries and responsibilities (via Vista Today).

Landing your dream job doesn't have to feel like an unachievable dream and putting yourself in a position to be hired by a company that you adore is actually totally realistic. Here are several helpful tips for job seekers who are looking to land the job of their dreams.

Research the company

The first thing to do when trying to land your dream job is research. You want to become as knowledgeable as possible about the company you're interested in, the job role you're after, and the history of the company. The more informed you are about your dream job, the more realistic it becomes for you to actually land the position.

Before you apply for a job or show up for an interview, for example, you should look up the company's values and mission statement, learn who the key players of the organization are, and find out if there have been any recent events in the news about the company (via Glassdoor). The company's official website as well as its social media accounts are good places to start, according to Career Sidekick.

Career Sidekick also recommends researching the current and former employees of the company. LinkedIn can be a great resource for this. From there, you can gauge the company's culture based on chosen employees in their lineup. If you can find employee reviews about the company, this will give you even more insight. Lastly, finding out a thing or two about the person interviewing you can give you a leg up.

Volunteer or apply for an internship

When Lauren Conrad worked as an intern for Teen Vogue while filming "The Hills" on MTV, it was a truly inspiring moment. She was a young college student with dreams of making it big in the world of fashion, and in most episodes of the show, she was seen taking on different responsibilities for the company. At the time, working for Teen Vogue was Lauren's dream come true, even though she wasn't earning a paycheck. The internship was simply her foot in the door. According to TopResume, internships fully count as professional experience. And because they do, they should always be added to your resume, regardless of if they were paid, unpaid, or if you received college credits for your time. 

Joblist explains that internships can jumpstart your career before you've even graduated from college. Since so many companies are looking for proven work experience, internships are a way of ensuring that you'll have that valuable experience when it's time to start applying for jobs. Although internships and volunteer work don't provide an immediate paycheck, they can help you get ahead while you're in the process of seeking out your dream job.

Reportedly, Elon Musk served as an intern at a multitude of companies right after he graduated from college. He is now worth an estimated $254 billion (via Bank Rate).

Network with people in the industry

How vital is networking when it comes to landing the career of your dreams? It turns out it's actually incredibly important. According to BetterUp, networking contributes to your social well-being by giving you the opportunity to form potentially life-long professional connections. Some of whom may even become genuine friends over time. These relationships can lead to referrals, which is the primary goal of networking at the end of the day. "Thirty-one percent of job seekers find listings through professional connections, especially referrals," according to BetterUp. "Networking can open doors to new opportunities that might be out of reach otherwise." And because networking gives you the chance to meet different people at various professional levels, it is an exercise in confidence that will benefit you in your job hunt and beyond.

Beyond those, there are many other benefits to networking. According to Forbes, these include gaining noticeability from power players in your industry, finding avenues for new opportunities and growth, and reassessing your skills and qualifications. 

Make sure your resume is up to par with keywords

Your resume is the bridge between you and a hiring manager and is what gives them their very first impression of you (via Management Study Guide). Because of this, making sure that your resume is completely on point is a must if you are planning to land your dream job. Think of your resume as your way of selling your skills, branding yourself, summarizing your career aspirations, and ultimately convincing the hiring manager that you are the best fit for the role in question. 

Another thing to keep in mind is the rise of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). With large pools of applicants, companies are turning to this software to quickly narrow down the field. For the strongest resume that will make it past ATS software, Novorésumé recommends using keywords that describe the specific job requirements of the position you're after. For example, if you want to become a teacher, your resume should include keywords such as patience, communication, imaginative thinking, and leadership. If you want to become the manager of a retail store, your resume should include keywords such as self-motivated, integrity, positive attitude, and sales goals. Unfortunately, without the use of necessary keywords, some employers won't even take the time to look over your resume.

Create a vision board

Visualization is one of the biggest steps you can take on your journey to landing your dream job. The key is to visualize what you want and actually believe it's coming to you. Convince yourself, even if it doesn't feel realistic at first. A Conscious Rethink breaks down five reasons why the creation of a vision board is incredibly valuable: they help you take note of what you actually want in life, they help you become "unstuck" and let your creativity flow, they serve as daily reminders of what you're trying to accomplish, and they can fire up your emotions. Lastly, they're super fun!

Career-focused vision boards, specifically, can be a great way to "clarify your career goals, and give you a roadmap to achieve them," according to Basics by Becca. Fill your board with images of your dream job, such as the uniform, the salary, and the inspiration behind why the job would make you happy. You can even go as far as adding images of the things you'll be able to purchase after receiving your first paycheck. Are you hoping to land your dream job so you can save up for a new car? Add an image of that car to your vision board. Do you want to land a job that will give you the financial freedom to go on vacations every once in a while? Add pictures of your favorite destinations to the vision board as well.

Dress for the job you want, not the job you have

When people say to "dress for the job you want, not the job you have," it's actually great advice. If your dream job is to work for a fashion magazine in New York City, you'll want to dress in outfits that resemble those of people who've already landed the position there.

The way you dress is sending constant signals to yourself and others about how you feel in the workforce, according to Forbes. If you take care of your appearance by showing up to work looking as professional as possible, other people will notice your dedication and effort. The way you dress can also impact your attitude (via NineOneNine Marketing Co.). If you feel confident in what you are wearing, you will come across as self-assured and ready to climb the ladder of success. Anyone who crosses paths with you will instantly be able to sense your determination.

When the interview of your dream finally does get added to your schedule, you should show up wearing what would make you feel the most poised and collected. If you know you look stunning in a collared blue button-up top tucked into a pencil skirt, wear that. If you prefer the way you look in a classy pinstripe pantsuit, wear that.

Be willing to work your way up

You already know that you want your dream job, but what are you willing to do to make that happen? Are you willing to work your way up to the top, even if that means starting at the bottom? This is a question all job seekers should ask themselves as they embark on the journey of landing their dream jobs. Many companies want to see employees prove themselves at lower-level positions before they're considered for higher-level spots.

Staying stagnant usually isn't anyone's goal, so typically, if you can get your foot in the door at your dream company, you may be able to climb the ladder over time through internal promotions. However, according to Not Going to Uni, once you're in, you can't just sit around and hope your employer notices all the hard work you've been doing. You have to actually put yourself out there and apply for internal promotions that suit your skillset as they become available.

Make sure you have a reliable list of references

A reliable list of references is something your potential employer might request of you. Prioritize supervisors and bosses you've had in the past that you got along well with. You might also consider adding mentors, college professors, and people you've networked with over the years.

Hiring managers are curious to learn details about your work history and personality from the references you include on your list (via PrismHR). When you provide them with reliable references, the employer gets a chance to know the real you. Talking with people you know on a professional level about who you are as a person helps them gauge your work ethic, reliability, attitude, and more. 

According to Business.com, although creating a list of references might seem trivial, it's actually hugely impactful. While you might not think hiring managers will bother contacting the people on your references list, they often times do attempt to reach out. For this reason, it's paramount that you make sure the phone numbers and email addresses on your reference list are updated and current.

Ask insightful questions at the end of your interview

If you want to show an employer that you're excited about the position, you should be prepared to ask insightful questions at the end of your interview to show that you're just as interested in them as they are in you.

Asking what the day-to-day responsibilities of the role look like benefits you in the long run by preparing you for what to expect (via Prospects). You can also ask where the company is headed in the next five to 10 years. A question like this indicates you're interested in staying with them long-term. 

According to Harvard Business Review, additional questions to cover at the end of an interview include those about the team (Who will I work with most closely?), questions about the company and its culture (What do new employees typically find surprising after they start?), and questions about professional development and career progression (How does the team I'll be part of continue to grow professionally?).

Never forget your worth

You should never forget your worth on your journey to landing your dream job. Knowing how much value you can bring to a company should make you feel confident about ultimately getting the position. If you feel doubtful or insecure about landing your dream job, it may be difficult for you to hide that frame of mind from the person interviewing you. You have to be willing to challenge your negative thoughts to improve your self-esteem (via Mayo Clinic). If a negative thought or doubt enters your brain, you have to be strong enough to fight it back by using hopeful statements, focusing on the positive, and encouraging yourself.

According to Psych Alive, building your self-esteem and self-worth is a process that doesn't take place overnight because you have to be able to shut down the inner voices that want to undermine your confidence. If you're willing to stand up for yourself against all of the doubtful thoughts that pop up in your mind, you'll prove that you are the perfect candidate for your dream job. Because if you believe it yourself first, others will have no other choice but to also.
