The Best Astrology Apps For Your Daily Dose Of Cosmic Energy

Many see astrology as a niche interest enjoyed by a select few, but it's actually more popular than ever and experts say the rise of social media is fueling the demand for cosmic insights. Mystical services are a $2.2 billion dollar market (via Los Angeles Times), and astrology apps have become a dominating cultural force over the last few years. "Nearly 40 percent of American women read their horoscope at least once a month," Sanctuary Astrology CEO Ross Clark explained to The Cut, "That's not a niche market. What other thing with that level of frequency would you describe as niche?"

But the astrology of today's youth isn't exactly the astrology their parents grew up on. Today, astrology enthusiasts are expanding beyond sun sign astrology and digging deep into birth chart analysis with the help of some powerful and trendy new astrology apps. "Within the natal chart you can see personality, drives, fears, parental relationships, siblings, children, psychological patterns, and more on one sheet of paper," astrologer Janelle Belgrave told Refinery29. However, with so many free apps and tools available, and so much to learn, it can be confusing to figure out how to choose the best astrology app for your level of knowledge. 

Here, we've broken down the five most popular astro apps for learning everything from your sun sign to romantic synastry. Keep reading to find your perfect match.

Best Astrology App for Newbies: TimePassages

TimePassages is an award-winning program created by astrologer Henry Seltzer and the free app version offers a look at the basics of your birth chart. "Time Passages will really give you detailed information on your entire chart. It's way better than Co-Star," tweeted one Twitter user. 

In addition to getting more in-depth insights into your astrological placements, TimePassages also offers daily interpretations of your horoscopes personalized by your birth data, up-to-the-minute interpretations of current astrological transits, and features an expansive glossary that teaches you common astrology terms.

The initial download of TimePassages is free, but paying for the full app unlocks new content, including the ability to cast birth charts and forecast astrological transits. Not only will this add depth to your astro–knowledge, but many astrologers also say it's the quickest way to teach yourself astrology. "Checking transits as they happen will immediately start training your brain to make those predictions and delineations on your own, while push notifications are meant to steer you into a single direction, pigeonholing your day, when there are always so many delineation options!!" tweeted one Twitter user about TimePassages.

Most Interactive Astrology App: Sanctuary Astrology & Psychic

Sanctuary Astrology & Psychic is a massively popular astrology app that focuses on creating a daily horoscope and personalized birth chart tool that is accessible, interactive, and easy to use. "The app Sanctuary is so good if you want to get into astrology, it breaks down your chart by house and planet placement with description and also teaches the basics," one Twitter user shared. Whether in their writing or the design, Sanctuary focuses on creating a welcoming and empowered environment that allows users to learn what makes them unique, while connecting them to the universe (and to each other!).

In addition to its robust collection of educational resources and birth chart tools, Sanctuary is the first-ever astrology app to provide live, on-demand personalized readings with professional astrologers. This gives users the chance to research their birth chart on their own and then connect with professionals for further guidance and insights. "Astrology is a huge community," Haley Houseman, creative director for Sanctuary Astrology, told The Daily Bruin. "There are tons of different approaches. There are folks who have been doing this for their whole professional lives or just starting out, so there's a lot of levels of expertise."

Most Talked About Astrology App: Chani

With its emphasis on personal growth, shadow work, and manifestation, the Chani app is the perfect tool for moon-mapping your next career move, relationship, or grand adventure. "I hope that people find themselves in it and in the finding of themselves, feel a little healed and motivated to just get on with life, to use those skills and those talents and those definitive marks that have been placed upon them and just go forth with some confidence," Chani Nicholas, astrologer and founder of the Chani app, told WBUR, regarding how people should use astrology. 

To share her message with a larger audience, Nicholas launched the Chani app. Built by astrologers for astrologers, the app features weekly audio readings, a comprehensive birth chart analysis with detailed explanations, and a personal journal (via Coveteur). According to Nicholas, it is "astrology for self-discovery, mindfulness, and healing" delivered in a seamless, robust, and updated manner.

Best Astrology App for Self Discovery: The Pattern

Looking for love in all the wrong places? Or maybe you're just looking to dip your toes in the waters of astrology without diving in fully. Whatever the case, you'll want to check out The Pattern, the best non–astrology-focused app. While The Pattern does pull astrological data to deliver daily insights and tips, it frames the information in a more easy-to-understand way for beginners. "I truly feel this app is for every single person in the world because every person wants to feel seen and understood," Lisa Donovan, founder of The Pattern, told Bustle. "I'm just trying to make sure [that insight] is delivered in a way that is really palatable, and everybody can understand it."

Not only does The Pattern focus on clarity over convulsion, but it also helps users forecast and map patterns and cycles occurring in their lives, so they can make informed decisions around things like their love life, career, and more. One Twitter user said, "You guys really need to download this app called The Pattern. It will read you for FILTH. But it will let you know what patterns keep you from your best self and what your best self may potentially feel like."

Best Astrology App for Experts: Astrology Zone

In the world of astrology and online horoscopes, there's no name more familiar than Astrology Zone. For the last 25 years, professional astrologer Susan Miller has been sharing her celestial insights with millions. What makes both Susan Miller and the Astrology Zone app so helpful is the clarity and directness with which complicated astrological concepts get broken down. "It's not just learning the mathematical systems that's important," Susan Miller shared with Harper's Bazaar. "It has to marinate. You have to live with it. You have to see the cycles."

And seeing the cycles in your own astrology is exactly what Astrology Zone delivers. From daily and monthly horoscopes to compatibility reports, essays, and more, the app is a one-stop shop for folks who are already familiar with their birth chart and are looking to fine-tune their expertise.

And if you're wondering what exactly makes this app and Susan Miller herself among the most popular sources of astrological advice, the answer is simple: "Susan's success [when I met her] was based on the same thing as her success now: she genuinely loves what she does and believes in it, and also genuinely loves people," Cindi Leive, editor-in-chief of Glizour, told The Verge.
